Are these glasses cool or not? The brand is locs

Are these glasses cool or not? The brand is locs

very cool Casey.



What gas station did you pick them up at?

They look pretty good imo. Also nice stache bro

Aren't you the same guy who posted a thread, awhile back, asking what Veeky Forums's jobs where?

hey........ yea, YEA that is HIM!!

LMFAOO ....I knew it!!!!!

Shell. I almost caved in the fucking overhead thing cause the truck was too high. I'm an idiot.

Lol damn man
Hey do you have an Insta

Your moustache is looking like Nietzsche now.

Omg, I've been away from Veeky Forums for some years, is Casey really back? :DDD


you look old and dirty

this board is not for you.

I am dirty and old

then gtfo pleb

not very cool, takes away your slight working-class charme and makes you look like a default neckbeard wearing baggy blue jeans and predominantly white Nikes. You shood look into 1850-1900 working class attire for inspo instead, imho.

Need comfy stuff

>he doesnt know case

this guy was here before us all

The true pioneer

no man, mustache and shades don't fit together. It's like caviar on a hotdog (being you the caviar, of course)


Man I wish I saved that pic of Casey's tits.

>implying knowing an old dumb dirty beaner is a good thing

You are the cancer that is killing effay

You're welcome.

Holy shit your body confuses me. Its like fuckin Freddie Mercury's head on a post op trans.

fuck off

>those breasts

its called gyno

This is an edited pic user.


casemods lets get the tinychat back like 2009 all over again

Stop living in the past man