Why doesn't Veeky Forums enjoy Pynchon anymore?

Why doesn't Veeky Forums enjoy Pynchon anymore?

last book when?


We discuss him almost every day where you been. I still feel guilty for not reading Bleeding Edge yet but it's sitting on my shelf. To those that have read it: is it "filmable"? Would it make a good movie?

there was somewhat of a Pynchon resurgence in recent years due to his latest novel and the film adaptation of Inherent Vice. i think all the meme crap turned people off to him. around here anyway.

Waiting for Folio Society edition of GR
-we’re very close

>Would it make a good movie?
that kind of depends on who adapts it, doesn't it? if Mann or Fincher directed it, i think Bleeding Edge would make a splendid film. however, if someone like Ron Howard or Alex Kurtzman, then probably not.

a more relevant question on this board would be if it made a good novel. i say it didn't. kind of left me underwhelmed, the only Pynchon novel to do so.

the posrmodernist/poststructuralist politics that his books represent artistically are currently VERY unpopular - in corrollary notice the rise in love for Homer, the Bible, Shakespeare at his most baroque and Melville.

he's already dead user, sorry

>Be Pynchon
>Nearly dead
>Time for your last masterpiece
>H-here I come!
>It's a technobabble about dot com bubble


/pol/ anschluss
Ruggles is too much of a hippie to appreciate the benefits of national socialism
read more Celine, Hamsun and Evola

I enjoy Pynchon, though no one ever talks about GR with me here. I tried several times, but they didn't want to.

Veeky Forums has always loved the Bible and the Greeks though

Unpopular on Veeky Forums or unpopular in general?

>posrmodernist/poststructuralist politics
He's a liberal and a hypermodernist

Peterson brainlets infected this site and dubbed every and anything remotely PoMo to be a waste, without having tried it themselves

Lit goes in cycle... two years ago he filled every other post. Still love GR and V but moved on to philo and been stuck in Kant’s world ever since. Last lit that really affected me was Magic Mountain.

eh, it probably wouldn't make a very good movie. Meanders too much, not a whole lot of action takes place other than Maxine going around finding out about different complex fraud stuff that would be hard to explain in a film.

do you want to right now? I've read it.

any more $0.10 widdlywords?


>widdlywords make my head hurt
Is that why you talk like a retard?

Most of the people who really dislike him picked up Gravity's Rainbow, didn't really like it but forced themselves to keep reading it. Hence why you never see them talking about any of his other work. (Read Lot 49 instead!)

and V. !

I always thought it was supposed to be some ironic contrarian meme, where Veeky Forums actually hated Pynchon and only pretended to like him ironically for the lulz. And the same for DFW, no?

Of course it's impossible to tell, and Veeky Forums is somehow even more ironic and disingenuous than most of Veeky Forums, so it's generally impossible to differentiate genuine opinions from ironic, post-ironic, and meta-ironic memeing.

Of course the literary establishment has a decent bit of respect for Pynchon and DFW, so it's kind of surprising that we'd hate them considering our academic and canonical proclivities.

because pynch has a reddit ass sense of humor-that shit dont fly

reddit couldn't come up with the Kenosha Kid gag in 10000000 years

His next is called The Circuit and is about mercenary markets in Iraq.