What's the best looking book in your collection, Veeky Forums?

What's the best looking book in your collection, Veeky Forums?

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is this the ‘please don’t touch my rafs’ of Veeky Forums?



why would you spend so much money on books that arent even in the original language?
english is the easiest language i have ever encountered by far.
just read the original, you'll have a better reading experience I promise.

My copy of on the road original scroll

what's that?

a book

Not my picture but mine is in a similar condition.



That cover really poorly represents that book

Stop repeating what another user said in a thread a week and a half ago and go read the actual book you moocow, maybe then you can substantiante your claim with something other than spit dirzzling on your collar

At first I thought you were an idiot for buying a complete set of an unfinished series, you'll have to pay again for the last two books and they probably won't be in the same format and style.
Then I remembered that GRRM is going to die before he finishes the next book, so in fact you probably do have the whole series in the box.
Then I realized that it's a fucking translation of a shitty fucking fantasy series and that you really are an idiot after all.

Those books aren't even mine. Got the picture on the internet. That said, my best looking book is a translation of Forrest Gump anyways.


>folio society

Why didnt you buy dostoyevsky and tolstoy in russian? Why did you buy the bible in english and not hebrew? Why arent you reading borges in spanish? Fucking retarded

OP can read Spanish, desu.

>why didn't you buy an ancient religious text in a language that you don't speak
>why didn't you buy a contemporary fantasy novel in a language that everyone and their mother speaks?

I googled this and I honestly don't understand how you thought anyone on Veeky Forums would catch that reference.

it’s fairly common on Veeky Forums


Maybe, now listen to this I know it's far-fetched by just consider it, OP isn't from the anglo shpere

What is it?



It’s the Illuminati.

it's LoTR, tardo

it would make a great Moomins cover with that introduction by Knausgaard and all

>buying the fancy pants box set of a series that isn't even finished yet

Really like these two

Judging by OP's pic he's Brazilian.

Those books are actually pretty cheap (also cheaply made). They're most editions for plebs who never read anything else outside of Harry Potter and need to feel "classy" or "medieval" or whatever.
Not at home right now but either Poiesis Bruscky, Abrams' Havey Kurtzman anthology or A Inconstância da Alma Selvagem, a book by a brazilian anthropologist named Eduardo Viveiros de Castro. Nothing SPECIAL about it, but the whole editorial process was so careful that it stands out as a particularly beautiful simple book.

>english is the easiest language i have ever encountered by far.
any romance language is far easier than english

Spanish and Portuguese are rather similar languages, if OP has paid attention to his elementary school classes, he's likely to be able to understand most of it without struggling too much.

I don't actually have this, but I wish I did.

No they're not. And blame elementary schools teaching "to be" and color names level english instead of neighboor hermano's language.

I'm saying this because I'm Brazilian, had a decent elementary school and can understand most of what I read in Spanish, despite having some problems with "falsos amigos".

I love those deluxe editions

Doesn't your collection get fucked up once a new book is released? These "complete" sets make no sense when a series is incomplete.

Tove's illustrations are lovely.

B-but I said I got this picture on google, user.

drink this brah lol you might die but you might also become enlightened

vai ti fude

Laxness. "Independent Folk" I guess.

aw that looks sweet


lmfao, enjoy it falling apart in a year.


Is it an actual scroll? and if so wer 2 cop familia?

One of my Folio Society books, probably.

This is my MORTE DARTHUR FROM 1868 with red leather boards and an ivory plate on the front cover. How'd I do?

My favorite books are my library of america editions. I have some Crane, Emerson and Poe. They're simple and well made.

Wish I had a leather-bound pic related

Does it have a companion humidor?


This, desu

Why do weeaboos have to ruin everything?

Does anyone know where I can find this leather-bound?


Probably my Shelley. I have some "nicer" 3/4 leather books but the portrait makes this my favorite.

Wish this hadn't been so expensive a few years ago when I was looking for a copy. Was like $200ish; ended up getting the American edition instead. Much prefer that dust jacket though, super cool.

cheap but i like the cover

Cost me $180

Nice, that's pretty similar to my Tennyson.

Carroll would love this version.
In he was alive today he would posting in loli threads on /a/.

Ouch. Sorry dude.

Is this a joke?

It was a long time ago. Can't make myself give it up.


Can't pull up an actual picture but get jealous of my Yeats faggots

Not the rarest book but it's a hardcover and the Doré illustrations are great.
In decent condition as well.

Did you buy it at that price?

Nice! I have a copy of Tennyson but haven't dipped into it yet. Was thinking of trying "in memoriam" since "better to have loved and lost..." is about the only thing of Tennyson's I've ever heard.

Any favorites you'd recommend?

OG edition of mein kampf.

My local library has this edition and it's so fucking good. So fucking expensive though.
It's a shame because the only other cover is atrocious so I probably will never own it.

Igualmente me pasa a mí con el portugués, soy español pero si tienes un vocabulario bastante fuerte en este, entiendes sin ningún problema el portugués escrito. Hablado ya es más difícil por la rapidez y el poco vocalizar de los lusos y brasileños aunque a poco que los escuches te haces a su acento. Portugal nunca debió separarse de España, somos más hermanos que vecinos, los ingleses triunfaron con sus intrigas

O pior é que, do meu ponto de vista, quem fala rápido são vocês, o que dificulta, de fato, a compreensão da língua falada. Todavia, eu me referia somente à leitura quando disse ao user que nossos idiomas são semelhantes.

>Bible in Hebrew
>Not ancient Greek and Aramaic

Pleb detected

I have the two-volume limited edition Folio Moby Dick from a few years ago, £195 and sells sometimes now for £800-£900...its so beautiful. Also a Goatskin Clarion KJV that was about £100. The rest of my books are shit paperbacks

but...the OT is originally hebrew isnt it?

Biblical Hebrew and Biblical Aramaic

The NT is written in Greek by people thinking in hebrew, hence its so awkward and...unliterary, comapred with the OT

I like this a lot.

I have one, but they really don't look that great.