Who among you maintains a commonplace book?

Who among you maintains a commonplace book?


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Answer the question, you bawling, blasphemous, uncharitable dogs!

Probably nobody except for actual neoluddites who wouldn't be posting here anyways.

didn't know this was a named practice, but I do keep notebooks like this

How do you go about your work, brother? What is your method?

I keep txt files of quotes

Not who you're replying to but personally I just sit down in a coffee shop and write out the thoughts I've been having in a kind of stream-of-conciousness manner, and then refine what I have down until it makes sense. I also add little relevant quotes that support my views.

don't really have a method. I write in it whatever seems relevant or useful. the most I do is keep dates and separate unrelated parts using horizontal lines

it's a bit of a mess, frankly

I pretty much do this as well. I have fragments of text that I've found interesting over the past 10+ years browsing various parts of the internet.

I don't have any sort of system, I just copy paste bits of language I find interesting for one reason or other.

I do a few things.
1) When I read a book, I sticky great lines. Once I finish the work. I type out everything I've stickied, save it on my USB with all the other quotations of all the other authors I've read.
2) Memorize. Good poems, monologues, quotations.etc I make a conscious effort to memorize or at least meditate upon them.
3) Wikipedia userpage. I edit Wikipedia fairly regularly, and some quotations, particularly things I've come across in Latin, or pieces of artworks I like, I put it on a sub-userpage to keep it close at hand.

i put all of my writing into a series of notebooks that i've been keeping since high school. the bulk of these books is first drafts of short stories, but i also squeeze in wherever i can vignettes from my life, quotes i've heard or read, facts i want to remember, ideas for pieces of writing, jokes, and anything else i find worth remembering. so i guess they're like commonplace books mixed with diaries and composition books. they read like manuscripts with tons of marginalia and commentary since everything is squeezed into the margins or separated into different awkward sections, but it basically functions as a chronology of what i've been thinking about at different times, so it's cool for that reason.

Nah...I keep a notebook like a normal person

Does this count?

I've got a study notebook where I write down my thoughts as I study the Bible, passages from books I really like, and other thoughts occasionally.

emacs org-mode

I have created a number of these style of "books". I had no idea they actually had a name. I always considered it to be no more than taking notes, and writing down ideas pertinent to my situation at the time. It's interesting to review what I had collected at each space in time that each volume represents.

If I don't remember something it isn't important


>not vim
You fucking pleb

my phone notes + pics is more or less this

Who here carries a pocket notebook?

I use evil-mode as well, which is a full recreation of vim in emacs :)))

emacs is worth learning simply for org-mode
it's just the best

nice thing is that anything you write in org-mode can be turned into an actionable that gets picked up by it's built in agenda
so you don't need a separate planner and your notes, your planner get generated from your notes

yes I have a notebook.