Why there's no alternative to the capitalism versus socialism/comunism dycothomy

Why there's no alternative to the capitalism versus socialism/comunism dycothomy.

It feels like american politics.


There's always death

Mark Fisher is a glorified blogger

Capitalism reinstated. I was worried for a sec

this keeps coming up in my amazon recommendations which seems ironic

You could always realize that everything, even the free market, must ultimately submit to the authority of God.

>What is fascism?
>What is nativism?
>What is third-position?
>What is falangism?


Isn't that just a Spain-specific version of integralism?

distributists get out

There are a lot more economic systems than those three you mentioned. But only those three have a lot of people who consider them to be viable systems to follow in our current industrialized world. By viable I mean economic systems that will sustain themselves and/or are morally just.

Can't wait for new tribalism

what is syndicalism, anarchism, market socialism/anarchism, strasserism, egoist primitivism, tribalism, mutualism, technocracy etc

I have a third option for you.... a third way if you like.

>what is x?
memes. they are all memes.

christian anarcho-primitivist, here. we are the true third path. come join us.

1. serve Jesus.
2. live a simple life
3. live a thoughtful life, not a life of senseless noise and distraction
4. don't get oppressed as long as we all follow the teachings of Christ
5. are able to care for each other as long as we all follow the teachings of Christ

primitivism doesn't need to be ruined by monotheism

Falangism in a basic sense is just a pan Hispanic form of fascism.

Thank Christ

Well you could in the same token argue that fascism is just a godless approximation of integralism.

cheer up, buddy.

we already invested millions of years into hierarchy plus there isn't enough space for us to become solitary mammals

>isnt enough space
>what is virtual reality

>he wants to live life as a computer program, not life as a human being

>he wants to go back to a place that doesn't exist and is afraid of going forward because all his exaltation of bravery is a lie, a sham, a projection of his own cowardice a kind of animalistic bluff in the face of the encroaching but totally intimate, as it is of him, OUTSIDE

Good post.

Plato's Republic is socialist, for instance, not communist. Communism is actually somewhat specific. Like Communalism.

>not realizing we come from death, into the arms of our creators after birth
>not realizing AI is a natural step to assimilate into our own sense of being

whoa i'm going to need to reflect on this one

