Does Truth really exist?

Does Truth really exist?

Yes, it exists. Look at this: truth

The Bible and the Catholic Church holds the truth.

The Talmud and the Israelites hold the truth.

No, they don't. Only the Church and the Bible has it.

unironically this

Why won't they let it go?

is existence truly real?

Isn't "Truth doesn't exist" a supposed truth?

ITT: How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real

the short answer is no
the long answer is that truth is an experience, not a statement, contrary to what brainlets claim

What do you mean? You can study either one of those religions and learn as much as you want. There's nothing stopping you.

If a, then b is true.
Therefore b

Get your hippie "Muh exberience " outta here

anybody know this nigga's name

No, they don't. Only the Israelites and the Talmud have it.

No, but we have to pretend it does, if you want to get anywhere.

Suppose the girl is truth. You can only see the girl at your own angle: in fact, there is no "girl" outside your own angle. We can acknowledge that there are many angles, but it's a mistake to think that the girl exists without any angle of view. The angle of view is a prerequisite in order to see the girl, to make the girl exist. Therefore each angle is that artist's truth, and there is not a single truth; but for each artist, their angle / truth is the single truth.

Get me?

This is basically it

"Truth" is relative only to the individual. Objective truth cannot be known, but does exist.

>but does exist
How do you know?

I can't, I just assume it does. Time as in things moving from one frame to another is a truth but the perception of how these things move is different for each person. I consider this a truth but it cannot be compared to others view however we agree that things are changing in a way even if you argue this to be an illusion you cannot argue that it is happening.

Cannot argue that it is not happening**