Amazon product quality

Let's talk about amazon product quality. Has anyone else been receiving books in increasingly worse condition as time goes by?

Recommend alternative online bookstores if you can.

YES, bought fresh books and they came slighly dishevelled. I think they pack recklessly

Never had a problem.

I don't buy books from Amazon

Used books that were bought from amazon 10 years ago are probably in better condition than the ones they ship out now. It seems liek there's no point in buying anything new from them.

Used philosophy books are almost always beat up but everything else has been fine or described somewhat accurately.

Yep last two out of four books came in with some minor damage. Nothing I would cry about.

Sometimes. Abebooks is the worst though.

Never had a problem. They only once sent a new book that was slightly worn but they delivered it in two days even though I selected free shipping. I'm assuming they did that on purpose and I have no complaints. It was really minor wear that must have occured in the warehouse.

Nearly every order from them contains a bizarre substitution. Got a fluffy pink sweater instead of a shower caddy one time. Still, on balance I like what they've done for self publishing.

Typically minor tears on paperback covers, but yeah. Do you know how all Amazon products are handled/obtained in the warehouse? Watch a video on it and it'll make sense. Protip: do this

I used to be a picker for amazon. The way books are stored is totally unacceptable. They’re chucked loosely into a bin alongside other assorted flotsam. There isn’t really an explicit organization system in amazon warehouses; the computer just remembers where stuff was put and can guide you to it later as needed. I’ve found dog food, cleaning supplies, sunglasses, books, and sex toys all in the same bin.

drop more red pills, please

what happens when people order edgy shit

education for 1000 people costs 33 MILLION dollars?

Was the sweater comfy tho

i have only had one book arrive in poor condition but it did happen within the last six months and i've been ordering books from amazon for years now.

college is expensive user
considering its about 10K a semester at a good uni, 33M aint that bad

Iv been using Amazon, im a newfag to books
Every book except The Cossacks was in fine condition, the cover for cossacks looked shriveled or old.
Where should I get books?

You're missing the blatant subtext of the thread. We can't buy from Amazon any longer because he's obs in with the Jews who want to create a viable workforce for the 21st century that can compete with China, is based in high-tech industries, so that we will not slip into Mad Max conditions in about 25 years once everything is outsourced and those lucky enough to have jobs are taxed at 100%. He's one of (((them))).

Too petite.

I got a copy of Faust that was clearly leaning under the weight of it's neighbors so that the covers are now somewhat misaligned. Not impressed desu. Also a copy of Samson Agonistes that is all dented inwards on the top right corner, but only for like 30 pages, which is weird because that's like 2mm of thickness of the book.

his workers work until they're so tired they literally lose consciousness but of course on Veeky Forums the main problem is his virtue signaling PR move

made me think

Buying things from amazon is not ethical, they exploit their workers and spy on you.

I've only had to return a book once but I feel like they are always testing limits

I would also like to hear more

Why exactly is it unethical? People voluntarily choose to work for them and buy devices knowing that data is being gathered.

they keep sending me books with beat up spines and corners, its infuriating.

>People voluntarily choose to work for them
working in terrible conditions so you don't die of hunger or exposure is about as "voluntary" as "choosing" to give your money to a man who points a gun at you and says "your money or your life!"

How do you know these workers only other option is to die of exposure or hunger?

12K for my whole Bachelor here.

If buying from Amazon is a no no, where should I get my books?

Just pirate them onto your phone like I do

I bought some books off Amazon for the first time a month ago. They were pretty specific books and I couldn't find them in physical stores in my country anyway.

The books were in a somewhat decent condition, but they didn't look brand new at all. One in particular seemed pretty old and the cover wasn't exactly perfect. I needed those ASAP so I decided no to return them, but I wasn't exactly pleased.

Good for those illegal immigrants!

because they're working for minimum wage (if even that) and collapsing from tiredness
if they had any other choices they would've taken them

The minimum wage is 7 and the lowest anyone gets paid at the warehouse is 12 but even if it weren't the case that's still not a reason to think it's there only other option aside from starving. Even if that's the only other job in the world for them there's still government assistance or charity.

yes they package them badly
let's just throw this shit loosely in a box and place one of those air pillows on top

>What do you mean I can't have these children install asbestos for 18 hours a day? They're doing it voluntarily! Stop restricting the market!
Why do we still need to have these conversations

>Even if that's the only other job in the world for them there's still government assistance or charity.
they already get government assistance (food stamps)
what kind of businessman is bezos when his employees have to get food stamps and charity to survive and is that kind of business right (in a moral sense)

That sounds like a good argument to reduce welfare since it's essentially subsidizing large business by enabling workers to accept lower wages. Welcome to the Republican party.

Very serious suggestin, can we make an info-graphic for where to buy books? And also, one for where to download ebooks

it's a good argument if you're very very dumb, so yes, welcome to the republican party

There is a certain sweetness in owning the physical copy of a depository of a man's inner thoughts. That, ebooks and pirated copies will never top.

If it's so dumb you shouldn't have any trouble explaining why.

my niggas at thrift books always have my back.

because the workers can't just say "adios, I won't work"
they need money to pay rent and bills, feed themselves, clothe themselves, buy gas AKA basic needs
so cutting that welfare means pushing them into an even worse material position while making them more desperate to get money even though what the employer pays won't be enough to subsist

godamn, a stupid /pol/ thread... this kind of threads are /v/ level, you should make better /pol/ threads in Veeky Forums

Again you're making the assumption that Amazon is the only job available, and this is the critical mistake your making. Amazon is competing for workers just as every other business is, in this case they're competing for low skilled workers. If their warehouses don't offer enough compensation for people to support themselves then those people will go somewhere else or do something else, there's nobody without options. Even if there's absolutely no other jobs available a person can still choose to switch career paths and enter education or skills training which will allow them to go other places. Loans are available to anyone.

Now because of the availability of government welfare, these low skill workers can afford to accept lower wages than they normally would and thus Amazon is in a position to offer less compensation for labor. If we make welfare less available then workers must demand more compensation and then Amazon, if they want to attract workers, must offer more compensation.

I'm not happy with companies like Walmart making a fortune while paying their workers so little but this is precisely what welfare programs enable. Following from the principle of supply and demand, it is a guarantee that if welfare was ended those workers who will no longer be able to survive on their current Walmart wage will demand more compensation, and if Walmart wants to keep their workforce they will have to give it.

Complaining about people talking of things other than literature is to talk about things other than literature. Try holding yourself to your own standard before demanding it of others.

Wtf now I hate bezos

That's $33,000 each
Doesn't it cost a lot more than that?

Anyway I don't buy from Amazon because of Bezos anti-union thuggery and lolbertarian positions
I usually get new books from bookshops and secondhand stuff I cant find in secondhand bookshops from ebay

I understand your theory of "well there are many employers and they're also competing for workers!" but it's one of those things that works only in theory, like physics problems that have the note "You can ignore friction and air resistance"
in reality, friction and air resistance get your calculations out of whack and you end up flying a plane into a mountain and it's the same thing with the variables in our lives
the worker doesn't have the power you think he has because there is a horde of people who need money to survive and will take any of those jobs at walmart, amazon or wherever so the moment the worker quits there's someone else who'll jump in which means the company doesn't have to raise the wages

But its ok the free market will sort it out.
Its a great system.
The market is infallible, it can’t be beat!

Supply and demand is just a wild theory. Yeah okay dude.

supply and demand is fine but if you follow it and only it strictly you'll end up flying the plane into a mountain because YOU'RE FORGETTING FRICTION AND AIR RESISTANCE AND A LOAD OF OTHER SHIT
how is it so hard to understand that life is hugely complex and you can't boil it down to "supply and demand"

Yeah I get it man. Economics isn't real because of mountains and stuff.

you're either a troll or terminally stupid

Hes saying that theres much more to Economics than supply and demand you fucking brainlet.

Yeah he said lots of things with specifying or giving reasons to believe they're true. You can't reason with somebody like that. He just says you're wrong and that's that.

How is this any different to providing scholarships or rapists and child molesters? He is literally giving people that have broken the law free money.

>how are people who have crossed a border without permission different from rapists and pedophiles?


Fuck off plebbit


>how are people who didn't sign a waver before fucking a girl who later changed her mind and called it rape different from destroying an entire country's economy

>destroying an entire country's economy
that's what's gonna happen when you get rid of all those fruit pickers

>destroying an entire country's economy

well by definition you are literally trespassing into another country and not only making use of the infrastructure without paying any tax, but you're also stealing jobs.

jeff bezos is encouraging this.

>by definition
by definition you have no right to complain since you must have broken at least one law during your life

just so long as i can read text on pages i literally don't care about the quality of my books

did I get a scholarship for it?

You should atleast have some standard user, what if the pages have a bunch of stains on it? Or tears or broken cover?
Or its a Wordsworth?

send them back. if no one sends them back, they'll never fix it. right now it's costs less to use shittier fulfillment than it is to care because the return rate is too low.

sounds like you could've used free college

hilarious comeback and you've just admitted your argument was dumb

lol no since my "argument" had nothing to do with welfare or scolarships
it was merely pointing out the fact that as a criminal your opinion can be dismissed out of hand

sorry but breaking some clause in the law books - a technicality, a victimless crime - is not the same as rampant tax evasion. i don't understand how you think rewarding criminals, yes, criminals who steal from the working people, is justified.

I get books from them all the time with bent corners and scratch marks. The worst one was a paperback copy of the galdrabok with the cover bent completely backwards.

yeah I can't sleep at night from the thought that some poor fuckers whose local industry was wiped out by global capitalism are trying to feed themselves and their family

>global capitalism
You mean a corrupt government and drug cartels. They did it to themselves, like every other shit hole in this world, yet they act like the USA owes them something because "it's not your country, it belongs to the native Americans".

no, I mean global capitalism, like the fact that you fucked up their agriculture with your cheap exports

And that justifies giving them free shit at the expense of working class and middle class Americans who by your logic should also be suffering under capitalism?
How about these fuckheads stay in Mexico and rebuild their own country rather than running for gibsmedats to anal fuck the actual citizens.
Yep, good job, you really showed the Bourgeoisie by fulfilling their demand of cheap labor.

>And that justifies giving them free shit at the expense of working class and middle class Americans who by your logic should also be suffering under capitalism?
what justifies giving them "free shit" is the fact that they're human and in need
also, "free shit" like that should be free for everyone
>How about these fuckheads stay in Mexico and rebuild their own country rather than running for gibsmedats to anal fuck the actual citizens.
how the fuck is a poor uneducated ex-farmer supposed to "rebuild his country"