
Wha'ts the deal with NoFap? Anyone ever try it -- any results?

also any book recs related to pornography and its effects on the human brain/psychology. Something that isn't complete pseudoscience? really trying to find out if us twentysomethings have fried our brains for good, or if there's hope.

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Fapping every few days is fine. Just no porn

a load of bullshit made by catholics

shit thread die teen

This. Though since I started having sex I don't feel the need to fap as much.

>TFW watched porn again yesterday after going almost a week.
>Feel like shit again.

It's fucking impossible to quit lads.

The fear of God is a powerful thing, you know

No, masturbation itself isn't so bad but you shouldn't over-do it. Consumption of pornography fucks your brain in multiple ways, mainly the reward system. Best to keep masturbation at 3-4 day intervals at minimum (I do it once every 2 weeks) and to simply use your imagination for material, no porn.

Good thing it doesn't exist, certainly not as some anthropomorphic, interpersonal sky daddy that cares enough about some random animals to be an item worth fearing. If the latter were the case then I'd probably become a militant antitheist to try free us from such an alien tyrant. But of course this is just fiction to keep the children in check; bedtime stories.

Imagine thinking fear of anything, let alone some depraved cunt is good thing. Pure mental illness. I'm ashamed to share a species with you.

whoa, that was pretty rude of you Hitchens

It's worth mentioning that the book is more anti-porn than anti-fapping. It also convinced me that the reason the effects of pornography haven't been thoroughly recognized is due to a left wing progressive need to seem "sex positive."

I have genuinely tried very hard to stop. The most I have ever gone without masturbating is 121 days, but I believe I did briefly look at porn during those times, not regularly but I failed a few times. The most I have been able to go without either porn or masturbation is about 70 days. What's frustrating is then it just makes me fantasize all the time and I do not yet have the will to control those fantasies.

Kinda sucks desu. It's a lot easier when I can get physical touch from my girlfriend, but then I just want to fuck her really bad and all the time.

The Christian life is hard, man. Lust feels like my main struggle along with slothfulness, but I'm getting better with the latter.

Recently purchased this book. Looking forward to reading it.

it's more like because it makes tons of fucking do$h and is the easiest way to make a tech startup

the suppression of the harmful effects of cigarettes weren't because of drug positivity

What a dogshit thread.

The psychologists who should be sounding the alarm aren't getting porn money

Start treating porn like a drug. There’s nothing inherently wrong with drinking alcohol, but someone who drinks to excess every day clearly has a problem. Same goes with porn, there’s really nothing wrong with going for a quick fap but doing it every day is a clear sign of misuse and a potential problem.

I went for three months once, I found that I was more attracted to the average woman I saw in my every day life. I had two wet dreams during that time.

Right now I've gone about 3 weeks, and I've been working out 5 times a week. I think it's better this way, because I'm expending my extra sexual energy, so I rarely get urges.

So I hear you guys like books?

>tfw I fap at least 6 times each day, always to super depraved, degenerate shit
>therapist appointment is in two hours
How do I tell him..?

How do you even have that much semen? My nuts get super small if I beat it once a day for a few months

t. Lansky

I don't. There's no cum after the first two/three times

>Christian life

I was completely asexual before nofap,

It's similar to heroin, but instead of just getting you high it's heroin catered to whatever precise niche specifications you have, available in infinite variety and quantity, at no monetary cost any time of the day only two clicks away. It's literally the perfect drug.

Don't read psychologist literature about not masturbating! Instead read tantric, especially Vama Marga literature. I have a lot of female friends and everyone of them complains about their boyfriend's frequency of porn consumption, masturnbation and their resulting sexual shortcomings, which can be summarised as having no empathy, no patience and having to be hurtful in order to even get off.
I find myself to be much less jumpy, much more assertive and concentrated, not too mention talky and genuinely empathetic in conversation when I keep my masturbation sessions ~2 weeks apart and don't watch porn.

All your magical mystical energy is in your sperm, so if you waste it at least drink it back up afterwards. Or at least stay away from porn.

>magical mystical energy in your sperm

actually it was the Mormons

disgusting pudgy pig feet, 3/10

>not understanding the ontological argument

Blowing your load once a day is healthy for the prostate.

Watching porn everyday is bad for the mind. I've found when I travel that I am able to cleanse my mind of porn and it's a liberating experience.

Either have sex, masturbate without porn or get a fleshlight. Go easy on the porn.

>muh prostate
>A 2008 study concluded that frequent ejaculation between the ages of 20 and 40 may be correlated with higher risk of developing prostate cancer. On the other hand, frequent ejaculation in one's 50s was found to be correlated with a lower such risk in this same study.[65]

I went a full year without doing it at all and without watching pornography. It wasn't a conscious choice, I had just stopped one day. It honestly made no major difference psychologically, having more free time was nice. But I had wet dreams occasionally which just make me feel disgusted waking up to a mess like that. And then finally going back to it the sensitivity was intense.

Do you also struggle with feelings of anger?

>masturbation itself isn't so bad but you shouldn't over-do it.
it depends on the person user. If someone is having sex with their partner once or twice a day, and jacking off three times a day in addition to that, but it isn't interfering with their routine beyond taking up some time, what's the problem? If they aren't having any negative effects, what's the problem? For some people, three times a week may be too much. For others, once a day simply isn't enough. I never got why people make such a huge deal of this. Sometimes I watch all kinds of porn, fetish stuff, weird stuff that I would normally never have thought of...sometimes I watch it every day for weeks or months (only in my free time mind you) and sometimes I go months or longer with no porn at all. So please, pray tell, what is the problem, exactly?

>Masturbate five times a day until dick hurts, look at porn for hours a day
>"Maybe I'm overdoing it a little."

Why are you all such faggots

Yes, why?

>Good thing it doesn't exist
Enjoy your nihilism

>It also convinced me that the reason the effects of pornography haven't been thoroughly recognized is due to a left wing progressive need to seem "sex positive."
It's because it's a problem for men, no-one cares then.

I still wack off daily to porn despite knowing all the downsides. Be wary of thinking reading books like OP is enough to make you stop. After all, doesn't every smoker know it is bad for their health? Still doesn't stop me lighting up at least 20 a day.

>so if you waste it at least drink it back up afterwards
I don't that would work and i'm not prepared to try even if it does

Was almost convinced by this post, until:
>atleast drink it back up

It's from excess semen/sexual energy in your body. I love you.


Well I'm not taking a vow of celibacy.

Go read a book chaps, I am now derailing this thread with softcore

bugs.. easy on the juice

Begone Jezebels!

it's a problem for women too though

I'm convinced nofap in this modern age is a way to further feminize and control men. I say in this modern age because in this modern age we are all inundated with sex. Women are encouraged to dress like sluts in public, Instagram/Twitter/Facebook shoves half naked women down our faces all day every day, TV shows, movies, Netflix, news sites, there is so much sex.

Jerking off allows you to not be influenced by all that shit and easily ignore it.

I'm might have been on NoFap if I'd have sex occasionally, but I don't. I'm currently on NoPorn and it feels great. I feel happier and more energetic. Ejaculating to porn is painful and disgusting so obviously it's a good thing not to experience it. I manage to focus on more productive things like reading or writing. If I feel aroused I just put away my phone/computer to avoid temptation of watching porn and go to the bathroom and toss off to mental images of girls I find attractive.

tfw porn and marijuana have made me retarded

If I understand even now that my 20s have been a giant waste, I wonder how I will think of this decade when I'm old. My only consolation to this depravity is my general belief that I could die unexpectedly any day so I might as well bust a nut on a given night

one thing i noticed porn did to me that i havent seen anyone else talk about is how it makes advertising more impactful, back in the 90s before porn i could see ads for food or soda or something and not want it, but after you spend so much time doing your best to imagine yourself in the video of a porn when you see ads you really sense the food more strongly and crave it more, really pisses me off, i can't watch tv or youtube because there is always some soda spraying the screen or a giant pizza rolling by and it's too distracting after years of getting off to porn, in the 90s i didn't even notice ads

i think porn is bad but jacking off is natural and essential, hell even if fucking dogs will hump a couch of they get horny enough

i used to think it was bad to jack it to chicks you know in real life because it would make u more weird and shy around them but after almost two decades of wacking it to random pornstars it's definitely more healthy to jack it to a chick you know, although i still think it's a jinx to fap to a chick you have a chance with


Its like heroin with none of the negative affects!!
literally the P E R F E C T drug

>All your magical mystical energy is in your sperm, so if you waste it at least drink it back up afterwards
Can confirm. One of the only "life hacks" that truly work for me.
If nothing else, you'll think twice before partaking in pointless masturbation.

Hey Anons, my favourite book is Moby Dick!

I only look and 2D porn and pretend that It's somehow better for me.

I've gone without porn for 8 months now, don't have a problem with it right now, but I can't go nofap for more than 2 weeks because I simply cannot concentrate and just start fantasising too much and it keeps me from studying, which is real bad. Quit porn when I started going to the Tridentine mass because I wanted to take communion regularly, but the bishop then fucked us over so we get it only once a month. Sadly, tfw no gf. I

I do that too, but it is mostly because girls in 3d porn just make me sad.


nice literature thread

What are you reading, user?

Considering how christian morals has shaped society and how we have deserted them now. I doubt any attempt to traditionalize can be bad. now days.

that's a silly opinion, we still live in a very christian society.

if you do it unoften enough you don't have to fantasize in the first place

A guy I've known for around two years has been trying to convince me that hentai (and 2D porn in general) is art. I'm no expert obviously, but porn has had a fairly negative effect on my life and daily disposition to the point where I'd like to get rid of it completely. Does he have a point and I'm just biased or is he beyond help?

No, not at all. There's almost nothing left.

Not at all. Abstaining from masturbation in the context of a well-informed religious practice is good for you. The problem is that most "nofappers" have no idea how or why or what the benefits of abstaining is, so they start coming up with all sorts of pseudo-scientific rationalisations, like that women can someone "sense" if you masturbate or not, or some wierd shit like that. The fact that they always rationalise their no fapping in terms of either women or machoism shows that they completely miss the point.

>none of the negative affects!

I think its ads honestly getting better.

>Blowing your load once a day is healthy for the prostate.

>nofap in this modern age is a way to further feminize and control men.

porn and masturbation control men by taking away their energy. nofap invigorates men.

eventually you should distance yourself from fantasies of girls you're not fucking and just focus on the sensation.

>Good thing it doesn't exist, certainly not as some anthropomorphic, interpersonal sky daddy that cares enough about some random animals to be an item worth fearing. If the latter were the case then I'd probably become a militant antitheist to try free us from such an alien tyrant. But of course this is just fiction to keep the children in check; bedtime stories.


>tfw sexual narcissist who would rather jack it in the mirror than watch porn

That's not true. The topic of sexual morale alone gives us plenty of examples of christian worldview outlasting explicit christian religiosity. The sexual role of the woman as a masturbatory tool for the man and object of the sexual practice opposite the male subject, the reduction of the sexual to the act of penetration, the construction of the sexual as intertwined with the romantic/intimate, the construction of the sexual as primitive and bodily opposite the mental and rational - all are relics of christianised society. Sure, there are deviants who for some reason or another live their sexuality differently, but mainstream western sexuality is still profoundly christian. Porn itself is severely tainted by christianised sexual morale.

Just read this book. It'll make you crave a new kind of sexuality.Soon you'll find porn to be lacking and just get bored/disgusted by it.

This book. It's quite scholarly but also pretty entertaining in its weird satanic edginess.

Malte Laurids Brigge Notebooks, kino I tell ya.

Reminder that jews openly brag about controlling the porn industry and using it to attack white people. Read it in their own words. These people are your enemy, they hate you:

wow you are such a weirdo fuck

Better than watching porn desu, don't forget to drink your cum afterwards or you might slowly lose all your magical powers.

i cant fap without porn. Honestly my sexual drive is really low, once a week i masturbate with some porn, because its healthy and relieving, but without porn i would be not inclined to masturbate.

Then why do you do it? Your body will tell you when it needs you to jack it, don't worry.

fine by me

What about fapping to your friends?

my body tells me when i should fap but i dont want to do it. I see it as meaningless and disgusting. Looking at sweet bodies and few seconds of orgasm are my only pleasures from this futile excercise i detest so much

Shut up pseud.

No fap is legit. You will feel a difference within a week. By the end of two weeks you will feel like a cyborg. In a month you'll feel like a superman, and by the end of two months you'll feel like a demigod.

I don't know what happens after that because I
be always cracked at this point and fapped.

Seriously though, everything, EVERYTHING you do will improve and be done with greater ease and efficiency.

Also, the sexual cravings will vanish altogether after a while, and then only appear on occasion as a wave of passion - that said, the waves will be WAY more intense than any normal stimulation.

Also, after an extended nofap - contrary to what you might expect, I was able to have sex for much longer without ejaculating. When I say much longer, I mean five hours straight, compared to my normal thirty minutes to an hour.

Give it a try and see for yourself OP.


You're not alone, OP.

>t. Pseud

>In a month you'll feel like a superman
Can't wait to get to that level again. Magic is real. Reality bends to my every whim. The entire universe is in my balls.

If you don't really care for it that much, why not just let it be and harness the power of your stamina, canalise it into something worthwhile? Sounds like it would be easy for you. Your lack of desire might just be a blessing.

Seems interesting, I'll take a look at it sometime.

what if i just like porn? I like evocatic hysteria of jessie andrews in glasses scene, how she embrace her feminity in position subservient, but also self-indulgent. I like seeing smile and something that looks like honest happyiness of Adriana Chechik after she is done with triple anal penetratrion. I like nihilistic apathy of Ria Sunn, how she transendends her feminime subservience into powerful image of persona that cannot be broken. I like high-end kino porn. I like amateur porn with all its quirks. I LOVE Behind The green door, and patrician scene of ejaculation (10 minutes of psychedelic bliss). Pornography may not be art, but it has some artistic qualities no question asked

>tfw woke up with a hangover
>told some black guy I met on /r9k/ that I love cuckolding and we talked about me being his sissy for at least five hours, don't remember a lot though, way too much alcohol
>also apparently I spammed a Discord server till the admin (my friend) banned me so that I stop making a fool out of myself
>also talked about suicide as usual
>after waking up I already fapped twice to black men fucking white bois and feel so fucking guilty
The jews have won, at least in my case. Should probably just end it all

The Jews didn't make you into a loser, user. You did that to yourself.

Yeah, I have nobody to blame but myself. Never had a chance, haha.

You had chances and still do. It's you that isn't taking them. Better yourself.

People who are addicted to fapping are attracted to nofap. After stopping fapping for a week, they feel better, and go along with the nofap narrative that you should never fap, even for hundreds of days in a row.

The problem with nofap is that it goes too far. Yes, fapping can deplete you of energy and focus, but if you space it correctly, the effects are small. Personally, I prefer to go two weeks in between faps.

The idea that you should never fap, ever, is totally ludicrous.