Unending Pleasure

What does this mean to you?

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A moment with no obligation is a moment to be savored. Unending pleasure is having that moment regularly.


Also, nothing at all.

Association with God.

Or, at the very least, the soul regaining it's immortal status

Union with God

A never ending steak

When I was an atheist I would have told you it is a never-ending orgasm with the hottest girl on the planet.

It's easier to come up with a likeness for the pleasure part, but eternity is still very difficult for me to grasp. Also, the notion of feeling a sole constant feeling for eternity is difficult, especially one such as ecstasy, which is so rare in this world. Hell is much easier for me to imagine than heaven.

getting tucked in at night and kissed on the forehead and cheek and told a bedtime story by God

As an Atheist I would say it's unimaginable and unacheivable.

thats why there are 24 hours in a day, and then a new restart, so you can have sex every day like new, and still get plenty of pleasures elsewheres

Whatever it was that I felt that one time I did acid and it felt like I had breaked out of time and everything just 'was'

being left alone in a warm room with a big soft mattress

a big hot soft pretzel every other day, mustard dip


Well we can't even begin to approach a description.

Look at it this way:

Eternal life in Heaven is gonna be awesome

Eternal death in Hell is not gonna be awesome

to be honest, I wish we could know, but we cannot

Not to rain on your parade, christfags, but I'm pretty sure all Jeebus meant by eternal life was that in living in the truth, your actions will echo beyond your life as a person into eternity. The eternal bliss isn't your own personal harem, it's the fruits your labor will bring into the world. The idea of 'your body might die, but your immortal soul might gain eternal bliss in the realm of spirit' is something neoplatonism introduced into Christianity at a later point.

I’m with this guy

Can you say more?

He literally couldn't be any more blatant. Coming from a guy who fed thousands with little food, cured the blind, healed lepers, cured the sick, rose someone from the dead, and oh, resurrected, when He discusses eternal life, He probably means something beyond our reality... If you're addressing Christians on how they should interpret what Jesus said, you should probably take into account all of the miracles, the stuff occuring beyond reality, so you might know what He meant by eternal life


Alternatively, an oscillating series of hardships and triumphs punctuated by occasional hedonistic indulgences.

Sorry my dude, but if 'Jesus knew how to do magic' is what you get out of the bible, you're missing the point entirely.

You see, in order to be able to justify to yourself that you're not going to die you have to reject the reading that is actually believable, the thing that made Christianity stand out from the heathen religions, religions which, by your metrics, should be just as plausible. All major religions have their own origin myths, proofs of their gods power, healings, resurrections, transformations. Gautama was a pretty cool dude, and he knew how to do miracles as well. On what basis are you rejecting his claim to divinity? The fact that Jesus knew how to placebo people back into health, and how to make them share their food with each other by taking the first step, isn't what makes him special. There were plenty of 'messiahs' performing miracles back in the day.

Nah, teach!

fuck... I meant hot cheese

Way to completely ignore the resurrection, aka "the entire point of Christianity."


Reading a good book

Just like bread and wine doesn't literally turn into Jesus' flesh and blood during the last supper, so Jesus' resurrection is a symbolic representation of the resurrection of the divine spirit, the truth of Christianity. Jesus lives on in the body of the Christian community, in the individuals communion with the divine.

By the way, you haven't adressed the question of why you reject the miracles other religious traditions point to when their truth is called into question.

Jesus' resurrection is literal. The testimonies of all the apostles are to the actual, physical nature of his resurrected body. Spiritualize it away all you want, you're doing violence to the text.

That's what Catholics say about the last supper to this day.

fuck I meant warm cheese, so as for hot to not be confused with scalding

fuck, I should specify that the cheese should be melted

Christianity is a psycho-sexual denial cult, the promise of ectasy incomparable in the afterlife for chastity and renunciation in the mortal realm. Fairly simple dialectic and also very powerful blood/sex magick
wrong, go away idiot. christ was a prophet and had the holy spirit within him. he wasn’t a normal human and his followers literally lose their souls to his realm at death.
yes it is literal

which are you, a marxist or a crowleyfag?


neither I reject Crowley’s pedo-murderous cult and Marx’s autism and inability to understand consciousness. I take from them what’s necessary and leave the rest for the damned to poison their bellies with.

Saving that picture mein nigger

eternal peace and solitude, like the ideal of living as a hermit in the mountains, except i dont have to feed myself, etc.

Well, to be completely honest I don't really understand why you consider Christianity a psycho-sexual denial cult (sounds fairly Nietzschean - I do like Nietzsche, but I think he missed the central message of Christianity because the people of his time didn't get it either), but if you're a fellow Hegel-fag you're alright in my book. Are you familiar with his interpretation of the Christian doctrine?

Jesus literally let thousands of people abandon Him over the teachings of how we must eat His Body and drink His Blood. He didn't think it was symbolic or metaphorical. Though it is, the Eucharist is more than just a symbol, to the point Jesus let thousands go because He wouldn't qualify His bread discourse.

>On the Eucharist being the literally body and blood of Jesus Christ:

1. It's transubstantiation. It's called a host and it literally changes but not physically.

Also look up the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano. This is one big miracle attesting to Catholicism and the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. An Italian scientist did a study on the miracle(it's in italian) but there's a website that lists the facts from that research.

Too, you're a fool to limit Christianity to only the practical part and the symbolic parts. It is foolish to only look two of the many traits and characteristics of Christianity.

the evidence for Jesus's execution, early accounts of His resurrection (not like a legend thats 200 years old), the empty tomb, and the like 500 eye witnesses accounted for historically. And yes I get "Jesus did magic" out of the Bible and a whole ton more.

Being at peace with myself and accurately reflectibg my atman

The problem I have is that you are denying people who take what I consider to be the 'truth' of Christiatity and make it accessible to the people of our time the 'right' to transform the christian myth, just to keep your sad belief in something which is utterly irrational, and simply not believable to anyone who is willing to honestly pursue the truth relevant.

Aren't you invalidating the interpretation I am putting forth for the purpose of keeping your own position relevant? Again, if what you are championing is 'muh miracles', then why Christainty? Why not Taoism? The least you could do is address this fundamental question.

An eternal state of drawing closer to God without ever reaching God.

>t. Hegelian

I borrowed the idea from Stanley Hauerwas, who made the point in juxtaposition with Augustine's, "We come to rest in God."

From the little I know about Hegel I can see why he would find this idea attractive.

"My kingdom is not of this world"

That’s straight up Gregory of Nyssa’s conception of heaven my friend. Origen I believe also had a similar vision.

I can't liken it to anything

cont. "if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence."

All he's saying here is that his kingdom isn't material but spiritual - hence it can't be brought about through material conquest, nor can it be defended by force.
>naw man, he's talking about a literal parallel dimension. my church told me so!

Falling deeper and deeper into love, with your love captured by a heart so pure it reflects back.

And then letting go, because the two of you want to explore the entire universe separately, so you may come to the joy of reunition and discuss your travels, and how you were waiting for this moment for all eternity.
>tfw I believe in soul mates :(

Who are the guys in that pic?

Hegel on the cross, then:

Lacan Badiou?
Derrida Deleuze?
??? ???

I forgot Sartre in the lower right.

That's very interesting. I'm no expert on this, but isn't it possible to do DNA tests on the flesh and replicate Jesus' genes or something? It reminds me of how Wittgenstein once said that a miracle studied scientifically turn non-miraculous by the very process (not that it becomes less important, only that it becomes less strange and foreign).

fuck, I should have noticed there can be both types of dip and the pretzel can be split in half, or quarter