French Literature


Hahahaha you're black

"She was short, like 2.5 baguettes stacked on top of each other vertically"

"He weighed as much as 156 baguettes, very big man"

"Her breasts were like two very short baguettes"

"The gunshot hurt like someone stabbing me with a stale baguette"

That last one has somewhat of an american flavor.

Ukranian actually.

oh, sorry

"my father beat me with his fists and it hurt, like he was hitting me with a pair of stale baguettes" and "his biting abuse stung my ears like baguettes jammed into my eardrums"

hahaha I love making fun of Ukrainian accents like how my grandma has
sometimes it sounds like she says shit like "If you're COLD we should eat!" ehehehehehe

Do all the women look like pic related in Ukraine?

wow what a butterface

No and I think Slav women are overrated.

Are there any books that do this? Clumsily relate all descriptions back to a single point of reference for the lulz, I mean. I would read that.

Which are better? List them all.


>french """literature"""

Norse, Welsh, Italian, Far East Siberian, Tatar

macron is daddy

>Far East Siberian
attach picture of what you mean please

Cut ur nails nibba
kulaks deserved it

i thought this was about farting until i saw the rest wtf

I wish, I would read that shit too

Check out Pierre Desproges' Dictionnaire.

This might actually be a dumb mistranslation as 'baguette' also means a 'wand', in other words, a small branch or something.

Just sayin' like.


What are you reading, user?

Not Ukrainian
Fuck off

>He was as tall as a six-foot, three-inch tree.
>John and Mary had never met. They were like two hummingbirds who had
also never met.
>The young fighter had a hungry look, the kind you get from not eating
for a while.

they look like retarded kids


You have no taste.

>Not Ukrainian
>Valory Irene (born 1988) is a Ukrainian adult model

I unironically think Mongolian chicks are really cute/hot
Their round faces are just so fucking adorable but then they also have those really beautiful features too.... I love them

Am I being memed? Those chicks are hideous.

not meming, I love those cute round faces and the pleasant pudginess :(

I cant believe this thread is still up.

why did you bump it