
Post your favorite quotes

Hitler did nothing wrong


OP's quote is stupid, it is the mark of intelligence, to plan as far aheas, as possible. Veeky Forums is getting dumber and dumber at the day.

Well he certainly took that one too literally. Entering into a needless war which cost the empire eventually turning Britain into a parody of itself 70 years later.



Anybody who praises Churchill is deeply suspect in my books.

He was a reckless alcoholic and only gained and kept his various political jobs due to nepotism and class distinction. He failed with the invasion of Turkey, he failed with the invasion of Norway, to name but a handful of his many strategic, ill-advised military failures.

Read "Churchill's War" and you'll discover how disgusting this man truly was, and who funded him for so long and sustained his lavish lifestyle.

I think it's more about making sure that your plans have good, realistic foundations instead of being a series of "ifs"


too bad a hack

I know he's considered a bit plebish but he's my favourite poem.


The world is nearly all parcelled out, and what there is left of it is being divided up, conquered and colonised. To think of these stars that you see overhead at night, these vast worlds which we can never reach. I would annex the planets if I could; I often think of that. It makes me sad to see them so clear and yet so far

>"Starve every Indian." - Churchill

Honestly kind of a daft cunt

Then the key of knowledg I busily took in hand
And began to search the hollownes of the Lock
The wards thereof I scarce did understand
They were so craftily conveyed in their stock
I proved evry way & at last did unlock
The crafty Gynns thus made for the nonce
And with it the other Locks fell open all at once.
- Isaac Newton



Breadth vs depth

>needless war
yeah Germany shouldn’t have invaded France and Poland
>who funded him
the British establishment


>Hitler and the German people did not want war
Who do we blame? The people who took offensive action or the people who signed muh peace of paper and declared war? And what's more, barely did nothing to Germany for a year, nevertheless Germany continued to take offensive action invading Norway and then France... hurrr dindu nuffin
You're right in the sense that the German people weren't particularly enthused with the war, but they did trust their Fuhrer... and their Fuhrer, reluctant as he may have been, believed he needed to go to war.

Also, that quotation is hilarious. Shawcross never said that, and it's incredibly hard to believe the quote a priori. Can't you just be content with Patton's words?