Most depressing book you've ever read?

Most depressing book you've ever read?

And the most happiest book you've ever read? (so I don't fucking hang myself after reading it.)

The book of Job and the book of Revelation.

>most happiest


> most happiest

depressing: The Old Man and The Sea
most happiest: A Confederacy of Dunces

most depressing: ask the dust

When I just moved to college I was pretty much a loner for half a year and this book just reminded me of my neurotic self talk way too much.

most happy: the hobbit
not really because of the books content but my dad read it to me when I was 6 so reading it takes me back to my childhood and makes me feel safe

Depressing: Industrial Society and its Future

Happiest: Kybalion

>most depressing
The Legend of the Holy Drinker by Joseph Roth

>most happy
Probably The Long Ships by Frans G. Bengtsson, because it's just an awesome viking adventure story and fun to read.

Why do you think The Old Man and The Sea is depressing?

the last part of the book where the rich bitch looks at the skeleton hanging off the ship and asks if it was a joke

Most depressing: B кpýгe пépвoм (In the First Circle).
Happiest: Don Quijote de la Mancha.

Most saddiest: A Farewell to Arms
Most happiest: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

>not also pointing out depressing when it should be depressive

I feel like Santiago getting his fishing buddy matters more to him than that, I found the novel sort of uplifting. But it's interesting to see a different perspective.

depression porn: the novel

>The Legend of the Holy Drinker
Wow, so rare to come across people who have read this book.

I mean there is a lot in the book I found depressing, the cynical ending was just *sterotypical italian kissing fingers* muah

Most Boring: Maps of Meaning

what a snoozefest

/h*s/ content should stay on /h*s/.

you should stay in your cuckshed

Where can I go to improve my grammar online?

Yeah, I shill Roth from time to time, but it doesn't seem to leave an impression.


The GR reviews are pretty controversial. Is it really good?

>Most depressing

>Most happiest


Ironically didn't find it depressing for precisely this reason.