Ramen fucking noodles

Having ramen for dinner tonight but can't decide what to do with it to make it great. Normally I use some oyster sauce, hoisin, sriracha and some chicken.
What veg goes best? Should I add an egg?
What the FUCK do I do with my ramen Veeky Forums?

What I'm thinking is either some red/green pepper and/or some broccoli.

Soft boiled egg, spring onions, burdock, creamed or whole corn, or drop dumplings made from water, flour, soy sauce for salt, ginger and sesame oil.

it's just some fucking noodles, man

I'm guessing if you're eating Top Ramen (bottom shelf ramen) you don't have much to work with.
Crumble some dried black fungus, then re-hydrated with a bit of Squid sauce & water. Throw in a spoonful of miso bean paste, half teaspoon of roasted sesame seeds.

I've never really done anything with ramen, but what I would do is make a sauce with some chicken/vegetable stock, mix a little soy sauce and sriracha in, and season it however you want from there. Don't forget veggies though; onion, garlic and maybe some mushrooms would be aight on top of whatever your go-to veggies are.

Obligatory ramen post.

If you're not putting taco seasoning, hot sauce, parmesan, and american cheese in ramen then you're fucking retarded.

>all this cholestorol
negro detected


Soyboy detected.

graduate to buying rice stick noodles, soak them, drain and then fry with your aromatics, veges, protein and sauce

anything more than adding a few veges to instant ramen is pathetic, if you want to actually cook noodles, fucking do it.

Is this a troll? Most of this information is incorrect and horrible.

You forgot the diced up slim jims.

Cook them with milk.

This guy knows how to live.

add pic related, either as sheets at the sides and/or grinded up/shredded on top of the noddles

simple, quick, cheap, and easy. I haven't gone back since just because it's so simple to do without much hassle

peanut butter + hot sauce

Are you my brother? Unrelated? Either way hot. Show peen.

Just buy roasted seaweed. It doesn't diminish in quality and I've made decent dashi with it in place of kombu, obviously no salt needed.

yeah I'll check that out next time I stop by the asian mart, and regular instant ramen is at more groceries though for ease of availability

What can be added to Nissin curry flavour?

Before i graduated to better ramen I would throw some combo of most of these items into a basic chicken ramen setup which actually turns out super tasty

minced garlic, diced onion or onion powder, black pepper, ginger, cayenne pepper flake, peanut butter, sambal oelek, red curry paste, fish sauce, rice wine/mirin, lime juice

other addons, chicken/beef, poached egg, mushroom, green onion, carrot shreds

I just throw a raw egg when taking it out of the stove because I'm too lazy to soft boil it.