What core is this?

What core is this?



"I didn't wash my clothes last night and class is in 20 minutes"core

poor genital hygiene core



If you hit on me, I'll pretend to be a dyke core, even if I'm single core, but I've gained some weight now so it's obvious I'm marrier core

I'm not looking for a relationship core, girls night out core.

desu her style is one of my favorites on girls, usually with a long sleave shirt and a thin weaved belt type deal. And maybe a more comfy pair of sandals.

true story, a girl dressed that way gave me her number and gave me the dyke treatment after i called, i was so pissed, my anger lingered for maybe 2 years after she did it, merely at the thought of it. Meh, what can you do.

>my anger lingered for maybe 2 years after she did it
wut, but for what purpose?

It was just shady little bitch shit to do. Should have just been up front and said, hey listen I'm not attracted to you, or hey listen, I like girls, from the start. Of course I'm over it now, I forgive her. But because I forgive her doesn't mean it isn't bitch shit.

High Test Core

basic bitch as fuck

dont have any interests or personality but pretend to really like my family and make my life about that even tho im completely desperate to get into some wild shit but just dont know how to core

this is hactual hautism

>I work at Urban Outfitters core.

>My outfit a 1 but my ring is a 10

Agreed, she's pretty damn cute.


6.5/10 would bang

My mom is a fortune teller core


>starting to let myself go but its fine i will totally get on top of it any day now core

if only i could get a pic of this girl in 5 years time and be proved right...

"babe can you load a bowl-core"