Oi, name your favorite book

Oi, name your favorite book.


The Passion According to G.H.

beneath the wheel? lolita? I really don't know

Republic because I'm a pleb.

Lispector Lispector
The Pleb inspector

The Man Who Was Thursday, GK Chesterton


No shame


Don Quijote

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

idk how about favorite few books

If on a winter's night a traveler
Absalom, Absalom!

I haven't found a single book that I like enough to call it my favorite and feel the urge to reread it.

Not that user, but I unironically love Lolita and I think it's my favorite book

I guess Steppenwolf

ok what do you like about it?

the words

Under The Volcano

