
Hey there, over the last couple of weeks I've read a lot about fasting and it's supposed healing properties.
Has anyone on Veeky Forums any deeper insights and personal experience in fasting?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Veeky Forums - No Food and No Cooking
Back to Veeky Forums with you, interloper.

It's not about Veeky Forums though. At least that was not my intention. The stuff I've been readin was more about how fasting is a part of food/eating, since the human body was made for sometimes having food and sometimes not.

What you are asking about is the opposite of what this board is. Go away.

I tried to fast and turned out I have hypoglycaemia and I shouldn't fast because I can die

>not eating is part of food/eating
Do you not understand how fundamentally incorrect that is?

humans used to fast all the time. eating 3 meals a day is ridiculous, it leaves no time for you body to do some maintenance on your digestive tract.
it also helps cleaning up your deteriorating cells (autophagy)
eating will give you an insuline responds which will prevent the body from using fat from your body.
after not eating at your usual times you will no longer feel hungry anymore at those times. you get hungry because your body produces ghrelin at the times which it expects you to eat. the production of ghrelin lowers on those times if you do not eat at those times for a week all the way to not feeling hungry at those times at all.
fasting also preserves more muscle then regular 6 days a meal diets because your body will start to use the protein yin your excess skin.
the only thing you truly need when you fast 1-2 weeks is salt. and at 2 weeks probably potassium.
if you want to go 60 days without food you need to start ingesting vitamines.

That falls under Veeky Forums you fucking retard. Veeky Forums is for food and cooking. Not how to eat and how to be healthy.

i am just answering OP

So much BS and misinformation in one post.

>humans used to fast all the time.
This I especially hate, since it's complete and utter bullshit. It's based on nothing factual, but instead just some naive theory/opinion started by those promoting fasting.

Not to say that fasting is bad. It can be used to lose weight, but it's just calorie restriction. And fasting for longer than 3 days is definitely unwise. There's a reason people with anorexia die, or are in poor health.

it has been shown to emerge in dozens natives and tribes not introduced to modern society.
i have read articles and studies about all of these.
the only misinformation here are you brainlets that just assume they know better without ever having researched anything.

I eat one meal per day, so not long-term fasting, but still.
I have gained energy and feel mentally sharper. I have also lost a good amount of weight.

Veeky Forums related: I love cooking and eating. It’s really nice being able to cook delicious dinners every day without having to worry too much about calories since breakfast and lunch plus snacking and drinks during the day take up a lot of room.
I don’t (can’t) eat back all the calories I would usually consumer over three meals plus snacks.

People ascribe all kinds of healing effects to fasting. I am pretty skeptical about that, but OMAD has certainly had some positive effects on me besides losing weight.

So you think what applies to undeveloped native tribes applies to first world nations? We've had centuries to adapt.

>it has been shown to emerge in dozens natives and tribes not introduced to modern society.
Prove it. Show us your sources.

>centuries to adapt
the fact that you even stated this shows how uneducated you are
it took us 10000 years to be kinda able to digest milk
a few thousand years means literally nothing

>he thinks "undeveloped" means some shit like 500 years behind rather than a couple thousand
Stone age spearmen from Bolivia are at LEAST 10000 years behind the rest of the world.

Yeah, but behind in what? Evolution is not a road to a certain goal in mind.

Well a big one is agriculture.

Fasting will only cause you headaches and fatigue.

Been there, I did st 28 hours one and the thing that made me break the fast was the inmense fatigue I felt and the unbearable headache that Wont even let me sleep.

>Evolutionary biology argument
Nothing to see here folks, move along, this person is clinically retarded

>the digestive system cannot adapt, and evolution is necessary for any change
You're the retarded one.

>I have 0 concept of timeline scaling
Evolution even on a 10,000 year timeline is basically fuckall. If massive swathes of the population that become the dominant groups of humanity all fasted on the regular, you might have SOMETHING.
But they didn't. So you don't.
Even europeans drinking booze for the last 20,000 years has only made the difference between us and asians (who comparatively barely drank alcohol during the same time period) is "you can kinda drink more"

You clearly have 0 understanding of evolutionary biology, which was self-evident in the first place because literally everybody who does never makes this kinds of arguments because they are *fucking wrong*

Adaptation =/= evolution. The digestive system is extremely adaptable, and you're a fucking retard if you think it takes 10,000 years for slight changes to such a versatile system.

I loved Patricia Arquette in Lost Highway.

>hey, everybody I'm only slightly less loony than evangelicals and Lamarckian evolutionary theory is correct, duyup!

>Heredity is a myth!
Accurately explain predisposition to alcoholism, diabetes, obesity, and other shit then.

Been doing OMAD since I was like 18 or 20 years old. Definitely a life improvement. Don't expect this board to be favorable to any nutritional red pills. This is literally a soccer mom normie Reddit blog about momscience when it comes to nutrition.

If you're fat, diabetic, or similar, go to the fasting general in Veeky Forums, get info and get started.

>humans could pull food out of their asses whenever they felt like it so they didn't ever fast and ur gunna die if u dont eat ur tendies right now

What did he meant by this?

>it's supposed healing properties.
Yeah, if something has supposed healing properties on the internet it is safe to assume bullshit

>And fasting for longer than 3 days is definitely unwise. There's a reason people with anorexia die, or are in poor health.
>people who starve to death are proof that fasting longer than 3 days is unwise
Makes as much sense as
>people who die from morbid obesity are proof that eating more than 300 kcal a day is unwise
typical cu/ck/

You don't know shit about anything. When you fast for the first time this is normal, you've been letting your body swim in food and sugary shit since you were born.

Eating affects the whole body retard. It affects your hormone levels, it affects what your body does with nutrients, it affects how your metabolism works, etc. This is fucking biology. You don't need to adapt to eating 4, 5, 6, 7 times a day or whatever the fuck you want to do. You can eat constantly if you want, but it will have consequences as the body evolved with survival in mind, and that included periods of famine. It's fucking natural selection, if early humans went all dizzy, foggy and blacked out from not eating in a day or two, we would all have gone extinct. I know this is the normie board but this shit is just too much, go the fuck back to school.

Eating a lot of times a day is unnatural, so expect your body to not be at its best. It literally makes you fat because of the insuline response you get at constantly getting food into your system, and that can escalate into insuline resistance. This is ONLY a side effect of the retarded modern eating habits. A lot of people have gotten their life changed just by eating one big meal a day instead of being a cockmuncher and have like 6 small ones at separate times.

Evolution and science is on my side. Go justify your landwhale habits somewhere else.

I disagree. Nothing makes you reexamine the meaning of food and cooking in your life more profoundly than not eating. Your 1st meal, your 1st bite, after a week-long fast is paradigm shifting.

Am I the landwhale for being able to stay at a healthy weight with three meals and a snack a day, or are you the landwhale for having so little self control that you literally have to starve yourself to manage your shit?

Absolutely, I can stay lean stuffing my face like a mad man one time a day while you cuck yourself with teenage anorexic girl tier meals.

>claims to have self control
>literally says it's starvation to eat one time a day


I did a 3 day fast a couple weeks ago. The best part was eating again. Best tasting banana of all time.

I take it you don't exercise.

Oh wait, now you're gonna tell me you do cardio and shit. It's like I'm watching some boomer fad diet tv show in the 80s.
Are you pic related? Try lifting weights sometime.

Haven't eaten in 48 hours, ask me anything

I actually do lift weights, dipshit. But you understand that there are far more routines you should be doing alongside lifting, yes? Strength training is more than just picking up a barbell and hoisting it a few times. Do you think the word "exercise" applies only to jogging with an ill-fitting sweater around your waist through the streets of San Fransisco?

>Do you think the word "exercise" applies only to jogging with an ill-fitting sweater around your waist through the streets of San Fransisco?

For people whose nutritional knowledge is stuck on the 80s? Absolutely.

>But you understand that there are far more routines you should be doing alongside lifting, yes? Strength training is more than just picking up a barbell and hoisting it a few times.
I'm a built Veeky Forumsized you faggot, you're bad at picking fights.

I lift the tendies from my plate. Does that count?

Clearly not if you're retarded enough to shun snacks. When the fuck do you take your protein? Best time is after a workout. Bonus points if you take something thirty minutes before and then halfway through. I personally do a bit of natural maple syrup before, during, and after. Sure, you can slide this into your intermittent fasting window, but why jip yourself out of a longer workout?

Is it gay if while in the gym you get an erection when you see a naked guy in the locker room? Also, if a guy is spotting you and your head hits the tip of his penis?
>no homo

Holy fuck, you fell for all the memes. I bet you also bought BCAA in powder lmao.
You're a fucking retard mate, I eat after working out, simulating eating after chasing and huting my prey as nature intended.
>maple syrup
Holy fuck, just inject pure HFCS into your fucking veins while you're at it.

>Is it gay if while in the gym you get an erection when you see a naked guy in the locker room?
If it happens regularly, yes.
>Also, if a guy is spotting you and your head hits the tip of his penis?
If you look on purpose, yes.

>glucose is fructose
You're the retard.
>you fell for all the memes
You're fucking fasting for fuck sake. There's about as much evidence supporting the benefits of fasting as there are those memes.
>simulating eating after chasing and hunting my prey as nature intended
This is entering furry territory, mate.

It will make you go bald if you're a man.

t. lost 50 pounds in 2 months

Just to jump in here to give alternative ideas to people... I have the same results doing keto. Since February 2nd, I've lost 30lbs. 50lbs if you count the water weight from the first week.

>glucose is fructose
No such thing was said. Are you this desperate?
>You're fucking fasting for fuck sake. There's about as much evidence supporting the benefits of fasting as there are those memes.
Yes, darwinian evolution and history is a meme.
>This is entering furry territory, mate.
I know you're more used to be chased by your wife's bull than to chase something yourself. But that's how it was done in the days of yore.

Stay cucked.

>No such thing was said. Are you this desperate?
You specifically said to just inject pure HFCS, which is high fructose, which is fructose. Is basic logic one of your failings?
>Yes, darwinian evolution and history is a meme.
It is if modern science can disprove that it is beneficial to modern man. Not to say it does. What I said is that there are as many research studies to support fasting as there are the memes. Taking maple syrup before and during a workout is one of those memes.
>I know you're more used to be chased by your wife's bull than to chase something yourself. But that's how it was done in the days of yore.
Jokes on you faggot. I don't even have a wife.

>You specifically said to just inject pure HFCS, which is high fructose, which is fructose. Is basic logic one of your failings?
Which was intended to make fun of consuming high GI carbs pre or post workout. You are beyond autistic.
>It is if modern science can disprove that it is beneficial to modern man.
It can't
>What I said is that there are as many research studies to support fasting as there are the memes. Taking maple syrup before and during a workout is one of those memes.
The difference is that fasting is supported by the natural selection theory and by biology, and its benefits and effects on the body can be measured up scientifically and tangibly.
While taking canuck syrup is nothing special or has any intrinsic value, if anything I'd say it's detrimental.
>Jokes on you faggot. I don't even have a wife.
Not with that attitude. Do pic related.

Having hypoglycemia makes this thread weird to look at. If I don't for a day I get paranoid and throw things, also I don't really experience hunger as a physical sensation very often. I have to actually remember to eat regularly the way most of you think of brushing your teeth. Yet, according to my doctor if I stopped eating I would be unconscious by the third day and dead by the fifth or so. I have to carry emergency chocolate.

>The difference is that fasting is supported by the natural selection theory and by biology
No it's not.

>and its benefits and effects on the body can be measured up scientifically and tangibly.
You mean that one study done using rodents and fruit-flies, that failed to be replicated in monkeys?

Are you also ignoring studies that have found fasting to be negative to long-term health and led to weakened immune systems? Yes. Yes you are.

>No it's not.
Yes it is, if you had any reasoning capabilities at all you'd see we've been living in scarcity for ages. And food was not readily available as it is now. So connect the fucking dots.
>You mean that one study done using rodents and fruit-flies, that failed to be replicated in monkeys?
No, I mean soon to become diabetics fixing their insuline resistance. I mean how you can measure the insuline response and insuline levels of a person that fast and a person that doesn't and notice how it is much healthier in the person that fasts. I mean how a lot of people failed to lose weight on regular tard-diets that consisted of eating 4-6 times a day and how they finally lost weight trying fasting. I mean how you can check hormonal levels and notice the difference, etc. Basically tangible and real differences that you can notice subjectively and measure objectively.

Not gonna bother looking up a lot on google just for you, this should be enough to BTFO you so hard you leave this board forever out of shame.

Now say fasting has no tangible and measurable benefits on humans again.

You're retarded, I'm saying water is wet and you're saying it isn't.

they eat the poo poo

>Yes it is, if you had any reasoning capabilities at all you'd see we've been living in scarcity for ages. And food was not readily available as it is now. So connect the fucking dots.
So basically your opinion then, and not actually fact based. Tell me user, do you have a time machine?

Diabetics that consumed less carbohydrates had healthier insulin levels? Who'd have thought it?

>Not gonna bother looking up a lot on google just for you
Of course you're not, because it's your opinion and not a scientifically proven fact.

"However, these observations in nonfasted subjects may be invalid since mixed nutrients have unpredictable effects on GH release. "
>may be invalid
Try again.

Here's a link for you :

>Veeky Forums - Food & Cooking

>So basically your opinion then, and not actually fact based. Tell me user, do you have a time machine?

I'm no longer able to believe you are arguing in good faith now. Sorry, we are not plants, we sought our own food and when there was none, we starved until we either found prey or died. This is normal, you claim that something non-normal happened, which is being able to access food whenever you wanted, the burden of proof is onto you, prove it.

>Diabetics that consumed less carbohydrates had healthier insulin levels? Who'd have thought it?
Wrong, you can eat the same carbs you ate when you didn't fast and you'd still have healthy insuline levels, there's a difference between an insuline spike and constant insuline due to being retarded and eating 6 times a day.

>Of course you're not, because it's your opinion and not a scientifically proven fact.
Because it's not worth my time, if you wanted you could research it on your own.

>"However, these observations in nonfasted subjects may be invalid since mixed nutrients have unpredictable effects on GH release. "
>>may be invalid
If anything, that quote proves I'm right, while on a tard-diet GH levels are unpredictable and non-optimal, this is not the case on a subject that fasts, therefore fasting has a tangible and measurable benefit.

Are you legally retarded? Post your tard certificate and I'll stop bullying you.

"Human growth hormone, or somatotropin, increases when you fast. Under normal circumstances, HGH promotes the synthesis of lean muscle and the storage of glycogen as well as fat. However, when you fast, increased levels of the hormone stimulate the breakdown of fatty tissue, according to Niels Moller of Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark. Your body needs the fat to produce energy,
How it Works

The increase in HGH during fasting helps to preserve your muscle tissue and glycogen stores while using your fat stores instead. This breakdown of fat, which is called lipolysis, releases free fatty acids and glycerol, which are then metabolized to produce energy. According to Madelon Buijs, researcher at Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands, levels of HGH, which is produced by the pituitary gland, rise noticeably within 13 hours after starting a fast.

Blood Levels

In cases of a lack of HGH during fasting, protein loss from muscle increases by about 50 percent. In addition to fasting, exercise and stress can also increase HGH levels. They are also subject to much variation during the day, because your pituitary gland releases the hormone in bursts. Random measurement of HGH, as opposed to monitoring it over a period, is not very useful. Moreover, levels in the morning will be higher, according to"

This is also "my opinion".

Humans are animals of prey, on a lack of food, the body gets its shit together because you need to be at your best to find food. We are not plants. This is why people claim to have energy boosts when fasting. This is why the body strives to preserve muscle mass on a fast, because you actually need it. And it's why you feel depleted of energy and shitty when you eat too much, because you are already fed, so the body stops giving a fuck about you feeling allpowerful and focuses on processing the food.

I'm not going to reply again if you don't make an effort.

I actually was going to fast this weekend for medical purposes.

>Sorry, we are not plants, we sought our own food and when there was none, we starved until we either found prey or died.
I don't dispute this. Our ancestors ate or they starved and died.

>This is normal, you claim that something non-normal happened, which is being able to access food whenever you wanted, the burden of proof is onto you, prove it.
The proof is that we're alive today. It's quite telling that our ancestors were prosperous and able to acquire enough food for their dietary needs, otherwise they would have died out, and we wouldn't exist.

The fact you think our ancestors were unable to acquire food and starved on a regular basis is retarded.

>Wrong, you can eat the same carbs you ate when you didn't fast and you'd still have healthy insuline levels, there's a difference between an insuline spike and constant insuline due to being retarded and eating 6 times a day.
And you're basing this on what long-term study?

>Because it's not worth my time, if you wanted you could research it on your own.
I have. There's no genuine evidence to suggest that fasting is anything more than calorie restriction. No long-term studies. No concrete facts.

>Adaptation =/= evolution. The digestive system is extremely adaptable, and you're a fucking retard if you think it takes 10,000 years for slight changes to such a versatile system.
Explain, mechanistically, how you imagine this "adaptation" works.