Food descriptions by GRRM

> They feasted on tiny savory fish rolled in salt and cooked crisp, and capons stuffed with onions and mushrooms. There were great loaves of brown bread, mounds of turnips and sweetcorn and pea, immense hams and roast geese and trenchers dripping full of venison stewed with barley. For the sweet, servants brought out trays of pastries from the castle kitchens, cream swans and sugar spun unicorns, lemon cakes in the shape of roses, spiced honey biscuits and blackberry tarts, apple crisps and wheels of buttery cheese.

He really is in dire need of an editor

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It sounds pretty erotic desu.


You also forgot his borderline-pornographic descriptions of clothing.

Take a shot every time you read "Boiled leather". You'll die of alcohol poisoning in no time.

>roast geese and trenchers dripping full of venison stewed with barley

I came while reading this


Not to mention "the more she drank, the more she shat," which will go down in literary annals as a classic example of dick-in-hand writing

>Dick in hand writing
Top zoz.

Don't forget the peacocks in almond milk

Can anyone please tell me what's wrong with this kind of description of food and clothing, and whether I should avoid it as a fantasy writer? It's a proven fact that normies love it.

I feel very sated now

I don't know "the more she drank, the more she shat" has a kind of aesthetic internal rhythm to my ear.

The descriptions of food from Redwall are far superior imo

This desu, he frequently and consistently manages to make vegetarian food sound appetizing even if he kinda copies and pastes between books.

Remember that they also eat fish and seafood.

Indeed but it's his descriptions of the scones and stuffed breads and pies that really get you salivating.

Sounds like a limerick

There's a part of me that's always felt that GRRM must have gotten some of his ideas from reading Redwall. There are certain similarities between those books and ASOIAF.

This would be good if he described the food (what the fuck is a cream swan?). I can see what he's trying to do - give the reader an impression of how big the feast is - but it turns out boring. I've never read the books though.

One of these days when I finally have a real bookshelf I should buy up the whole UK hardcover collection, the cover art was aesthetic af.

>not knowing about cream swans
Not GRRM's fault you can't google.

Dang, those are new to me. I had only seen apple swans before.

Nothing wrong with it every now and then, but Martin has a habit of doing it all the goddamn time.

Someone can't come in with a plate of food without him going on about every little bit of it and how good the S U C K L I N G P I G looks. Same with his meme-tier clothing descriptions. I don't think they're that bad by themselves; Martin's descriptions flow nicely and are easy to read, but the frequency with which he uses them is insane.

If your characters are suddenly in a lavish banquet then you can go crazy with the food description if it helps set the scene. Describe the lavish dishes, how they sizzle, the smells, the colors, the SUCKLING PIG. Make your reader feel like they're there, like they're about to eat that delicious food, like they're about to get some of that pig (of the suckling variety).

Just don't use it as often as you'd use a comma. Don't be a Martin.

Any renowned GRRM articles like the The Telegraph's about Dan Brown?

what else do you expect from an autistic food addict