Norwegian litterature

What are the must-reads among Norwegian literature? Is Ibsen worth reading?

per petterson

Ibsen and Hamsun. That's it. Knausgaard's books are too long and boring for me to tell you whether or not he's good.

Heimskringla. It was written by an Icelander but it's about Norwegian kings.

I actually have that book, is it any good outside of being a document of history?

Knut Nærum is mandatory

>Is Ibsen worth reading?
No. Ibsen is good, but his plays are shallow and political.

Don't read anything before Hamsun, and avoid Norwegian neo-realism.

You have to go back

what is wrong with this?

>Ibsen demonstrating his opinions on marriage, by describing the boring and unfulfilling lives of bourgeoisie women

I agree with you on this matter, I thought you were of the opinion that political literature in general was bad.

Well I disagree. His plays aren't "wah, I'm a bored housewife" for 2 hours as some high school-student may take away. They're layered, exploring portrayals of marginalised people. I know of noone else who writes female characters as well. He captures the essence of who we are as humans - beyond gender boundaries.

Yes, you should read Ibsen, OP. Start with Hedda Gabler. Someone said she's the female equivalent of Hamlet, in terms of complex character. I agree.

if Ibsen is food enough for Joyce to learn Norwegian and write fan letters then he's gonna enough for the pseuds on Veeky Forums

What about Lars Saabye Christensen? Is he any good?

Are you 15 years old?

nei fyfaen gutta, hvorfor har vi så forferdelige forfattere?

Det har vi ikke, men jeg kommer ikke til å fortelle deg hva som er bra.

>He captures the essence of who we are as humans - beyond gender boundaries.
Hah! Ibsen writes critique of society. It does not matter how he does it. His plays are one dimensional and opinionated.

Norge har aldri hatt kultur

How's the Brian Johnston translation of Ibsen's plays for Norton?

>Don't read anything before Hamsun, and avoid Norwegian neo-realism.
Fy faen!

In general what are some good translations of these Norwegian works/writers?
>inb4 "learn the language"
>spending any amount of time learning Nord languages

Umm sweetie, people can hear your dog whistling from a mile away.

Norway is not a race or culture. Having pride in being Nordic is inherently racist. It's the same as wanting "state's rights" or "law and order."

get out /pol/

this is perhaps the most pseud post I've ever read

hvor kommer dette memet fra?

Leave Karl Ove to me.

>But the stars twinkle above our heads, the sun shines, the grass grows and the earth, yes, the earth, it swallows all life and eradicates all vestige of it, spews out new life in a cascade of limbs and eyes, leaves and nails, hair and tails, cheeks and fur and guts, and swallows it up again. And what we never really comprehend, or don't want to comprehend, is that this happens outside us, that we ourselves have no part in it, that we are only that which grows and dies, as blind as the waves in the sea are blind.

So the power...of Norwegian literature...really made me a thinken.

>it's not my job to educate you

Jon Fosse

Where do you start with him?

His novels, Aliss at the Fire. I'm not sure about his plays.

Sigrid Undset.

I just read the first two pages and the paragraphs sandwiching the part you cited. Terrible. Why was this rubbish even translated?