Weekly reminder that Nietzsche died shitting his pants and playing with blocks...

Weekly reminder that Nietzsche died shitting his pants and playing with blocks, and nothing he said or did will ultimately matter, and therefore he suffered for nothing, and therefore you’re suffering for nothing since you’re far less intelligent than him and have literally nothing to say.


jewsus didn't exist

sorry bro

>wanting meaning on a grand scale
ew, return your quads

Honestly man, I really feel bad for Friedrich. I feel so terrible for these men who had it so wrong and went out in an awful way. Like Judas, gosh, it's so saddening. It hurts my heart and soul to think he is suffering, the same for Nietzsche. I wish they are in heaven ;-(

Nothing will matter when the sun goes supernova so just off yourself now

>he doesnt play with blocks
the absolute state of the untermencsh.

And yet you just used quads to start a thread about him. Which means he's accomplished more than I ever have or will.

>being gossiped about = accomplishments

You'll accomplish great things user, dont trip

The fact that you can evoke his name more than a hundred years after his death here and have his name represent somethung is more than enough proof that what he wrote was meaningful, that what he did mattered and remains so.

i'm smarter than Friederic Nietzsche by a lot

There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.

Reminder that Nietzsche will die shitting his pants an infinite number of times. Also nice quads.

Kek. Eternal returdance

O noes, the heat death of the universe too!

correction: not being talked to

Nothing matters, you narcissistic simpleton.

Most philosophers were frauds....WOW WHAT A REVELATION!?!?


teeny weeny

Dude, Nietzsche is the primary influence on modern leftism.

no not at all