Anglos can't pronounce shit

>Anglos can't pronounce shit
>Sam Harris is retarded
>Have you ever embarrassed yourself?
>Is Peterson a meme?

Fanastic threads, Veeky Forums. Now, I have a serious question: do you like anime?

The day my roommate found out that I wanted to suck his cock was the worst day of my life.

i don't like anime but i may like annie

I can't imagine what being blind AND deaf would be like. Kinda crazy that she endured.

Conceded: the back to front manga format would be superior if one was born into it. Is Japanime Lit?


If Code Geass were a novel/book series Veeky Forums would obsess over it like we used to obsess over ASOIAF.

Watching Psycho Pass at the moment. It's ok but I'm waiting for it to get "serious".

so, we wouldn't?

So you like anime

newfag detected
lurk moar

Yea, I read Beckett and Wittgenstein...what of it, Tom?




A novel series about a revolutionary egoist would be pretty great, desu.

I'm not sure. It's like asking if I like movies. I do like some of them. I've watched Death Note, Monster, Attack on Titan, Fullmetal Alchemist and Nana as an adult. As a kid I just watched the ones on TV, Dragonball, Digimon etc.
I also appreciate Murakami and Makoto Shinkai.
I started a couple more that I never finished, just didn't care for the story.

it, like virtually every art, has been degraded

Yes I like Ikuhara and Dezaki

Probably even more so.

Code Grass is probably the most overrated shit to touch this plane of existence. Even more overrated than fucking Psycho Pass

Can't overrate something as great. The people who hate on it probably take it too serious, not understanding it's supposed be all comical and over the top.

The pacing alone is stunning, the amount of development in some of the R2 episodes is more than entire series manage in entire seasons.

who /redpilled/ here?

I give you a 6/10

Alright, what's your issues with it? I am honestly curious, reading some of the negative reviews, it felt like people completely missed the point, which obviously can be partly blamed on CG.

Is this vanguardist shitposting?
