This is your brain on French philosophy

This is your brain on French philosophy.

so this is fake, right?

Universal suffrage was a mistake.

no, sadly not

Stop bullying fluid mechanics, you sexist bigot


They would rather listen to her then some right-wing autists who spend all day online.

unfortunately not
Victimhood can be a hell of a drug, especially if you can monetize it


she's basically right though.

t. 5th fave soycialist feminist

This quote is literally made up. She sounds like a retard from reading about her other ideas but this one was literally invented by people trying to make her look stupid.
This is Buzzfeed-tier (You)bait. Threads this devoid of content should be deleted.


Bravo. You found them out.
It's not like the speed of light
isn't in last place in the equation.
Still, she has a point.

People on lit and Reddit defend this and all the other philosophers in intellectual imposters

>Fluid mechanics
That triggered my Viktor Schauberger

She is right in a sense, there is no reason to put the fastest speed in the forefront; i mean there are reasons but they are only useful experimentally and it is arbitrary to uphold special relativity as a gospel; if einstein had taken the dogmatic view of science that this thread entails he might not have even developed relativity. There is an element of chauvanism; but i imagine the quote in OP is severely out of context.

The quote in op is fake and you're still talking out your ass in what you imagine to be wise words.
Is it really that difficult for someone on Veeky Forums to just say "I don't actually know what I'm talking about on this subject?" Because you don't.

The alphabet is feminist because F comes before M.

All letters are mysoginist desu for preferencing what is there instead of what isn't because men have cocks and women have empty space.

>there is no reason to put the fastest speed in the forefront
There's no reason not to either. It's arbitrary. Assigning a social or political significance to it is what's ridiculous.

No, all feminist for preferencing what is there instead of what isn't because women have breasts and men have empty space. And you're a phallocentric misogynist for thinking that it's penises and the body part analogous to penises that are what count.

Nice b8, desu.

You literally can't be sexist against men because they hold all the power. So that's how I know you're talking out of your ass.

>calling women powerless
you despicable shitlord

>le unique culture
french smell like shit and have literally nothing going for them except their food.

Yeah yeah, keep falling back on your masculine logic, designed to perpetuate rape culture. Pretend you're helping.

That is some high quality Pepe you got there!

If you understand the meaning of words you understand everything they describe.

oh so women can't use logic now? are you saying they're too stupid? you make me puke

>there is no reason to put the fastest speed in the forefront
There is. Please, go ahead and modify every equation that uses the speed of light for "no reason" to use the speed of sound or some other arbitrary speed.
If you manage to do it, please compare the two and tell me which one would be easier to use.

And the poster I was replying to does not understand the words that special relativity would be described in. Neither do you, I'd guess.

>$tatu$ quo is the only way :^)

>change things just for them to be different and serve no purpose, in fact, just make things worse for no reason at all
If the current paradigm is not showing flaws, there is no reason to break with it, once it can't give clear answers it is time to modify it or throw it away, not because some autists on Veeky Forums can't grasp how the science work.

It's not made up

Her arguments are quite poor - I am currently working on my thesis at Sorbonne university about the intricate connection between fluid mechanics and male cum. The average male is arguably more connected with the fluid mechanics of cum through daily masturbation than women are through monthly menstruation.


if anyone can source this DIRECTLY to one of her works I will PayPal them $1000

this is a famous made up quote constantly attributed to Irigaray and not found in any of her published papers or interviews

Thank you so much for what you do.

The op is from a paper by Richard Dawkins that does nothing but shit on postmodernism in a fashion almost as one-sided and stupid as Peterson.
He got the quote from another pair of authors who were doing the same thing. From googling it, nobody seems to be able to even agree where she wrote it, if she did.
Radical feminists say enough stupid shit themselves that making up extra shit is unnecessary.

>implying the feminist waves didn't get less socialist over time



>post-structuralist radical feminism = french philosophy
You're the reason why people trash anglos.

I've seen it attributed to Lacan, Derrida, Irigaray... it's irrelevant to these people whether it's real or not, they willed it into history, like Freud's ''sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.''


arbitrary is a meme
checked 'em

>it's irrelevant to these people whether it's real or not
an attitude shared by those who attribute the quotes here and there to discredit their opponents

I do not understand what he means by this post.

>willed it into history

Sorry, I had to go to work yesterday. I manage the emotional well being of those in my household (something the male dominated government has not yet recognised), and teach he men and children in my house (i.e., the children in my house) about gender equality.

Women CAN use logic, but they shouldn't, as it's a patriarchal tool used to brainwash people into coldheartedness. But you probably can't understand that, as men's brains are filled with testosterone and therefore they cannot handle simple logic.

Is Veeky Forums becoming a matriarchal board now? God I hope so.

All societies are matriarchal, sweetie. It's just that the dominant patriarchy blinds people to this fact.

Post the actual passages from Irigaray, doofus.

You said before that logic is in the male realm, now you're saying men can't do it? Did you just start your period? Because you're not making any sense.
>but they shouldn't
Nice use of imperative command there, a typical MALE structured thing to do. Stop acting like you know what women should and shouldn't do you sexist pig.

o-okay mommy


He meant an attitude shared by those who attribute the quotes here and there to discredit their opponents

I'm french and she's right. But most people fail to realize that french theory is just what happens when lunch has been going on for 4 hours, wine bottles are empty, and you're out of edgy shit to say that'll piss off your extended familly. Not to downplay french theorists, most of it is right if you're willing to sit down and listen to us give explanations over the course of hours.

I was referring to those people in the first place.

Oh and you DO know what women should and shouldn't do? You're going to DEMAND they play out your logic because otherwise they're on their period? And then you dare to act like you're sympathetic to their cause? No. You're a chauvinist protector type like all the other men. You won't get any brownie points from this aware feminist.

because women go slow?
French are trash in general, even Italian is a better language