How do you like your steaks?

How do you like your steaks?

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in the bin

Supporting my tent

This is alive. It is definitely not Kosher.

Medium Rare


Medium well

in stew
or well done in a sandwich
steaks on their own are honestly hit or miss and you might as well get chicken with gravy at that point unless you really trust yourself or someone else to make a good steak.

charred on the outside medium rare on the inside

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Med-rare to medium.

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With a kiss

Reminder to Americans that your leader likes his steak "well done" with ketchup.

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Up the ass

in the trash
because i don't want that parasite infested shit

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>soygoy Trump-bashing from his IPhone
What a surprise.

At least 75g worth of protein a plate

You just defended a shrivel penised manchild. That guy is literally a geriatric infant and you just defended him. You're a desperate daddy issue mess.

Just like in the OP picture.

Black, no sugar.

yeah he's a faggot

also, the way to eat a steak is well done, with A1

Well done, almost burnt

Used for bonemeal in a garden. Ashes and bonemeal. With cow urine slurry on the side.

Sunny side up

pan fried not on the grill


>Being obsessed with the leader of the free world is a bad thing
Hilary lost, get over it

Rare to medium rare. Preferably t-bone or rump.

I endorse this product or service.

Medium rare is the standard.
I'll go rare if the meat is top quality.

He also doesn't know how to hold a fork.

Rare. Very occasionally I'll go medium rare.
Tried blue once and wasn't a fan.

steak looks devine but that trypophobia inducing roasted garlic bulb tho

Large and cooked, with heat. Then smothered in all of their smaller steaks

microwaved until it rocks on the plate

white people "food"

lol okay

I ask for rare steak once when ordering food at a pub. the person taking my order looked at me weird and some dude at the counter said still in the paddock eh.



you guys never had a bovine spongiform encephalopathy issue, did you?

I don't watch the news so wouldn't know anything about that. Am I gonna die from eating meat?

no no no. England had a BSE issue back in the 80s that made them paranoid of beef. Beef is safe as shit. Hard crust with a center at 135f is my fav.

Rare-medium rare
Depends if sous vide

stop trying to sound smart. BSE isn't killed by cooking. now run along and post another "dihydrogen monoxide" meme

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better than mud cakes

the fuck are you on about. prions are impossibly hard to denature. who doesn't know that? just having you own little hissy fit, aren't you?

i really shouldn't be shocked by weirdos on Veeky Forums I guess.

>I was only pretending to be retarded

I was talking about that onenguy being worried about beef, so I asked him of he was from the UK becuase they had a historical period of bse so I assumed england YET, he was from New Zealand instead.

Then you had your autistic shit fit, incorrectly assuming I was trying to be clever.

No you should take your clozapine and do those breathing exercises.

>damage control

>The UK is England
Geography isn't your strongest skill is it user

you poor creature.

>Reddit spacing

reading comprehension isn't yours. dude. breathe, read, stop.

>Being this reddit

>so I asked him of he was from the UK becuase they had a historical period of bse
>I assumed england

alright, im not doing this, get your manic episode out with someone else. bubye you desperately in need of mental healthcare weirdo.

>He seriously thinks everyone who disagrees with him is the same person
>He thinks he's the only sane person

Very, very gay and jewish.

Well done with ketchup

Please post some African “delicacies”. Actually don’t bother. I’ve seen puke before.

Why don’t you just leave this board forever? Please.

>lots of pepper
>cast iron
>hard sear
>good crust
>medium rare

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Overcooked this one a little, but it was still very good at medium

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Still mooing

Speaking of steak and African food, Ethiopians have a lot of amazing raw beef dishes. Pic related gored gored

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kill it, skin it, rake it over the coals, and eat it.

>he salts and peppers his steaks before throwing them on the heat

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well done

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I like my steaks unseasoned and cold then covered with inedible spices and garnish.

Yes, I salt the steak about 30 minutes prior to cooking and pat dry to help get a nice crust. I know pepper before heat is a no no but I'vet tried it both ways and I prefer burnt pepper. Fight me. Come to my house and fight me in real life, fucking bitch.

I also use a little finishing salt - course ground PHS

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stop using this meme word

I didn't defend anyone, I just pointed out what a pathetic excuse for a human being YOU are.

like my women: fatty, hot and pink on the inside

>mosquito burgers


>steaks are only good if made correctly so you may as well get chicken

Ah fuck, a retard.


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Well done with ketchup.

Bloodier than your sisters box on her first ovarian cycle.

Country fried.


Found the yuropoor

He is clearly a nostalgiafag. Surely others have nostalgia meals as well.

Why does this word mean "eating garbage food" on Veeky Forums? Did everyone grow up in an abusive household or an orphanage or something? Am I the only one who had loving parents and a stable childhood?

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Medium rare is the most well I will ever accept a steak. If it's more well than that, it had better have been slow-cooking in gravy and sauce for 24 hours. A steak needs to be rare.

Trump is a man of the 70s, when everyone was on cocaine constantly and picked at their food instead of actually eating. Well done steaks and blackened fish where all the rage back then for some reason.

Ever notice how everyone who remembers the 70s as the best time of their lives are total fucking cunts?

I say kill them all, take their money, and do something to improve our culture. Starting with teaching people that steak needs to be pink inside.

with A1 and a baked potato

>"eating garbage food"
Some of what you consider "garbage food" is actually pretty good. I will never say no to a decent tuna noodle casserole, and if you will, you have no fucking taste.

I was talking about Veeky Forums which is largely people born after 1990. Never seen a "nostalgia thread"? It's nothing but pictures of the most fucked up cheap junk food.

If the "problem" was tuna noodle casserole I wouldn't have noticed it. But I can see you had trashy parents because you said OH OH OH HE MEANS ME! Post a few of your disgusting trashfood nostalgia items, since I need a real life example in the wild. You know the kind I mean. I don't remember the brands because it's always weird ass shit from like, one chain of truck stops in the 1990s.

>this level of asspain over someone pointing out the fact that you're pathetic.

Well done. Who wants to eat a half coocked bloody piece of meat?

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Black “people”

Found the manchild.

>apply 1.2% fine salt by weight of steak on both sides
>cook sous vide to 57 C for 45-90 minutes, depending on thickness
>pre-heat a cast iron pan until as hot as possible
>dry steak with paper towels
>rub oil all over the dried steak
>fry 45-60 seconds per side
>top with coarsely cracked black pepper and salt flakes

The perfect steak. Fight me.

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best steak for me: room temp meat, 30 min before heat sprinkle salt, pat dry, super high heat until cast iron pan is smoking a bit, dry steak into dry pan, press down with tongs, sear until good crust 1-2 minute depending on fat/marble, sear sides, flip and sear last uncooked side, add 2-3 nice pats of unsalted irish butter into the pan and two sprigs of fresh, homegrown rosemary onto the steak, baste crusty steak in butter and keep flipping every minute until rare/med rare. Move to cutting board, loosely tent in foil, let sit 5 minutes. Add pepper and a little more salt if you want.

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