How Veeky Forums are they?

How Veeky Forums are they?


Anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar.

Honestly pretty Veeky Forums

Rohan best fit best boy.

rohan is max fah

Rohan's Bizarre Adventure when?

Rohan is effay.

The other 3 are wearing uniforms.

I dunno what the fuck Jotaro is doing

Extremely dangerous ultimate /fa. I even don't have enough words to say how they are /fa.

He is navy

infinity %

When Jotaros hat was black the whole merging into hair thing was fine, now it just looks stupid

Rohan with the best fit

Itt: autism

Jotaro is pretty Veeky Forums in 3 and 6

what is wrong with you

Art-wise I'm not too fond of Araki's pantboot stage. I like his recent stuff much better.

more Veeky Forums than Veeky Forums

I have no fucking clue what this is
i am not a weeb
the white dude fucking max fa

FA as af

do Japanese kids still wear these outfits? there pretty Veeky Forums in general

How can anyone else even compete?

>This Rohanfag

I like him too but come the fuck on.

he's getting old dont be a bully


I always thought that yusuke urameshi had a great style.