Find a flaw

find a flaw
pro tip, you cant

Attached: sausage-sizzle.jpg (660x440, 54K)

the shitty bread is a flaw

Not in my mouth right now

Why don't people just put the snag in parallel with the bread. It's dumb to put it on a diagonal

it hangs over the edge of the bread



>not using a bun for a hotdog

Unacceptable geriatric cooking.


>shit bread
>requires visiting Australia


wtf is that apenis

>not wanting contrast in texture and flavor

is it classified as a sandwich or a sub?

It's a subwichdog

>gay, shitty non-toasted bread
>faggot ass ketchup

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>shitty bread
>not using spicy mustard
oh, sorry. you requested 'a' flaw, not 3

that's clearly a hotwich, user.

flyovers detected

Attached: two-sausage-sizzles1.jpg (500x335, 71K)

>living among niggers and human garbage

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>not eating boiled hotdogs

these arent hotdogs user

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>boiled hotdogs

Attached: 1471658517531.gif (480x351, 1.06M)

Ez faggot. No mayo. Major flaw.

Australian white bread is nothing like American white bread you fucking IQ89's




is that ketchup?

no its tomato sauce you poof

lowest prices are just the beginning...

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>mfw just downed 2 of these after my workout

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anyone getting creative with the old snag sizz? obviously its become a cultural icon due to its simplicity but i have been experimenting with a gourmet versions on my own barbecue at home

>snags barbecued slowly with garlic, chives, salt and pepper
still use the 24 for 8 dollars snags from woolies, although gourmet options work well also
>onion slices caramalised in olive oil, mixed with a few pinches of spinach just before serving
adds a touch of colour and freshness
>add streaky rasher bacon and grated cheddar
>butter one side of bread and lightly toast it on the grill itself
only one side so the bread stays flexible, nice breads are obviously better
>exotic sauces
(i like dijon and a nice ketchup or a hickory barbecue and aioli)

>proud of his dumbass regional hot dogs
pick 2 and only 2


Is that you Simmo?

You have the hands of an 80-year-old man. But way more faggy.

I'd eat it.

But if it were me, raw onions, yellow mustard.

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>living among niggers and other human trash

the co-opting of a national tradition by a conglomerate. They used to be run by groups at fetes, they'd just set up and start cooking. Now Bunnings has monopolised it and says who can & can't run a sausage sizzle. I've been involved in a number of Bunnings sausage stalls and they're absolute cunts, it's like applying for a job for your non-profit organisation.

Probably one of the most low-effort/insane pay-offs in history has been the change in vernacular from "sausage-sizzle" to "Bunnings snag." Don't get me started on this "democracy sausage" shit, makes me want to stab the lot of them.

Whitebread is flyover

not in my ass right now

Renegade for life

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down under falafel