Post a piece of art,get book recommandations

post a piece of art,get book recommandations

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The Penal Colony


The Pillars of Tubal Cain

Fahrenheit 451
(thumbnail looks like matches)

Captain Hatteras: Jules Verne

Day of the Triffids: John Wyndham

i just want cute things

The Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All - Laird Barron

the magus-john fowles

manuscript found in saragossa

I'm up for something like pic related.

any rec?

2001: Space Odyssey



Galactic Pot Healer: PKD


I heard the girl in the painting is crippled.

Anything for this tone and feel?

The Midwich Cuckoos: John Wyndham

Ubik: PKD

There's a story or play by Samuel Beckett where the entire thing is just a man crawling through mud. I'm not sure what it's called and I haven't read it, but that.


A Maze of Death: PKD

The Chrysalids: John Wyndham
only I imagined the girl younger

"Christina's World" happens to be a favourite of mine so I can tell you the "girl" was in her fifties and had some manner of neurodegenerative disorder.

Sorry, but I can't think of any good cripplelit.

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep: PKD

We Have Always Lived in the Castle: Shirley Jackson

Escape From Witch Mountain: A. key

Been meaning to pick up the complete Samuel Beckett so I'm sure i'll find it eventually

How It Is

The People of the Pit: A. Merritt
public domain

thanks, my guy

Clemence Housman's acclaimed The Were-wolf published in 1896.
public domain

The Cay

I love these threads so I can fill up my art folder but also I need recommendations similar to this, some pomo bayou shit

Goethe's Faust I


Roadside Picknick




Ok John Wyndam fan tell me why I should read another of his works after Day of the Triffids? Are they all zombie-plot Hollywood romances, or does he get into some real sci-fi?


Naked Lunch






Listen to Joanna Newsom and read along with the lyrics


The aleph - Borges
Tolstoys short stories
The green child - Herbert Read


investiture of the gods, alternatively sorcerer's revolt

The King in Yellow r w chambers

already read Cioran
get me something good please


Contrapunt by Anna Enquist

nice thx

Annihilation - Vandemeer

Witch Hammer - Kaplicky. Based on real events: witch trials in Bohemia.

not art.

I've been trying to figure out the name of that book for years now, thank you. It got to a point where I wasn't sure if it was even real, that I'd just imagined the synopsis and tied Beckett's name to it.



how is not art?

Always made me think of Wittgenstein's Mistress for some reason, but maybe something by Faulkner would be more fit.
I remember you from another art thread a few days or weeks ago, I remember the piece at least.

I remember that too. This work got posted as well, I think.
I really enjoy these art threads on Veeky Forums. They put /ic/ to shame.


I have a framed vinyl of Ys in my living room, way ahead of you there pal.

i...actually did that. except I was painting a dude.

am shocked that nobody's posted the meme yet

Gives me a bit of a Brett Easton Ellis Vibe less than Zero is great


....the meme?

No really post post apocalyptic, but roadside picnic is what comes to mind

Yes. Maybe last year, perhaps a little earlier, someone posted a very graphic gay cannibal guro pic, and then said guy had a bad time when the anons mocked him for it.


I read that a long time ago in primary school. Don't remember if it was actually good because I was about 11 y/o. Was it?

Junger - Storm of Steel

Barthelme - Paradise

Bely - Petersburg

Bolano - Little lumpen novelita

Mann - Tristan

Brecht - Baal

Irigaray - Marine Lover

Tanizaki - Seven Japanese Tales

Jang Jeong-Il - When Adam Opens His Eyes

Ha Jin - The Crazed

De Maria - The Twenty Days of Turin

Gombrowicz - Pornografia

Louys - The Songs of Bilitis

Been meaning to read storm of steel thanks user


I want something so grotesque that I'll have to vomit during reading.


this movie

Notes from the underground

The Consumer by Gira, maybe?

Bernhard - The Lime Works

Mo Yan - Life and death are wearing me out

Man you surely read some obscure shit

>Autopsy report for BLM catalyst

The mirror





