What concepts or phil should I be familiar with before intoing Land?

What concepts or phil should I be familiar with before intoing Land?

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Don't bother with thinking, just pay attention.

>The story goes like this: Earth is captured by a technocapital singularity as renaissance rationalitization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off. Logistically accelerating techno-economic interactivity crumbles social order in auto-sophisticating machine runaway. As markets learn to manufacture intelligence, politics modernizes, upgrades paranoia, and tries to get a grip.

>The body count climbs through a series of globewars. Emergent Planetary Commercium trashes the Holy Roman Empire, the Napoleonic Continental System, the Second and Third Reich, and the Soviet International, cranking-up world disorder through compressing phases. Deregulation and the state arms-race each other into cyberspace.

>By the time soft-engineering slithers out of its box into yours, human security is lurching into crisis. Cloning, lateral genodata transfer, transversal replication, and cyberotics, flood in amongst a relapse onto bacterial sex.

>Neo-China arrives from the future.

>Hypersynthetic drugs click into digital voodoo.



Several pills.
All of em.
Schizotypy awaits you my friend.

Cuck porn and /pol/

Would binging on RC amphetamine analogs make me understand Land begger?


before deleuze,
before spinoza
before nietzsche
before plotinus
before schopenhauer
>the upanishads
just start with the greeks

Nietzsche, Heidegger, Marx, D&G, Adorno, Plato, Kant, Hegel, Smith, Ricardo, Locke, Hobbes, Wiener, Fuller, Russell, Whitehead in whatever order you would like

Bataille and Kant

This has been posted in the past, and you may find it useful:

>Thirdly, here is my ‘Land starter kit’. Begin by reading a fair amount of: Kant, Schopenhauer, Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, Bataille and Deleuze & Guattari.
Then you should read ‘The Thirst For Annihilation’ (which is violently brilliant) and then onto his ‘Fanged Noumena’ essays (in particular ‘Meltdown’, ‘No Future’, ‘Circuitries’ and ‘Machinic Desire’). Then read ‘The Dark Enlightenment’ and some Moldbug alongside classic cyberpunk novels such as ‘Neuromancer’ and ‘Snow Crash’. If you really want to dive deep then look into Complex Systems Theory, H. P. Lovecraft, Accelerationism, and his CCRU writings. For movies he likes Blade Runner, Terminator, Ex Machina, and Primer (his favourite). In terms of literature he enjoys Blood Meridian (‘War is God!’), and the writers Cixin Lui and Ted Chiang.

Saved, thanks

i'm not very well-versed in philosophy, but i feel that reading through some of his key literary influences like lovecraft, gibson, and burroughs, in addition to his various blog posts, has given me a solid grasp of his thought. i don't know that they've ever directly engaged with one another, but there are some significant parallels between his work and alan moore's as well. both come from a set of similar influences, so it makes sense.

"I think capitalism and artificial intelligence are the same thing. It's the same process... You're not understanding either if you don't understand that they're ultimately identical." *

What did he mean by this?

* vimeo.com/236996816
@ 15:02 - 15:29

It has to do with self-constitution and selection mechanisms.

For The Meltdown:
>the chapter on BwOs from A Thousand Plateaus
>Book II Ch.3 of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
>Plato's Republic

idk where you find it now though, ccru is down.

Nick called Hegel "brain cancer"


Scott Alexander's takedown of neoreaction as a whole is a good thing to read before you get too deep, just for the grain of salt value.

>neoreactionaries say everything is getting worse

i hope you realize that shit is retarded and doesn;t actually refute or present a compelling counter-argument to a single point

It does, for all points presented.

Honest to god, his post-CCRU era writings are so shit. I can't tell if he's putting on some act through 7 layers or irony or just deficient from years of untreated mentally illness + methamphetamine abuse.

can you get permanent brain damage from amphetamines?

the fun thing is that, even after his IQ seemed to have dropped by a digit, hes still pretty smart for a /pol/yp.

>can you get permanent brain damage from amphetamines?
Yes dipshit

I bet his genetics changed
Stress does that too
The aging of his body surely accelerated

He believes that capitalism and the natural sciences are merely tools an AI from the future uses to produce itself.

You realize that Nick Land is little but a (passable) sci-fi writer?

“… what appears to humanity as the history of capitalism is an invasion from the future by an artificial intelligent space that must assemble itself entirely from the enemy’s resources. Digito-commodification is the index of cyber-positively escalating techno-virus, of the planetary techno-capital singularity: a self-organizing insidious traumatism, virtually guiding the entire biological desiring-complex towards post-carbon replicator usurpation.”

How can anyone take this seriously?

>How can anyone take this seriously?
Overdeveloped imagination and a few other overdeveloped traits that proved useful in the evolution of humans. The traits that gave rise to religion and its offshoots.
Yes, this condition... it is known as schizotypy. It comes in extreme forms and healthy forms. It is related to high openness to experience.

References: Sapolsky, Crespi and a few others.

But doesn’t that mean that schizotypy was the normal human condition up to the European Enlightenment?

For millennia, everyone believed in Gods, ghosts, demons, magicians, curses, karma and whatnot.

Schizotypals are more suspectible to the paranormal and religious, that's all.
I think there are better explanations for our religious (etc.) past as schizotypy.

Nick Land is a nocoiner

For example?

>not reading the antithesis and the thesis
wew lad, how are you going to understand how people react from things?

>Don't bother with thinking
Land in a nutshell

so is he. do not become an uncritical acolyte drone
add baudrillard to that and a general knowledge of evolution in general. Kierkegaard has been surprisingly helpful for me to oppose and compare Land to as well.

>sewers, self-reported happiness and equality are the highest moral goods
rationalists are fucking idiots

Life expectqncy
Self reported happiness

These are unconditionally good for me
As for the highest good, everyone may decide for himself

the highest good is liberating this earth from godless troglodytes like you

I also believe in Minerva, user

rational epistemology and humanitarianism are ultimately incompatible because a transcendental principle is required which is going to be inherently irrational. pick one. either/or, bitch.

You can practice humanitarianism without "proving" it.
Check pragmatism

Is this pasta?

then you must accept that land's project of universal genocide is morally legitimate (or at least not immoral)

Why, though?

And Land doesn't want to actively genocide anyone, he merely believe an AI will genocide us some day

He's. Nick Land is the original shitposter

And racial superiority

1) you can arbitrarily choose your underlying guidance
2) humanitarianism as fundamental is somehow rationally better (assumes transcendental morality)

>he merely believe an AI will genocide us some day
And wants to bring it about faster. Seems genocidal to me under consequentialist framework you're probably operating under.

Whatever, this leads to nothing but sophism. Western societies practice both epistemology and humanitarianism

Yeah, that too.
And Land is obviously immoral in his thought, but that doesn't diminish it's worth as great theory fiction

I never got why Land wants to accelerate the process of our own demise.

He can do a hero any second if he wishes to die so much.

Not him but you're a cunt kid
>allow me to tell you what you think

>obviously immoral
again, says who?

enlightenment has been flawed from the start. Land is just bringing it to its logical conclusion through Deleuze's work. To reject Land is to reject the entire project. If you sincerely think Nietzsche and Deleuze are sophistry, then you're way too gone to be saved.
capitalism transforms any opposition to it into something that feeds the feedback loop (see anti-consumer consumer choice eg. Whole Foods.) Essentially only way to freedom is straight through.

Marx(meme variant is also acceptable), Victorian British ideology in general(darwinism, british biology/geographical expeditions and the metaphysics behind them), Freud, Herbert Spencer, Nrx.

I personally do not think Deluze is that important, or worth the time to read just for Nick(Deluze is worth reading for it's sake though), since Nick himself explains what he takes from Deluze quite well, unlike with the other thinkers he is influenced by.

But doesn't he believe that

meaning we should rather combat this space virus? Become Luddites and Communists?

You really do have to write this in every thread, don't you?

*waah why is papa Nick, not identifying with us cool kids from leftpol

>british biology/geographical expeditions and the metaphysics behind them
You mean colonialism? Where can I read about that?

Also, Land uses the death drive in his work, but fails to define it properly. Will reading Freud's original conception of it help me with this?

The Official Accelerated Intro to Nick Land Reading List:

1. Nietzsche- On the Genealogy of Morality
2. Bataille- The Accursed Share
3. Deleuze- Nietzsche and Philosophy

You don't really need to know Kant, since Land will tell you everything you need to know about him. Every other influence is secondary.

He doesn't believe what? He certainly condemns Enlightenment. Combat DOES NOT HELP. You haven't read a single word written by Land outside the 140 character space.

Not me, but I have a similar complaint. I don't blame his writing for becoming right-wing, I blame them for being intellectually bankrupt. The Kekistani subculture is for people with double digit IQs and Nick Land, perhaps the most interesting writer of the 90s, spends his resources adoring it.

Deleuze & Guttari is required to ENGAGE with his thought. Without them, his work is just a sterile monolith that you have to nod along to.

lol, that's like saying that all marxists are communists


“… what appears to humanity as the history of capitalism is an invasion from the future by an artificial intelligent space that must assemble itself entirely from the enemy’s resources. Digito-commodification is the index of cyber-positively escalating techno-virus, of the planetary techno-capital singularity: a self-organizing insidious traumatism, virtually guiding the entire biological desiring-complex towards post-carbon replicator usurpation.”

He postulates that capitalism is something imposed upon us, so we produce the AI which is using us.
While resistance might be futile, I still don't get why he cheers at humanity's possible extinction.

What's also missing from his thought is the possibility of humanity strengthening itself with technology, instead of being swallowed up by it.

I make the distinction. Still, he is a Kekistani at this point, if he means what he's tweeting and blogging seriously.

Not colonialism of people and nations(like Land even gives a shit about suffering of any people, not to mention that white colonialism isn't different from other colonialism much). But the british emprical colonialism of the world, basically the mapping of everything, every plant, every animal, every tribe, every nation's history, everything. You could get that feel from old nature documentaries.

About Freud death drive. I personally think that GNON has appropriated it and by coming to reality via capitalism is emanating it on humanity, so they think they themselfs have it naturally, which is a false illusion given by GNON. This given-from-above death drive accelerates reality further to the cleansing of humanity.

Maybe he accelerated his brain into insanity? Either way, he can't escape his older writings by now. Regardless if he agrees or not, he would have to meditate a lot to pull a Wittgenstein on himself (doubt it), and the shadow of his former works are what will ultimately define him, not this teenager angst driven alt right shit.

Damn those numbers
GNON is speaking to us

What is this fucking Neo China thing? What work does he mention it in?

I'd lump him in with the good side of frogtwitter.
insanity is the new paradigm, friend. schizophrenia is a virtue, haven't you heard?

Anyway, posts like are exaclty what I meant by You're presuming like a billion things that Land isn't.
1) Human agency
2) That his description is a completely LITERAL and NONVIRTUAL description of events (Read Deleuze)
3) That humans getting slaughtered is good.
4) That philosophy ought to be read with a straight face while nodding along

I view/read Land as positing an extremely important problem that he deems unsolvable under traditional methodology. He is not an enemy or even THE enemy, but something completely and utterly alien. His story parallels nice with Book of Jonah.

Anyway, fuck you, read actual texts for understanding of Land, not get your understanding from shitposting osmosis or back-of-the-book blurbs.

Reject stratification
the correct answer to either/or is to choose third option
IQ is real
praise Gnon

>What's also missing from his thought is the possibility of humanity strengthening itself with technology, instead of being swallowed up by it.

Oh, that's called L/ACC, but it's kind-of dead right now. Feel free to architect a following out of it.

>insanity is the new paradigm, friend. schizophrenia is a virtue
your brain on nietzsche

lol no, when did Nietzsche ever advocate for voluntary insanity?

Well, sure he advocated for CONFRONTING your insanity=the labyrynth of self, but he advised defeating it, not an alliance.

Which book in particular?


I've only read Anti-Oedepus, but familiar with most concepts through secondary lit/lectures (although nothing substitutes reading the thing). Currently working through ATP.

I'm telling you friend, it feels great.

>For accelerationism the crucial lesson was this: A negative feedback circuit – such as a steam-engine ‘governor’ or a thermostat – functions to keep some state of a system in the same place. Its product, in the language formulated by French philosophical cyberneticists Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, is territorialization. Negative feedback stabilizes a process, by correcting drift, and thus inhibiting departure beyond a limited range. Dynamics are placed in the service of fixity – a higher-level stasis, or state. All equilibrium models of complex systems and processes are like this. To capture the contrary trend, characterized by self-reinforcing errancy, flight, or escape, D&G coin the inelegant but influential term deterritorialization. Deterritorialization is the only thing accelerationism has ever really talked about.


If we are going for catchy blurbs, I think "Where others see ideals, accelerationism sees appetites"

He believes that time is nonlinear, so a future version of China may appear from the future.


>has appeared from the future

Definitely need to get Capitalism and Schizophrenia, like user says. Look for an edition with this previously unpublished chapter in it.


Fuck, I was 3 sentences in before I realized what was going on.

He made a stream on bitcoin lately

Its self-evident

This just reads like anxiety to me. I think Land is getting old.

I genuinely believe the amphetamines melted part of his cortex away.

>This just reads like anxiety to me. I think Land is getting old.

He's just giving an overview of accelerationism.
What is this anxiety you speak of?

The first half of the essay reads like someone who expects they're about to be hit.

Wish I could hide his Neoreaction/Kekistani postings when browsing his weblog

you're an idiot. human minds only see their surroundings in terms of ape utility. the universe is driven by larger forces and like the medieval peasants insisting the sun orbits the earth, you're a fucking idiot attacking someone for being correct.

the only future is the future that punishes liberals. are you afraid?

u mad


I can tell you're American.

>you're American.
i can tell you are not american

Liberalism means something entirely else in Europe, just so you know. Liberal parties are usually center-right here.

its just a term. do you feel smart bc you learned a definition? thats kind of pathetic

You're just as scared as he is.

Why are you reading an American statement (on an American website) from a European perspective? You should be more aware of your context.

Not as pathetic as being a Kekistani. I despise both the US Democrats and the US Republicans.

Cultural relativity is bullshit. European culture is superior.

AI doesn't differentiate between rednecks and soyboys, Gnon will slaughter everyone.