Be loner

>be loner
>somehow manage to be among normies and pass for one of them
>still feel the same
>drop it all and be by myself all the time
>dive into philosophy and human science
>get a decent grasp of them
>still feel the same
>only now with an intellectual jargon to describe it
>stumble upon poetry and painting by accident
>which leads to poetics and pictural 'theory'
>life starts

for those of you wandering in the thick woods of pure intellect:
stop analyzing the coarse trunk and roots and just look at the branches:
the birds will guide you out into the world.

so basically just turn off your brain lmao

True art is medication

not turn it off but put it in a field where it can be of some real use

id rather say that medication is a bad form of art

I don't understand what you're trying to say here.
How long were you actually alone for?
As in not speaking to another person for days and weeks?


>proceeds talking presuming anything he says matters

well, at first it was two years and now its been three and counting, with some messy interventions in the everyday world before and between those two spans. a decade in all. but that is irrelevant in itself, other different paths can be walked. it is as if you asked me what particular bird did i see or in what particular branch was it on.

which one? the brain one i assume

yeah, i use that word cause Veeky Forums. and you are the one projecting that presumption for im just writing it for the sake of it. just like the tree giving fruits: it isnt telling you to make a juice or to put it in a salad or anything, you are the one who chooses to make something particular with it. but the tree keeps giving the fruits even if no one gets them.

>pass for one of them
you were always a normie. the reason for your ennui is your pursuit against this grain. stop fighting who you are, plebeian.

no, the other

>just like the tree giving fruits: it isnt telling you to make a juice or to put it in a salad or anything, you are the one who chooses to make something particular with it. but the tree keeps giving the fruits even if no one gets them.

jesus christ, was that your attempt at taoist wisdom? fuck man. i was shittin around with the normie thing at first, but you really are one hell of a normie.

i somehow knew i was gonna get that here. for me a normie is someone who acts as society demands in a spontaneous way, who fully believes in that reality and takes it as the only one. he learned it naturally. but is not an issue of pure behavior, but about ones own experience by engaging in that behavior: i tried being a normie and still felt a void, i tried being an intellectual recluse and still felt the same, and then i found something else and i started feeling different: that is my only criteria, not external so called achievements or failures.

why? i think we are all artist but then society puts us off that way and then these shit called therapy ias a way to repair for that damage.

yes and it's stupid

OP, even if your initial message and intent are sound and sincere, the way you deliver them and deliberate after is so cringeworthy you could probably instantly kill a dozen 12 year olds just by reading it out loud near them. Stop this pathetic larping.

id be happy to kill those 12yo, for they would thus find a chance to reborn as men.

I, too, had a phase during which I was too wise for upper case letters.

Alas you have yet to grown out of the need for extraneous commas.

Pitiful brainlet, I have not grown out, but into them.

lol that thing has been remarked more than once. it is just how i feel like writing it and it fits what is being written.

at the same time, seeing it while taking some distance, i think the mind uses such shape to signal that what is being written comes from a field that is different to that of practical common everyday sense. different but related somehow.

Lots of badmouth here.
So how did you dive in?
You say you stumbled upon it, how did you go deeper?

well the dive was near the end of college, i just couldnt continue so i just dropped it all and continued reading on my own away from everything. that was some amazing mind expansion.
but then the world called so i came back, just to see everything slowly take the old shape again, so eventually i dropped the shit again to continue reading and wandering aimlessly, and the stumble was from repeated references in my academic materials to poets and artists, plus the role they seemed to play in the lives of the academics i was reading.
and then after some time it all started to get together by itself on the mind and poetry/painting and the surrounding nature revealed themselves on their own, and are still doing it. the mind merging with the world is a beautiful scape to experience.

but anyway not to turn this into a one sided or personal thing it is more interesting to debate about the experience we all have of our minds, if we dare to go beyond the inherited version we are told about it. im sure that if it is a sincere experience, everyone has something useful or interesting to add.


>get a decent grasp of them

For me reading has been a journey too, and I've dropped out too, numerous times, due to illness and just general issues with education itself. I'm the kind of guy who skips school to go read in the library. First I read typical man genre stuff, then pop-sci and the odd textbook, alongside scientific articles. At some point the access to scientific papers become much better, it happened a few years ago and is still going on, and I've started borrowing textbooks. That really changed me.

I like how the internet becomes such a journey, sometimes you find something which leads to another and this leads yet to another, and this goes on. It is kind of sad I don't, or barely, have this experience with people. There must be plenty of interesting people but either I don't meet them or don't get to know them (properly).

I didn't read literature until Veeky Forums, and am enjoying it so far, and through that stupid website pinterest I was exposed to abstract art - which I thought I wouldn't like, but did, just not all. I like this journey and seeing myself evolve - though along the way you also look at your past self and shake your head, and that will continue.

I've had the same experience with music, but here it is mainly youtube and the odd site once in a while. I've discovered whole new worlds.

I'm a bit of a loner too, and I think the internet is to blame for it partly, but at the same time I can't imagine myself without it and the evolution I've going through. Personality hardly changes, but my values, ideas, worldview, visions, images, knowledge, lifestyle has changed immensely and I see no returning point.

I'm going to look for ways to get myself more into the world of poetry and art too, and should probably try and see where it leads me.

>There must be plenty of interesting people but either I don't meet them or don't get to know them (properly).
This should be both of course. And I think I'm too judgemental, but that judgement comes out of experience as well.

thats a nice painting

again, youre all very perceptive, for i did hesitate when i wrote that but then, thats the idea and it was not just reading wikipedia but i was well engaged far into college, at least in human science, cause philosophy in an university setting just sucks.

>you find something which leads to another and this leads yet to another, and this goes on.

there, hit the bail on the head. the great thing comes when you allow that process to guide you instead of forcing the thing into prescribed plans, which is impossible in any kind of social setting, be it academic or just amateur.

and by your tone you sound a bit like youre hesitating, you well feel theres something into all that but still keep the old notions and so judge everything having in mind other people. if you just drop opinions, from others and yours as well, the thing will expand and you will advance as if on a highway, instead of that tiny street full of noise and traffic.

>so after some years of fighting with yourself your brain starts to cope as a survival maneuver so you don't end up permanently damaging your psyche.

It's just as good as being a madman, only this way you feel comfort.

There is no formula. If it worked for you, great. But posting it as the "secret to happiness" in a literature forum is despicable.

Ernst is amazing.
Overlooked for all the DalĂ­ fandom

i think youre like an user before projecting an intention that is not there, cause i never framed the thing as being a formula to 'happiness' nor am i trying to impose it as the only path. im just sharing my experience.

i guess the spontaneous answers such a thing generates just reveals what the person reacting is. if people had their own experience and felt good about it im not sure people would try to turn others down. im fine with opinions as long as we are aware that they are just the outcome of particular experiences.

and please, framing that in terms of mad and delusion is... well, a way to put it, but the historical and social origins of that view are an old story now, and there are others more enabling as non western human experiences can teach, be them from other big civilizations or from random tropical tribes.

theres nothing 'mad' about the fact that we humans use the mind to live.

No one is going to take you seriously if you continue to avoid upper case letters. I sure don't.

good, the last thing im looking for is to be taken serious, or to be taken at all.

cause there is nothing to take outside, as long as we are not aware of the tools with which our organism makes that which we then think we 'take'.