Tim Wise

Is he the most important cultural critic of our time?

I can't think of a social commentator more relevant in today's world than him.

My community college class (intro to sociology, if you must know) has really got me thinking about the evils of my race. I feel totally disgusted thinking about what my ancestors maybe did, it's like Avatar set in the 1800s or whatever. Since I read this book it really had me thinking about my every-day interaction with proud, Navi'i like minorities. Like my dad days he doesn't care about race, and I told him that makes him even more doubleplus racist because it permits existing racism, you should have seen his face when I dropped that knowledge (that is urban hip hip slang, what, you've never listened to any club-bangas?)! And when I was shopping the other day, the clerk was black (probably because of Institutional Rascism) and I worked up the courage to say "I understand your plight, my black brother! Don't worry, I'm one of the good ones!" He backed away and looked confused, I could tell I expanded his worldview for the better. What a great book , Tim Wise is such a great Thinker. Open letters don't usually cost money, but that's okay. I just wish Tim Wise was black so I could see him as being more rootsy and authentic.

it is always people who think they are one of the good ones who produce the worst in this world!


Tim "white like me" Wise proves that being even a quarter jewish is enough to fully infect you with the destructive semite virus.

Hi /pol/

I read one of his books. It was so self-congratulatory that it was distracting. Don't think he really has anything interesting to say. His perspective is very common, and it only offers a limited number of conclusions.

Also, he may have the most obnoxious social media presence I've ever seen.


Fucking kike


>Also, he may have the most obnoxious social media presence I've ever seen.

What do you mean?

>tim 'wise'
>actually an idiot

Really activates my amygdala

He came to speak at the hospital I work at once, he's a nice enough dude, he is a bit too self satisfied but he does a good job talking about these concepts with a bunch of med students and doctors who presumably don't have much exposure to it

What did he discuss?

Basically just being empathetic towards / fostering understanding between different backgrounds.I only really remember the broad strokes. He's known as an anti-racism speaker and it was basically that but applied to a healthcare environment, which makes sense because you do actually have to treat anybody who comes in to an ER

>trying this hard to trigger /pol/tards on Veeky Forums

Time Wise? More like Tim Stupid!



Well meme'd friend!



Wow so right he is stupid

Dubs confirm funny joke over here

Were you intentionally being stupid?

Wise is an anti-white jew and nothing more.

I enjoyed his "open letter to white people."

In particular the part where he said European people's time is "real damn limited" and "we are planning your destruction, we just have to be patient and wait for your hearts to stop beating." Synapse sparking stuff Tim.

His facebook and twitter posts come of as kind of insecure and mean spirited in a really juvenile way. It's very easy to paint him as someone who's explicitly hostile towards white people (see:) even though I don't think he is.

I actually agree with OP he is very important and so are others in his entourage; they are important like how cancer is important, like how a rock in your shoe is important, like how constipation is important.

The biggest problem: he's not funny.

If he had some sly wit or a good sense of humor, he'd go over much better with audiences, but because his Tweets are caustic without smarts, he comes across as a bully.


fashionable white guilt in an academic package. the social sciences are a hustle and everybody knows it.

Yeah. I get that he's trying to be inflammatory sometimes, but it's never done in a way that provides any insight. Dude should just stick to explaining statistics.

He's especially salty about Tucker Carlson as of late.

only people who haven't actually read social scienes lol

you sound like a person denouncing poetry who has never read a poem

And you sound like a scientologist. You know you're in a cult, right? On some level you probably realize it's all bullshit, but to admit that would mean admitting that you're a fucking retard who fell for a $40k a year scam