What is the best book ever written?

What is the best book ever written?
>inb4 infinite jest, my diary desu, culture of critique
Seriously though.


Love Finnegans Wake, points out pseuds and hacks instantly for you.

I can't state the best book ever written, but the best book I've ever read is:

The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner.

Second Place: A Tale of Two Cities
Third Place: Love, Poverty, and War

read moby dick

delet this chart its embarass

stopped reading the list

The best book ever written is the Old Man and the Sea. It is perfect as it is. Nothing in it is wasted; everything serves the book's purpose while remaining entirely accessible.

For the record, my personal favorite book is Borges' Ficciones. Labyrinths contains some extra material which breaks apart the purer collection of fiction present in Ficciones, though I suppose that adds more than it takes away for most.

I honestly have never understood all the hate Finnegans Wake and Joyce gets on this website. I guess it's just edgy high schoolers who think 1984 is the pinnacle of literature. Like in every Joyce thread someone thinks they completely discredit him by mentioning farts and fart sniffing. Then someone else will always say he was just a madman dying a syphilis so his writings can hold no meaning.

>way of all flesh
>not erewhon

Someone should do a better Patriciancore chart.

It's pretty easy to do. So do it yourself.

indeed, it's nice and clear when someone hasn't read a work, and yet they still, with such glee at their literary superiority and understanding of what is 'good' and what is 'bad', discredit it

not even once man that shit is cancer

>Atlas Shrugged

Thus Spake Zarathustra
East of Eden
Brave New World
The Republic

5 of the best books Ive ever read, but really, anything by Nietzsche

That drawing of Swinburne is creepy as hell.

>Tao Lin
You think you're a funny guy, don't you?


Oedipus the King

It's subjective.

It's Moby Dick

Dude looked weird

What a great chart. There's almost nothing missing in it.

I'd say Lolita

>Brave New World

Finnegans Wake.

>tao lin

Don Quixote

correct answer

Hunger by Knut Hamsun