Do you hum while cooking?

Do you hum while cooking?
I have a tendency to, but my neighbor fucking hates it, and every time I start doing it without thinking she starts moaning loudly and sexually to mock and silence me. it's really weird and unpleasant.

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How is your neighbor able to hear if you hum?

we have thing walls hand I hum loudly and sometimes sing. So it also really carries through when she retaliates

*thin, and

Are you in an apartment with a room next to hers or something?
I think of "neighbor" as a houses term.

Then what would you call the person that lives in the apartment next to yours?

i play music and sing along

The person next door.

Yes studio apartments.

Wouldn't mind giving you a hummer, qt.

Do you make a lot of noise when you get your boipussy pounded?

I'm a virgin

Maybe you should invite your neighbor over for dinner senpai.

I'm not attracted to women and her bf is scary.
also I'm afraid of social interactions and a shut-in

That's super weird. I listen to 70's power ballads super loud while I cook. That or the Andrews Sisters pandora station. Or some Diana Ross and the Supremes.

Move when your lease is up. Cook aromatic foods to upset her.

aromas can't pass through our walls

develop a taste for tranny porn

>not pretending there's another person with you and saying "haha dude, the whore's at it again, she must be fucking the whole neighborhood" as loud as needed so other neighbors and her listen it but not outright screaming, just making it sound natural

It's like you don't even know banter.

Post your butthole.


Who are you quoting?


it would be nsfw
every person to have ever "no"'ed

Do you hum to The Village People's songs? YMCA and Macho Man are some of my favorites.

>it would be nsfw
You can post it and we'll save it, then you delete the post and you don't get banned. Deal?

>we have thing walls

No last time it was Baba Yetu

at least post feet


Just post your breeding hole you fuckin tease.

post vagina
I bet it looks comfy and pink

I whistle. Loudly and extremely fast.

how about you post your dicks instead?

We asked you first. Post pussy first and then we post dicks.


I'm not going to do it user.
I whistle sometimes too. I like "if I had words" from Babe. it's a good whistle

So let's assume you're a woman. What the fuck is the problem then? You don't need to restraint yourself confronting another woman, put that bitch in her place and tell her to fuck off and keep their whore-screams down.

I'll usually hum the openings of my favorite animes as I cook my instant ramen.

she is intimidating and I'm borderline autistic. she seems like a bully I'd prefer just laying low

I whip my hair back and forth.

>a woman
What the fuck? That's fucking bullshit, don't be a she-faggot and wreck that whore for making fun of you. Attack agressively without saying anything and she'll shit her pants next time she thinks about making whore moans when you hum.
Show me your fucking warface.

no I'm not a freaking savage. also I'm not stupid, she would absolutely wreck my shit if I tried.

Lift more you fucking idiot

pst birthmarks

chemical/biological warfare

>I'm not a freaking savage.
Found your problem.
You'd have it so easy if you put some spirit into it. Most women are beta as fuck, assert some dominance for fucks sake. React in a way that makes her believe you are willing to literally kill her if she does it again. She can smell your weakness, and you are weak. But you can make her think she was mistaken.
>b-but she's stronger!
Yeah, but is she willing to DIE over this? Because if you ARE, you SHALL WIN.

she's a girl(male)

OP's soft, smooth cock in my mouth...

play arabic music while cooking kebabs
it's catchy and she probably doesn't know arabic anyway so there's no drawbacks

makes sense if OP is a man, but the typing style indicates otherwise, so it may not be as easy as you think

>Because if you ARE
I'm not. I'm not going to assault my neighbor, ree
I think she'll still be annoyed even if she doesn't understand. remember, I mostly hum

Try this, brother:

You will never overcome your disorder if you let it control you. You must sit and consider more, consider yourself, consider the world around you and the people in them, consider what matters to you and what you wish to be.

You don't have to confront them, but don't let them influence your mind. If you wish to hum, then hum, if you wish for them to stop mocking you, tell them so.

>I whistle sometimes too. I like "if I had words" from Babe. it's a good whistle

I keep returning to stuff like,

Entry of the Gladiators (which I do faster and faster),

The Bridge on the River Kwai

When Johnny Comes Marching


>I'm not. I'm not going to assault my neighbor, ree
Then admit defeat and move on with your life. Don't worry about what you can't or are not willing to change.

Keep humming and ignore the whore.
To the contrary, stepping over other women is very easy if you are a woman because there's no social stigma on it. It's "fair and square".

maybe she and her bf simply have a game where every time they hear you hum they engage in a sexual act.

they might not be mocking you. you may just be overly self-concious due to your anxieties.

post feet.

>Then admit defeat and move on with your life.
I already have decided on this path. it was just an anecdote to get the thread going

ack, it seems to have hijacked the intended topic then.

I don't hum or sing much while cooking, usually I listen to music instead. Aside from nasheeds, I like softer music for a background. I find OMAM's songs are good at this.

>Don't worry about what you can't or are not willing to change
Worry about the latter half, change your ability to change.

that seems pretty intense to whistle

I like cooking.

I hate normies.

I fear normies

I hate normalfags


Bleh. Expand your horizons at little bit at least,

Well, I do actually listen to some more out-there stuff, but most of it is arabic music, and most of those videos don't even have english subtitles. As far as English songs go, my go-to is folk metal, but that's not really very relaxing for background cooking music.

I like similar stuff, but a bit different,

Though, I like stuff like this too, for the most out-there type of thing, but it is hard to find,

Of course I'd take Blind Guardian, Emperor, or Gorgoroth, but not in the kitchen.

No Mayhem?

>listing everything

Post feet

Wish OP would poz me~ >,


Why you talking about yourself?

>moans when user hums and cooks like a boss
>has a boyfriend
Dude, she wants your dick, she's hot, and you're a pussy? Ugh. You're worse than soyboys. Go over there in a loosely tied robe and your best boxers and ask to borrow some sugar.


I usually hum the American national anthem for some fucking reason. Or hum the words in my head if I'm having a mental conversation

You can't stop the music is much better

I like to sing or dance and shake my body but my boyfriend hates it

Freaking normies

I thought people had figured out by now that I don't have a penis, lol.

You do and should post it.

I refuse to post any part of my body

knock on her door in nothing but an apron and a stack of pan cakes

can we see your butthole?


please? :3

No, but i put my phone on a cabinet handle and sing along, or play anime/vidya osts. link related


>nier automata ost
>15 minutes

Can you post your lips at least? I want to imagine those cherry lips humming

No, I listen to podcasts on wireless headphones

I sing and dance and my husband finds it adorable. Sometimes he sits in the kitchen and we sing together until he gets handsy and I tell him to go away until the food's done.

Obviously the guy isn't gonna play the piano for two hours straight.

well he should

why did you cut you're cock off

Post armpits pls

I didn't
no u


She's getting horny from you cooking. Go eat her out