ITT things post-modernists have said that you agree with

>we exist in a kind of horror movie which we write and perform ourselves daily
When you think about it, life is mainly just horrible things. We study history because it's so horrific.

Jung said it first

Parmenides said it first, pleb

This is such a trite, shallow, juvenile sentiment it literally made me just yawn.

It seems that way because it's so simple and obvious. You were just too up your own arse to appreciate it.

I can smell your body weight

>we exist in a kind of horror movie which we write and perform ourselves daily
Finding a loving wife and children, contributing to society at work, having good times with your friends, working on an interesting craft or intellectual pursuit in your spare time...
I can see how, having left that all behind in favor of a worldview and lifestyle centered on the degradation of what was considered good and virtuous throughout most of history, one would have a thought like this. RIP.

>le life is suffering even though 98% of it is comfort and the remaining 2% is my inability to decide what to do

Life today is pretty incredible, I don’t know WHAT the fuck you have to complain about op

It's funny I sometimes feel this way and sometimes I feel the complete opposite. Some days I go outside and see the mountains and the sky where I live and it nearly makes me cry. Other days it feels like life is pointless. How do I escape this cyclical hell?

>We study history because it's so horrific.
t. Massive flaming deconstructionist faggot. I study history to provide myself with anthropological context for the world I was born into. There's nothing scary about it. Imagine being afraid of eating and sleeping - this is what you're agreeing with
>but waaaaah old people did bad stuff
Adjust yourself to reality you positive cuck

You might be a victim of opportunity, user.

Sounds like you have a solid life but wonder whether or not you could have done more in your formative years

How do you mean?

Sort of. My life isn't exactly solid but it is pretty great. I do find myself wondering what I should have done differently or better

just ask her out already user

>we exist in a kind of romantic movie which we write and perform ourselves daily
How is this different from OP? You can write and perform in any kind of movie.

But we all die so tragedy is the real theme of the movie.

>and the next day we ate whale

>Jung said it first

Imagine being this much of a pleb

My life would be a pretty fuckin boring horror movie

Human life in general is what the OP was referring to.

We only fear the unknown.
Take the light to the beast's face and
you'll see your own.

>punishment has historically gone from a shaming/torture spectacle to industrialized slave labor
>the dominant military industrial culture is unsustainable in its current state
>the public disourse on truth and meaning is an object of power relations
>texts can be interpreted to have unconscious intentions
>mass media has reshaped the psyche at its very core, reality to modern man is mostly virtual
>unachievable desires mediated by symbolic relations shape our mental processes
>visual media has unwarranted precedence, in our culture, over input from the other senses

oh shit that's everything, fuck am I a postmodernist?

fuck you and your shitty ass nigger thread. stop treating postmodernism like uranium you turboplebs

Yes, just like any intelligent person

btw if anyone's curious about who he is referencing

>punishment has historically gone from a shaming/torture spectacle to industrialized slave labor
>the public disourse on truth and meaning is an object of power relations
also Foucault
>texts can be interpreted to have unconscious intentions
>mass media has reshaped the psyche at its very core, reality to modern man is mostly virtual
McLuhan, Baudrillard, Debord
>unachievable desires mediated by symbolic relations shape our mental processes
>visual media has unwarranted precedence, in our culture, over input from the other senses
also Derrida

Thanks Captain Obvious

critics of postmodernist philosophers have not actually read them

>If one examines textual predialectic theory, one is faced with a choice:
either accept patriarchialist pretextual theory or conclude that the raison
d’etre of the observer is social comment. If socialist realism holds, we have
to choose between neocultural appropriation and the cultural paradigm of
expression. It could be said that an abundance of discourses concerning textual
predialectic theory may be revealed.
This pretty self evident

>If one examines textual predialectic theory, one is faced with a choice: either accept patriarchialist pretextual theory or conclude that the raison d’etre of the observer is social comment. If socialist realism holds, we have to choose between neocultural appropriation and the cultural paradigm of expression. It could be said that an abundance of discourses concerning textual predialectic theory may be revealed.
This pretty self evident

>le life is suffering even though 98% of it is comfort and the remaining 2% is my inability to decide what to do

But what is the use of being comfortable? Living just for pleasure is kind of vacuous, and is the source of all of the West's self destructive tendencies, user-kun.

Why is your immediate reaction to someone who criticizes the shape of things to mock? Insecurity perhaps?

shit heads

man people love horror movies too
u are not getting it
no surprise thought

I guess I can keep some faith

good luck user see u either in hell or in communism

Laurelle? Brassier?

>We study history because it's so horrific

I study history because it's interesting