Fuck, a cute girl lent this to me and now I have to read it. Is it any good?

Fuck, a cute girl lent this to me and now I have to read it. Is it any good?

Its written well, but full of Jewish tricks. Beware of the author dismissing scientific theories entirely because it conflicts with his world view.

I loved it and recommend it. The only Jewish trick is a small portion where he states race and IQ aren't interconnected.

Most the book talks about pre writing human history and that's always been an interest for me.

she's 5/10 user

its crap dont read it

It was alright. Had some interesting ideas that regard humanity from a distance reducing individuals to ideas.

>Fuck, a cute girl
it has a penis

>race and IQ aren't interconnected.
But they are not.

> The only Jewish trick is a small portion where he states race and IQ aren't interconnected.
>bait / 10

Except for the fact that a bunch of evidence suggests they are (like the resilience through time and policy efforts of the black-white IQ gap, said gap being stronger in more g-loaded test, not being able to explain the gap by accounting for SES differences) and basically no evidence is in support of totally environmental explanations of racial iq differences.

what hubris we have: the book

It really isn't. IQ is influenced by enviroment.

>when user's parents were retarded so he rejects reality because he's afraid he's also retarded
>turns out user is in fact retarded

>IQ is influenced by environment
>Therefore IQ is not influenced by genetic/physical makup

>still believes in a g factor and g factor measures
HAHAHAH oh shit

>It really isn't. IQ is influenced by enviroment.
Read The Blank Slate and The Nurture Assumption

10000 year explosion posits genetics are meaningful to intelligence and success and there are feedback mechanisms between genetics and technology. Races that innovate a technology tend to continue to dominate it even after the tech is widely known. Africa is not still a shithole because they're oppressed

Long answer- nope.

Silly me, believing in stuff the majority of the researchers studying the subject actually believe.

>indoctrinate yourself with this book
No thanks.

race doesn't really exist though scientifically. It's an arbitrary distinction created by people who wanted to subjugate other so they could make money









>reading books

just like the linguistic boundaries used to describe colour are culturally relative, that must mean varying spectrums of light dont exist? and thats how logic works right? stop outsourcing your judgement to political correctness you intellectual coward

>implying colour boundaries and human boundaries are the same things

lazy thinking

it is and its a fine analogy, provide a counterargument

Sheesh just replace “race” with “populations”. There now you don’t have to argue about pointless tangents. “Populations”, from families to tribes, have differing characteristics, eg. Tibetans can handle high altitude better than you, and this process doesn’t suddenly stop at the blood brain barrier.

Who are the smartest large populations? Ashkenazi jews 115 IQ, Igbo Nigerians 110 (note, those are ‘black’ people), East Asians 105, non-Balkans Europeans 100, and so forth.

The coloration on the dorsal fin looks like a bigger fish winking so much. (Or Pepe...) I guess eyespots do work.

>Igbo Nigerians 110


Your not gonna fuck her user you might as well resort back to reading Harry Potter

Pop science is for pseuds.

This books is lowkey redpilled
One of the passages early in the book state that the theory of homo sapiens genociding tf up all other hominids is false and that different homos evolved in to the races we see today is dismissed simply because that would open a huge ass race biology can of worms
Basically, it might be true, but we dismiss it because it's uncomfortable
He strait up admits this

It's litteraly meme-tier; the whole assumption lies on category error, hopes and dreams.
Find another cute grill that one is spoiled.

IQ is an arbitrary measure cooked up to quantify a multifactorial attribute of human reasoning commonly known as "Intelligence" on the exact definition of wich nobody can fucking agree.
Despite this It's pretty indicative of success and reasoning capability as long as you remain inside one or two standard deviations. Very High and very low IQs mean jack shit beyond the fact that You're a master test-taker or completely unable to take this kind of test.
Everyone and his mom today agrees that It's multifactorial and that genetics play a role. The amount of data on this is comically huge.
Only brainlets that have fun dividing people in arbitrary categories (identity politics either for blacks and whites) see this as in any way problematic.

I thought this place would be safe from functional illiteracy.

>different homos evolved in to the races we see today
If that were true we would be unable to mate with other races, and yet 56% mutts are posting right now

And yet every biologist now believes we intermarried with neanderthal at some point.

So the best example of different homo evolving to the different races is that the some sapiens was able to mate with their closet genetic cousin?

I'm not saying that the different homos evolved into different races retard I'm saying that "then we'd be unable to reproduce lawl" is a nonsequitur.
Not everyone who disagrees with (You) is the same person

>he doesn't know that species are defined partly to their inability to mate with one another
Brainlet please stop talking then

Also i never said 'unable to reproduce', i said 'unable to mate with other races' which implies wildly different things

Oh I get it now!
You can't fucking read!

You're better than Dawkins.
You made the distinction exactly when you realized you done goofd and not a second before.


You are a blight to this board my good man

>i am completely unfamiliar with the literature

It applies to any level of taxonomy too.
I caught you out for throwing to strawman and yet you are trying to insult me even more? Brainlet please.

No, you are.

Anyone dogmatically asserting this book isn't just flat out conjecture is wrong. I mean I can't believe what I'm reading. You BELIEVE the '''''''facts'''''''' presented????

>hurr durr my stupid assumptions are founded in a 70's study

get an education

>>It applies to any level of taxonomy too.
AHAHAHA, no darling, no.
Did no such thing. We were talking by the same definition of reproduction since the start else the conversation wouldn't have made any sense. If anything YOU are trying to change the definition you were speaking from post facto, hence why two posts in rapid succession.
I can play the guy who can see the darkness inside of human hearts too. It's litteraly Dawkins-tier rhetoric.

>uhh lemme tell u bou da bell kurfe

Pic related on the taxonomy issue.
Perhaps go back reading some biology textbook then perhaps we will have an interesting conversation

>We were talking by the same definition of reproduction
Sure but the point of contestion is whether the races can reproduce with one another or not

>If anything YOU are trying to change the definition you were speaking from post facto
By copying and pasting what was literally said by the two of us?


The heritability is approximately 80%.

Well 70-80% is the most likely. The data is still missing a little bit so anywhere from 50-80% is possible. We should probably have the full answer by 2025 though.

I’m very curious what will happen to the liberal position if it becomes undeniable (to science) some populations really do average two standard deviations less intelligent.

No, it's close to 60%. Get your facts straight.

>some populations really do average two standard deviations less intelligent.
That assumes that said populations don't mingle for many generations

>lmao dude we are all human, RACE MIX NOW

And for the most part they still don’t. Even when they do they mostly go form mixed communities separate from the parent groups. In any case the won’t be all mixed by 2030.
My hope is next-gen crispr/ca9 is ready by then and everyone can admit that ‘yes some populations are less intelligent, but we just tweak these genes and it’s all good.’

>Endorsement by Jared Diamond
Into the trash it goes

>(((Yuval Noah Harari)))
>(((Jared Diamond)))
>(((Howard Zinn)))
>(((Eric Foner)))
Don't trust Jewish historians

They are not, correct.

It's pretty nice. It is full of questionable generalizations but if you're like me and don't know shit about history and anthropology even those generalizations might be more nuanced that what you think now.