The only true Western countries are France and England

The only true Western countries are France and England.

Italy and Germany only have a partial understanding of Western civilisation. Italians only value the superficial and theatrical without understanding the deep and personal, and for Germans it's the other way around. And neither truly understands reason. In truth Italians and Germans both feel they are outsiders, and express it through violent rejection of French Western culture, as the Italians did through the anti-medieval reaction that was Renaissance Humanism, or the Germans did through the Reformation (and again many times later).

This is why whenever its cultural heart shifts away from France and England, the West plunges into chaos, division and barbarity. And when it returns to France and England, a new age of progress and civilisation begins.

get back to /int/ moron.


That reminds me of Spengler's assessment, though he placed the heart of the West in Germany instead.

History seems to favor your version a lot more though.

Bring your ignorance out of here please

Actually the only true Western country is Mongolia.

All the important people in the world can be traced back to Gengis Khan and Timur.

>though he placed the heart of the West in Germany instead
He didn't actually.

All the events and achievements he considers fundamental or quintessentially Western, at least the early ones (the Cluniac Reform, feudalism, the Crusades, Pope Sylvester II, Gothic architecture...) originate in France.

Although he is a German nationalist, and I'm not sure if he intentionally plays on the fact that most of his readers probably believed most of those things to be German. But he obviously didn't believe that. In fact it seems he saw Germany as being to France/England what Rome was to Greece, the outsiders who would end up ruling it all.

This is beyond inane. Please never post any stupid theories like this again.

He's right though.

Don't you have somewhere else to spam your pointless shitposts?

>All the important people in the world can be traced back to Gengis Khan and Timur.
>what was the roman empire
>what was the greek city states and Alexander's empire
>what was the carthaginian city states
>what was the phoenician factories
>what was Egypt

love your useless shades of blue

That map makes no sense. What makes eastern Moravia "westernised" while western Moravia is "periphery"? And fucking Turkey is just as western as former Habsburg realm?

>>what was the roman empire
>>what was the greek city states and Alexander's empire
>>what was the carthaginian city states
>>what was the phoenician factories
>>what was Egypt
All barbarians and not worth mentioning, wew.

OP here, not my map and I don't agree with it in detail, but the general idea seems not too far off.

What makes Austria western core but Slovenia periphery, Slovenes live in same state as Austrians for 1000 years.
Seems like European and Western civilization were made at the end of ww2, at least according to that map

No, it doesn't. If you think fucking Turkey is just as western as former Austria-Hungary you're a certified moron.

The whole world is Westernised. There's only so many shades of blue before a map becomes illegible.

color shades on that map unfortunately dont make much sense

I think the point is that Austria-Hungary was western since day 1, while Turkey was non-western for its entire existence and only underwent forced westernization in the 1920s.

I don't think Magyar raiders were very Western, nor are the Orthodox lands or those ruled by the Ottomans.

But I think the map goes by which regions have made significant contributions to Western civilisation.

>Magyar raiders
>Austria Hungary

Look up Hungary m8.

Really wow.
Do you think germanic tribes were western or maybe celts in ireland 2000 years ago?

So language defines western clture

Also Netherlands are fucking epicenter of western culture, here is as western as corsica

Lol, he actually things the three of us are samefags.

Austria Hungary got created in 1867.

There are more colors than shades of blue, do you know it?

So? Does the map say anything about Austria-Hungary?

Stop being autistic, I already told you:

>But I think the map goes by which regions have made significant contributions to Western civilisation.

Fuck man this thread isn't even about the map, I should have posted tits instead.

Nah you're probably just all /pol/children.

>significant contributions to Western civilisation

So Belgium contributed more than Britain? lol

So explain to us how did Galicia contribute same to Western civilization as Netherlands

Bitch please, Spain discovered and conquered the New World, and it dominated Europe throughout the Renaissance.

And that makes Galicia as western as birthplace of modern economy, religious liberalism and nationalism

>and it dominated Europe throughout the Renaissance
and so did turkey, is western culture based on military?

also answer this you dumb fuck

This is a very common belief among people who do not know the difference between western culture and western capitalism.

Yes Spain is Western you massive faggot, how is that even a debate?

I love how the lines just arbitrarily go through Poland and Czechia. In Poland's case it's probably about former German borders which has fuck all to do with modern reality as those areas got completely ressetled by Poles. In the case of Czechia it makes no sense at all.


read carefully, as your map is clearly divided amongst region, I am asking you how are Corsica or Galicia (not spain) just as western as Netherlands
also dont ignore Can you answer these or fuck off with you ms paint map

It was were the bourgeoisie "revolution" against the aristocracy originated wasn't it?

>Galicia (not spain)
Fuck off retard.

How about you explain how Galicia isn't Western?



Europe ends at the Pyrenees

>this reading comprehension

so no, you cant answer them

They mean Galicia in Ukraine

OP here, you're not talking to me, and I already said it's not my map. Going to ignore everyone who shitposts about the map now.

Sure, but it's where a lot of other things originated too. Western culture emerged in the Middle Ages, long before capitalism.

What is Isambard Kingdom Brunel's connection?

>posts a pants on head retarded map

Way to blow yourself the fuck out

>reading is too hard
>talk about pretty picture instead

It's not like your retarded "Spain is Africa" argument has any sort of merit, but I really don't care.

He was Timur's distant relative.

Then kindly post a picture that's not retarded. If I post a thread about elections in Uganda and attach a CP picture to it, what do you think people are gonna be talking about? Fucking retard.

So what do you think of the Netherlands? They're pretty much an amalgamation of the brits and the french when it comes to being western.

You got me there, doesn't mean this theory isn't still whack

Is this how some people unironically see Europe?


Define western civilization. When does it start?

> England
anglo-saxon kek

If they do then they are fucking retard you cannot consider Europe without Greece and Spain

t. barbarian roman rape baby

It seems like what Britain and the Netherlands have in common is actually Dutch influence in Britain. But the Netherlands and Flanders have always been quite close to France (or Burgundy).

910 AD.

>Germans don't understand reason
Goethe fuck outta here

Western as we know it today is a post WWII concept used to denote the US and its European allies.

The West historically is a term that characterized European civilization as that of Christianity vs. Apostasy. In that sense, there's no such thing a "true" Western country.

>those lines
nice stealth Holy Roman Empire meme

Western Civilastion arguably owes more to Scotland and France than England and France.

t. enlightenment pro

But Robert Grosseteste, Roger Bacon, Francis Bacon, William Shakespeare, Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday, and Charles Darwin.

>Westernmost capital city of continental Europe
>Not western

>All these people who don't know what Western means
It is a fact that the West derives itself from Greco-Roman culture thus those countries whose history and culture are tied to the ancient Romans and Greeks are situated in the West. Everyone else is Westernized.

>Greece the bedrock of western civilization isn't a part of the western homeland

The west is as follows:
Latin America

>France is western homeland
>not Greece or at least Italy
Absolute fucking trash.

>Latin America included in the West but Eastern Europe isn't
Back to /int/, my man.

Should contain more Flanders and Holland desu.

You're confusing Western with Greco-Roman. Greco-Roman civilisation died some 2000 years ago.

>Dividing Czech republic, Poland, Spain, Britain and Portugal for no reason
>Austria is Europe's core, Czech republic is not


What good has ever come out of these countries that wasn't degeneracy?

Frances Hutcheson, David Hume, Adam Smith, James Watt, James Hutton, Adam Ferguson, Joseph Black, Robert Burns, James Clerk Maxwell, John Logie Baird, Alexander Fleming

Darwin was educated in Scotland by the way

>"Its different in the South"

hahahaha what the fuck kind of simplistic map is this shit.

He even included Romania on there, it's pure bait.

All those are overrated.

I'll give you Maxwell and Fleming.

>I'll give you the man that found mould in a jar but not the father of economics, the father of geology, the father of sociology or the father of industry
good meme

Which of them is overrated? All titans of their respective fields.

>the Reformation as a violent rejection of French Western culture

Leaving aside the fact that you omit that the English and parts of the French also took part in said "rejection", can you offer any explanation for that claim? Looks like you're just looking for things to support your narrative, without having actually reasonable arguments for it

Can we all agree on this map?

Spain should be Green , if anything Portugal was more western, they were bigger but piggybacked of Portuguese success

>Czech republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia
>in the same cathegory as fucking Bulgaria

The English have no culture and France is where all our modern degeneracy originated from.

Ireland, scandi's and Netherlands the same tier?

>Le no culture meme
>Le degenaracy meme

Are you that one guy who used the same image to illustrate his argument that Western civilisation = French civilisation ?


All those are memes, not sciences.

>English and parts of the French also took part in said "rejection"
You know which parts of France did? The South and a few merchant cities, which wanted independence from France.

I don't really see what you want me to explain though, isn't it obvious that the Reformation was a violent rejection of Catholicism? For fuck's sake, Protestants murdered priests, burned witches and books, and defaced art all over the place.

You are the memelord here. I suggest you look up the definition of science.

None of those things follow the scientific method. Economics and sociology are literally just a bunch of cults fighting over their superstitious beliefs.

Okay so now I suggest you read a work of economy or sociology, because they do follow the scientific method. Maybe you could argue about the social imaginary, which conclusions are sometimes a bit stretched, but even then they base their theories on actual observations and statistics.

something tells me he wasn't serious

add fyrom and kosovo to the benelux, b&h (not a country cathegory)

also add greece to not western (african) while you're at it OP

>we wuz western civilizations and shit
Fuck off baguette.

>Although he is a German nationalist, and I'm not sure if he intentionally plays on the fact that most of his readers probably believed most of those things to be German
How? By subscribing to the Franks = Germans mythos?

>tfw brittany gets two quotes, but scotland isn't even mentioned in a derogatory manner.