Happy Christmastime, Veeky Forums

Well, I am off of work for the holidays, and wanted to say Happy Christmas to my fellow Veeky Forums dwellers. To celebrate, I will buy a few books off of the amazon wish lists of various anons for them - let's say one book off of each list until I get to around $50 spent in total (i.e. nobody ask for Women and Men; try to keep the request under $20 so I can gift at least 3 anons). Post your list in this thread and if you're early enough you'll have something to read come Christmas proper.

Other urls found in this thread:


that's nice of you

Just trying to spread a little holiday joy, user!


One tale of chivalry and sacrifice on the way to you. Merry Christmas user!

It'd be nice to get True North as I've had trouble finding it at my local second-hand book store. You're a lovely guy, user. Have a merry christmas.


Happy to get it for you, user, but it doesn't look like you have a shipping address, because the only options I see are my own addresses (as opposed to "user's gift address")

(Let me know if you update your address so I can put the order in)

I edited the list. It should work now

Looks like it won't get there in time for Christmas, but come the first week of the New Year, you should have some reading material. Merry Christmas user!

Thank you, user! Merry Christmas, and God Bless!

Thanks, user. You made my week. I'll be sure to do what you've done next Christmas,
when I have the money to. God bless.

Hey OP, I'm good for Christmas, but wanted to let you know that for the first time in the history of Veeky Forums OP is not a fag.

Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays and God bless to you two too!

Thanks user. Hope you have a merry Christmas too!

To all others, still have room for one more book! Get in while the getting's good!

Off to grab dinner, but I'll check back in an hour or so to see if there's a final taker.

Cheers anons - happy holidays and good reading to all of you!

Hi user,

I really appreciate what you're doing. I've been trying to start Proust or East of Eden for a while now, but never have gotten around to it. Merry Christmas to you!


Very nice OP
tinyurl com(slash)y8gw7k2z

Hope I'm not too late.

Didn't have a gift delivery address, I'm afraid, user. Next time maybe!
I'm sorry user, but my Italian is horrible, so I wasn't able to work out the italian version of Amazon.

I hope another nice user takes care of you two though!

Some Shelley is incoming. Have a happy Christmas, user!

And Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all on Veeky Forums! I hope you all have as comfy and cozy a holiday season as is possible.

Thank you, user! I've been looking forward to reading that. An incentive to read Prometheus Bound too.

If you haven't used all your money yet
a.co/fIp5jcK there are a couple books from here I would enjoy.

OP here - I'm tapped out for the moment (well, not really tapped out, but also have other responsibilities and gifts to get, etc), but I'd encourage other anons feeling generous and/or in the holiday spirit to chip in as well - I got a book for and , but and are at present without gifts.

Hope everyone has a very merry Christmas!

Wait, was this for real? I don't think I've ever seen anyone on Veeky Forums be anything but condescending, much less actually generous.