Order books through amazon

>order books through amazon
>they come in with bent covers, ripped pages, and smudges
Never again.

Happens too much, user. I'll be looking forward to a crisp new book, then the package arrives and I open it and mfw

Seriously, you’d think the largest(?) corporation in the world would’ve figured out a way to deliver books, their original product, in pristine condition. I mean, I’m sure once the drones cut out the Mailman middleman the problem will be solved, but other companies who ship delicate things develop special packaging to minimize damage

I feel you op. It's probably the only thing that annoys me.

Never happened to me desu

I've never seen a mailman that doesn't hate his job. They have so much contempt for what they do, it's like those guys at work who are always slamming the xerox and kicking cabinets closed. They do it with such casual malice that they don't even appear angry, it's just a habit formed out of utter disrespect. Mail drivers do the same thing to packages. I've had UPS/fedex come ripped, drenched, and brutalized in various other ways. Sometimes they just forget to even do their job and the thing is never delivered, because you "weren't home" when they drove by without checking. Other times they steal shit, I'm sure at least 10% of packages are opened and rummaged through by bored, idiotic workers somewhere in the shipping process. They rarely steal my shit because their taste is so fucking asinine that they don't want it. But if it's a set of headphones or something, good luck watching your package stall out and disappear somewhere in the midwest. You can rest assured that some hard working laborer is now enjoying your property at home on his couch.

I cannot wait until all manual labor in this profession is automated.

wtf is this



t. Europoor

It's when workers can't be half-assed enough to check whether or not the machines have cut the books correctly when there could be flaps folded into the stack. Either fold them back everytime you're done, ignore them, or try your best to cut them off with some scissors

yes, and?

I think ill just send it back and ask for a normal copy of the book.

>tfw just noticed this on a book and the one moth time limit to get my money back or get a new one is over

That sucks.
Ive got 29 days left.
Should i read it in the meantime?

>buy knickerbocker classics
>they come shrinkwrapped and in a box
Just glue your anus shut before you decide to post in a shelf thread

>Just glue your anus shut
What did he mean by this?

just got Temple of the Golden Pavilion with bent bottom right and top left cover from amazon gonna fucking chimp

I work for [major shipping corp] and I can confirm most of us hate our jobs and will destroy your shit without a second thought. Though stealing is a lot less common because we have cameras watching us every 10 feet and the people that do steal usually stick to electronics and pills and are always caught because they're fucking retards.

you really gotta ass, dude?

Should have ordered from book depository. Mine came in and was in perfect condition.

Amazon owns Book Depository, dingus.