Veeky Forums drinks

i pretty much only drink san pellegrino and black espressos
recommend the most effay drinks
things with nice bottles really ...

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pretty effay drinks already desu

>black espressos
do you know what an espresso is?

you seem australian

people add sugar to espressos
fuck them , but it happens

disregarding the fact that anyone who does that should be kicked in the cunt, it would still be "black" even if its espresso status is questionable

i don't even what
i say black to mean 'plain' more than 'without milk'

It's not Veeky Forums to worry about your drinks being Veeky Forums.

Standard Coke is not effay but Coke Zero is.

not worrying
i know grino and coffee is cool
looking for more
never really drank alcohol so not sure what people drink

Smart water, black coffee, sprite, lol.

I don't really drink anything else or alcohol.

Water. Plain water. Nothing will beat the simplicity and health benefits. The lack of branding is also a plus.

>aspartame is effay

btw being conscious of your health and well being as well as of the social and ecological environment is fa, not being a brand addict.

So drink water, tea, coffee, juice or whatever else that you enjoy.


Bleach & natural water


>i say black to mean 'plain' more than 'without milk'
but that's wrong

lol double espresso and san pellegrino core only checking in

i fucking love san pelligrino, especially the blood orange

I like Trader Joe's sparkling water t/bh

their packaging on those cans with that paper over the top is super fucking effay (lemon especially), but i'm not about those carbs.

pictured is my water of choice when available. sp is what i always end up with, because it's available and cheaper than perrier.

on the non-sparkling side: fuji has nice mouthfeel, but i dislike the rectangular bottle. arrowhead is my local and always have a jug of to serve guests. when i'm at home, i just drink tap.

double espresso, a cup of water, and a croissant when i'm at a coffee shop. a pot of illy medium roast every morning at home.

never soda

never juice, aside from maybe oj when sick, or pure strawberry juice at a farmers market.

wew thanks for reading my blog

what energy drinks are Veeky Forums?

i usually just get a monster.



Water. Unpackaged, unbranded water.

>No branding

Nice b8

Red Bull. They sponsor Formula 1, air races, space jump, etc.

Black coffee

Thats it

hes right, i dont like energy drinks, they dont do anything for me as in boosting my energy, but the taste is okay I guess, but RedBull is defo the most effay energy drink.

don't most italians do?

gin and tonic. most mixed drinks that you make are effay

Check out Monster Rehab. Hate the brand, but it's basically the constituents of energy drinks dumped into tea. Pretty tasty and marginally healthier.

Strongly seconding this. I was on varsity crew all through high school, and so I wasn't a zombie after practice I always drank one of these. A bunch of really good flavors, and the cans look pretty cool imo.

wtf you don't drink homebrew kombucha for energy?


I like Rockstar Punched because it's more like a juice but Monster rehab is gr8 for the flavours + low cal. Honestly I love zero cal energy drinks but I love the taste of aspartame

This is the right answer

damn of all the little bitch attempts to correct someone


grapefruit is superior

I drink (pretty much exclusively)

>black drip coffee
>orange juice
>water (flat)
>water (sparkling, San pelligrino)

Best lesson I ever learned was to not order drinks at restaurants. I've saved thousands over the years by just sticking to water

i drink these all the time. probably not Veeky Forums but every flavor is really tasty, plus they're healthy and the carbonation satisfies soda cravings. the glass bottles are nice too

where do you live? there are a lot of small brands here in the midwest
kosmic kombucha in austin is far and away the best brand I've ever tried though

good decision.

nice. i live in Miami but I haven't searched beyond the scope of generic grocery-store kombucha. I've only seen GT's and master brew around here. I'm sure there's atleast one little brewery or tea shop or something that sells home brew though. is there a huge difference?

cold pressed juices
raw protein shakes

that's really it. i despise coffee and it's bad for your skin and teeth anyways. energy drinks have way too many awful ingredients in them and drinking soda is childish and reaps zero benefits

willingly drinking soda is as pointless and irresponsible as willingly smoking cigarettes in my eyes

better flavors and some brands don't sell such heavy kombuchas
and the price is often better than GTs

Rehab certainly is alright, low calories but still alright taste



Always and forever this beer.

>overpriced for what it is
>brand known more than any individual standout product
>more about being seen having than enjoying
All the Suntory whiskys.

is pellegrino actually cheaper than perrier ?
perrier is always stocked up at the house but i find the bottle quite ugly

>is pellegrino actually cheaper than perrier ?
I'm in so cal and it's quite a bit cheaper.

All those plebs paying lots of money for water. Are you stupid or something?

High quality tap water is the way to go. Way better than bottled water, at least here. Just move someplace that has good tap water.

>these aspies actually worried about what drinks are Veeky Forums
>what fucking drinks are deemed fashionable

Just drink whatever the fuck you feel like at the time you fucking autists

>oh man i really want a coke but people will think im unfashionable
>d-do you t-think theyll notice my cool alt extra expensive brand water

it's not wrong, cunt
black means plain in pretty much anywhere in Europe i've had a coffee

>completely uproot your entire life so you dont have to buy bottled water
fuck off, memphis, no one cares about how good your tap water is

The only countries that have expresso in europe (as in if you ask for a coffee at a cafe you get an expresso by default) are italy portugal and spain, never seen someone ask for a 'black' coffee in any of those places, you just get it with a sugar pack and a tiny spoon and you can choose not to use it (coffee with sugar is disgusting tbqh)

such a flawed logic
>oh i want to wear h&m but people will think I'm unfashionable
>d-do you t-think people will notice my tricky ricky drop crotch

no one is worried you dumb fuck , we're sharing ideas about which drinks look/taste nice

not everyone is on the constant search for approval

implying that anyone asks for a coffee and just hopes it's an espresso

people just fucking ask for espressos

When I started working at the bar I'm currently at, an Italian guy asked for a San Pellegrino. I was just being introduced to all these beers I had never heard of and I thought San Pellegrino was an alcoholic drink so I nearly ID'd the guy....

water is goat

I know, i was just saying asking for a black expresso is kind of dumb as they are black by default apart from the sugar pack that you can simply not use, also he was using europe as a whole to describe a situation when only a few countries in europe have the habit of drinking expresso

you sound like you would be an awful person to be around

club mate and its derivates
altough in here in eu its kind of seen as *goes to berlin once* thing

its also healthier and tastier than other energy drinks

I drink black coffee and la croix but only flavors with cool colors like coconut/lime/lemon/plain

I just realized we aren't discussing the TRUE best drink ever on here:

Boba Tea.

Fucking A++++ shit. Thai Tea, Taro, Mango, doesn't matter. The lids are objectively shit unless they have cute animals on them.

He's right tho

As a tea hobbyist I hope you get diabeetus

Disgusting weeb

soylent senpai

i fell for the la croix hype

pamplemousse only

Way more countries than Spain, Italy and Portugal drink espresso regularly
It's the default anywhere in Europe except for non-metropolitan parts of the U.K.

t. Swiss

Its certainly not default, or it wasnt a few years ago before the whole clooney nespresso fad, ive had only disgusting coffee in holland, france and czechland about 10 years ago and if i asked for an expresso id get that capsule one, hopefully its changed by now and cafes have actual expresso machines like here in portugal

Sugar is not Veeky Forums in the slightest...
I thought higher of you before, my fruity freind :'^(

>Posts soda water
>No soda.

Ok m8.

>being this pedantic
>implying you don't understand soda in this context
>generating this (you)

Well done m8.

>Implying the "mineral" water you buy is anything other than soda water.

Also sp's fruit sodas > their soda water.

More cost efficient to get a second-hand sodastream and one of those brass fittings that lets you hook it up to a refillable tank instead of the proprietary tanks.

you use the phrase "soda water" in your country? because it's not used here outside of ordering a specific mixed drink from a bartender.

here we order/call waters by their brand name, or generically call them sparkling or mineral waters.

again, you're being pedantic or otherwise masturbating over colloquialisms. thanks for contributing.

Smart water with the dolphin is very Veeky Forums imo



only the glass bottles though

Kambuchas are expensive as fuckkk, but they satisfy soda, and alcohol cravings without actually being either. Great flavor and only like 40-60cal a bottle, plus all those microbiotics in there help stomach aches

only benzene era bottles, fuccboi

My polish uncle gifts me moonshine whenever I visit. I honestly can't imagine a more fa drink than that.

You're such a teat you know exactly what he meant.

You're honestly trying to tell me you can't tell the difference between "soda" and soda water?

>not grapefruit

>Babby doesn't understand shitposting.

Thanks for the (you)

but mineral water is carbonated probably to cut the (probably off) taste of the unfiltered water

the dark bottle with the big gold star is pretty Veeky Forums

Hahaha I love it!

I thought cream and sugar added to an espresso make a cappuccino? Except the cream has to be frothed or something.

I don't understand how it is considered normal to add cream and sugar to coffee.

I ordered a "plain" iced coffee and said "just coffee" and they gave me a 400 calorie light brown looking over-sweetened piece of shit. I make damn sure to say BLACK COFFEE, now. And all the fat women at my work act like it's crazy to drink black coffee.

Good dark coffee is like dark chocolate. Rich flavors > sweet flavors. I asked for dark chocolate brownies rather than disgusting cake on my birthday since I was 8.

Sorry mate Perrier is the least aesthetic bottle. Grino is the most effay.
got tier comment. Switched to block coffee about one month in and never looked back. Plus I've been progressively eating darker chocolate and now I can only have 100% pure cocoa everything else is too sweet

Gin is fun. Tastes of juniper and herbs, compliments most tasteful liqueurs and organics. Pour champagne over it (with a good syrup) and you have of the best drinks ever imo. A bourbon straight or with ginger is also a good easy drinker with some class too.

In alcohols just avoid vodka really. Worth ignoring tequila too imo, but to each there own.

As for non alcoholic you might want to explore tea too, a lot of healthy and delicious options. Just avoid too much black tea.

What, you've never actually done K have you?

Wine is great and all but wine culture is marginally pretentious and annoying, I don't care to spend 30 minutes talking about wine every time I dine with someone who is certain they're a connoiseur.

>Sorry mate Perrier is the least aesthetic bottle. Grino is the most effay.
ty'nant or saratoga's bottles are probably the most effay. cobalt glass is hard to beat. price is a bit much, but it looks great in a fridge.