Is political activism Veeky Forumsshionable?

Is political activism Veeky Forumsshionable?


Dylan was at least 14% nigger
look at those facial features

only right wing activism, because leftist activism is played out and cliche

Also leftists usually dress like pic related



how can they even compete

>cherry picking

and you arent lmao

Finally, an opportunity to dump my Dylan Ceiling collection


>the day Veeky Forums finally got their own serial killer


Right wing fashion>left win fashion

who is taking these pics?

id on Dylann's boots?



It's not complicated to put your camera on the timer and have it on a stand


Who the fuck is the /k/ dude

oklahoma city bomber



I wish who ever made this took the extra 5 minutes to put names. IDK who most of them are and it's annyoing.

>mfw the same autistic racist fucktard tries to convince people that this white trash piece of shit Veeky Forums

Found the nigger

lol, dont get mad at me, these were all over the board back when it happened. Check the archives.

left wing activism is Veeky Forums af


w2c 3rd guys boots?

>everyones wearing the same thing
>no creative whatsoever
Who designed their wardrobe rick owens?


wow, he was legitimately Veeky Forums



And the classic of course.

literally the day of the shooting there were threads on Veeky Forums about how cool this guy looked

calm yourself brownie, its not that serious


Veeky Forums is not a dependable gauge on what looks "cool"

Ok who's that goofy fuck in the military uniform i see posted there all the time


Probably either Cho or Brevik. What number are they?


What sort of political activists?

Ideological extremists i would imagine

left wing parties have the best flags too

which? dunno who youre talking about



I'm going to have to disagree with that one. leftist ideologues tend to use yellow and red together and it ends up looking like a McDonald advertisement rather than a banner to rally around. Right ideologues tend to use a lot of ethnic, ancient symbolism and odds are people have already found the most powerful symbols long ago. (pic related)


And the all-time winner(with wolfsangel accouterments)

>left wing activism

Don't let the door hit you on the way back to reddot


and of course the meme skull


Also, since Dylan was far-right he naturally had a manifesto. Here are some excerpts.

what a fucking idiot lmao. ted kaczynski's manifesto is still the GOAT

Dude was uncomfortably perspicacious

Why are far right serial killers always so handsome?


imagine being this much of a condescending prick


Hard not to be full of yourself when you get accepted to Harvard at 16.

only if your country is facing a real war. if not it's just edginess that has 0 impact on society

reminder that shooters are remembered by everyone as anti-social spergs that went crazy for not having a gf. being a virgin is not Veeky Forums.


being erudite is Veeky Forums, sorry ignoramus

His mossad handlers

>uncomfortably perspicacious


if that's the case why do you care so much that some guy on Veeky Forums thinks he looks cool

only pseudo-intellectuals believe that sounding smart is more important than clarity of communication

I need some more shooter spo

>psychology: baneposter
>suicide: yes, no survivors


only the lazy choose not to learn a larger lexicon to more accurately convey information

Not really

he easily looks the best out of all of those
being Veeky Forums comes naturally, it's not something you can buy with a $600 t-shirt

>anti-Veeky Forums
really makes you think

>a couple of dude, weed's being Veeky Forums, despite naming themselves anti/fa/

day of the rope when?

>right wing "activism"

pick one

You're a literal retard.

Within 5 minutes this man managed to remove the vermin from his local church with one simple trick! Learn more ->

I can't fucking stand liberals anymore, and I've been a huge democrat my entire life. I phone banked like 50+ hours for Obama.

Also you can tell how young this board truly is by their political leanings.

Mike Vining


youngins are usually left leaning though

not the edgy ones

ITT americans who don't even know what activism is.
>protip: it's not supporting democrats or republicans


>liberalism is leftism


On the real tho, I feel like people who fall closest to the center are the most intolerable. I can chill with anyone with an extreme political ideology no matter what it is. It's Obamaphile Democrats who actually call themselves "liberal" or "progressive" unironically and republicans who were behind Jeb in 2015 who are really wasting skin in the US jaunting about with flashlights in the pockets of their cargo shorts and wearing shirts with words on them and having a homepage on their internet explorer on their all in one desktop computer... can't fuck with them

whoops, meant to precede that rant w some militia fashion