"My hobbies include reading."

>"My hobbies include reading."

>my hobbies include shitposting on a kazakh post-surrealism collective about how dum reading is

i have to bump this thread because i'm upset because i need to wake up in 3 hours and i haven't fallen asleep yet

My hobbies include rock climbing, partying and sexing the GF.

I'm a normie! Yewhaa!

this is now a hobby thread
hiking, hunting, reading, drawing here

god I love to do heroin that is a hoby yes

Read? Yes

Art, theology, surgery, eating/drinking, reading manga, nature, videogames, drugs, sex

>sexing the GF

If I had a resume I'd put that on there. That way I'll get fired for lying.

>the face of that guy you know that's way too into "vintage gaming"

how on earth is surgery a hobby

My hobbies include thinking, dancing to the sounds of nature and walking in the rain.

>he doesn't perform recreational surgery

my hobbies are

My hobbies are reading, contemplating things, philosophy, theology, esoteric studies, occultism, improving myself, and volunteering for causes I think are important. My life still feels chaotic and empty though.

I spend my time like this. Sitting with my droogs at the Korova milk bar. Then I goith into the night and give the good ol beaty weaty to some of the lesser cultured in society. After my exercise I latith down in my cosy postel and listen the sweet zvuki of symphony 9 Ludwig Van Beethoven. I've got little time for the viddy but I enjoy a some fine literature involving a little bit of ultra violence.

read the list again, only the first two things could possibly be a hobby

my hobbies are philosophy, reading, occult studies, antiquing (especially for old books), photography, language, journalism, alcohol, and communism.

>I red symbols on paper. that make me smart. dont be plebe, but patrish like me

well heck, it's better than watching tv

Is it though?


rookie mistake, you have to say your hobbies are 'reading and writing' that way people won't think you're only semi-literate.

>His hobbies doesn't include reading

My droog.

>sexing le gf
go back

>kazakh post-surrealism collective
quality post