Why read fiction when nonfiction exists? What does fiction give you that memoirs, biographies, essays...

Why read fiction when nonfiction exists? What does fiction give you that memoirs, biographies, essays, and philosophy don't?

Non-fiction is for your mind
Fiction is for your soul

And what do memoirs, biographies, essays and philosophy give me that fiction doesnt?

The reflections and thoughts of real people, placed in a real time. No matter how well realized, the depth of thought in a fictional character can't match a real person's.

>The reflections and thoughts of real people, placed in a real time.
But you're getting that with fiction too. You know - the author.


Because I want to.

Is there any work of fiction that has some insight that nonfiction doesn't already have at the time it was written?

I'm just saying why I personally prefer fiction to nonfiction, not that one is inherently superior. It's been a while since I've read Sartre, but I felt I had a better grasp of his stance after reading his plays than any of his essays and such. This doesn't work for everybody, but I understand better when shown instead of just told.

durr why do paintings when photos exist
All of them.
>muh insight
Your brain is far too gone.

Why watch movies when cctv footage exists

I don't know mang, Mickey fucking Mouse seems to have deeper thoughts than the mong who made this thread.

>he believes in the fiction/non-fiction dichotomy
shiggy diggy, my man

I thought of a better way to put it. I feel most nonfiction is written for people that already agree with the author while fiction is written to convince people, which means its points are usually presented more effectively.

Good point. That's probably why so many brainlets love reading nonfiction that confirms their beliefs or play upon their emotions, such as When Breath Becomes Air and Evicted.

There are nonfiction authors who don't write as well as fiction authors
Allegory of the Cave

Same thread every week. Do you all just not know what art is? Why not go to the library and actually pick up the Norton anthology of criticism, you chud? or anything on the 'function' of fiction?

probably thats why countless logicians, philosophers, mathematicians etc are writing answers to theories they dont agree with through thousands of years, idiot

Funny. I asked a question like that once, but on opposite terms. Go to Reddit and they'll kill you for not liking fiction. I mostly read non-fiction, with some fiction interspersed, so I asked why I should read more made up stories. They had a rage fit. Humans are funny, aren't they?

not on opposite terms, sorry, the same terms. I'm fucking tired.

If you even have to ask this than you miss the entire point of fiction, and what makes it greater than "non-fiction," ie everything else. Tired of answering this just know the fault is on you


Non-fiction is easier to do. You just collect data and order it through the mechanism of lazy prose. Therefore non-fiction is inherently inferior. Also
This guy gets it.

>Lazy prose
Sebald's Rings of Saturn had great prose. Also Rousseau's Confessions, and The Anatomy of Melancholy. All of the above are nonfiction.

>le made up meme
What are you even doing here? Go edit some wiki articles or something.

why read Goethe when you can read Jordan Peterson?

>a small amount of nonfiction books manage good prose
>this makes fiction inferior, despite it having seas more of good prose

give this user the Veeky Forums equivalent of a beer

While only three were listed, there are reams of nonfiction with good prose if you cared to look for it.