It's all about face, nothing you wear matters. It's not about skin, don't be a weirdo...

It's all about face, nothing you wear matters. It's not about skin, don't be a weirdo, just because you like women with nice skin doesn't mean women care about men with bad bone structure and good skin. Being anorexic doesn't help, seriously? Not even women look sexy skinny, only tweens worship them. It's not about masculinity, nope being a dick to each other and your haircut, lipstick whatever else means nothing to women. That's not aesthetic to the people who matter

What does matter is bone structure. Not how bald you are, not how mean or fashionable or strong tall feminine young smooth skinned your ass is. Bone and nothing else, clothes are just a substitute for your eternal lifelong suffering.

Not an arguement.

That's nothing new. It's always been like that.


And by bone I don't mean "like a model" who can look weird. Stop making deluded threads tearing yourselves apart for being slightly overweight or having "flat cheekbones".

There are many handsome men without model bone structures. 99% of men have poor bone structure. I'd quit caring if you're on Veeky Forums, turn your life around away from vanity. That's ALL this weird hobby is.

so now you're saying bonestructure doesn't matter? decide on something

That guy in your pic is ugly. He has good skin and a feminine face so you're attracted to him, but his bone structure isn't good like this

ryan gosling has terrible bonestructure

exactly the so ugly its good kind of thing that you said was stupid

are you high?

Model =! handsome

They can look weird but most of them are handsome, not because of their cheekbone shape.

Handsome = protrusive front of your face, like these two

so.. you're handsome if you have a good profile?

I am starting to think you have a hard time making up your mind about what you're talking about.

I'm just pissed cause people always deny that what I'm saying is legit, but life literally revolves around how handsome you are and I figured out what makes people that

Gosling isn't ugly, YOU think he is but women don't - you think that because he has a long face, isn't feminine and has "flat cheekbones". Actually his face is perfect, ask any girl.

Money, fashion, etc.... whatever, it's all meaningless. FUCK that's how life works don't you get it?

YES i'm high, fuck this unfair life.

flat cheekbones aren't a thing man

it's 'high cheekbones'

and I didn't say gosling was ugly, he just isn't classically handsome

I was with this niggah at a wedding early this year... drunk as fuck and coked out. Hilarious fun.


There's no difference between your profile and frontal. It's the same skull/

women can tell but men can't, that's why it's hard for you guys to learn... If you knew you'd stop being vain, literally 99% of men are ugly to women. Fashun is just a cheap substitute

That's the stupidest thing I've heard all day.

Generally people look at your face at an 45° angle in daily life, neither 100% from the front nor the side. You have to look good in movement.

Every woman is different but through art and culture (at least for white people) you can see that the usual male face that is attractive to them is high cheekbones, square face, good square jawline, sleek noses, hodded eyes, strong browline and a nice hairline. Generic masculine features.

*hooded eyes

You're right... Women see in 3d, but they can tell what your profile looks like from ANY angle even if you wear sunglasses or half your face is covered.

And "high cheekbones" =! like a model

This guy has high cheekbones, and they're also protrusive. His head is shaped like an egg.

The point is the OP. I'm done replying because people are always gonna be vain until they die, their whole lives spent getting that last bit of pleasure from fashion, porn or whatever your drug is

Okay you really are just high. Vin Diesel does not have high cheekbones.

>or whatever your drug is

nice hypocrisy

You need to stop disagreeing and look at them, learn and accept what I am telling you, understood?

I already said that men can't tell, that guy is famous and rich BECAUSE he is handsome (certainly not too great of an actor).

The point: attractive people are handed everything. They even have better personalities because they're treated well by everyone.

Please stop doing drugs. Your brain is dying.

Vin Diesel is generic buff dude, he's not famous for his attractive face.

Silly user, will you also deny this guy? He's handsome like I said here His body is deformed and lanky. His face looks weird, but it's protrusive so he has a hot girlfriend

I'm done talking to you, you're either so hopped up on some substance that you're hallucinating or just insane. All the people you posted are famous for everything BUT their faces. Gosling is debatable because he's still got some attractive features. Otherwise you are incredibly full of shit.

There's nothing protrusive about that face. He looks like a playdough lump

Suit yourself, I just posted this to rage and I'm done.

I'm not lying, look at all these guys from profile, their bones under their eyes are protrusive. Geez, just go on /hm/ and see what guys gay men fap to - gay men like the same thing as women.

NOT lying, omg omg omg i'm AHHH fuck you! ugh

If there is a heaven, I hope I see everyone here there. IF there is hell and I go there, I hope you guys don't, le tme suffer for eternity in my vain pursuits and rage

No matterwhat your flaws are you're beautiful in a different way.

IF you have done jsut 1 good thing, i love you. and if not, i still do just wish for your happiness.

Happiness = love, freedom from vanity and the itch for glory. I really hope there's an afterlife where everyone of you will enjoy an eternal day of joy, I love you all so much i just forget sometimes when you're shitting on me daily... if only i saw you for the best side of you, and forgot all the flaws

Dear user,

All you need to know is love


Sincerely, your friend to the end.

David bowie has high cheekbones and looks nothing like the guys you posted. If anything he looks like the symmetry meme guy with extreme feminine features

You need to stop and evaluate your life. Try rehab

I nearly killed myself because I once thought that this is the only thign that mattered to people and I didn't want to live in this world anymore. I still think this but as I was going to jump I was talked out of it, sent to a mental hospital and released in a few weeks.

Idk what to do except live until the end and make the best of it, seeFuck everything said here except

Okay dude, keep living in your hugbox. Life is harsh and you have to work with what you're given. You just keep crying bitchnigga

4 posters

thanks user, next life won't be so harsh. it'll either be eternal sleep, eternal joy or eternal suffering (in order from most to least likely)

I know you're samefagging to make yourself feel better, but really: Check into rehab.

Wtf, you're really having trouble getting me. I'm thanking you, I'm samefagging but saying your replies help me. You're right about
>Life is harsh and you have to work with what you're given. You just keep crying bitchnigga

goodnight, maybe when we die since there won't be awkwardness or anxiety, we'll say hello to eachother

That's pretty sad dude. I don't like to associate with druggies though.

He's a chinlet, and he has a long, narrow face.

All beautiful people have forward grown faces.

t. Mike Mew

I agree with Mew in general, but I'm not sure that a bigger jaw is always more attractive.

Your pic looks like a neanderthal.

>being fat with a nice face is better than having an average face and an amazing body, fashion sense, sweet hair, lots of money, and being masculine.

the girl I loved ditched me even if I'm muscolar, with a nice jaw, nice cheekbones and a culture for a fat retarded manchild. girls have no taste and you can't do shit.