Hair Discussion, old one reaching three hunnuh

Hair Discussion, old one reaching three hunnuh

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I don't know what to get, is it okay to just go into the barber and ask them to give me what they think looks good, or will they just give me a HY and send me out the door?

How do I further fuck my shit up?

Fem cannon so maybe my experience is different, but they always seem excited to do that since it gives them a little creative liberty. They are forced to give cuts they don't like all day, so it'll probably be refreshing.

Gonna give it one last try.

What do? Hair is a bit longer now, about an inch on both sides and the top.

Sorry for the quality and clothes. Thank you for your time.

Idk how old are you, but chances are your hairline won't recede a lot more, so don't be insecure about it, buzzcut is not an obligatory here.

You're a good-looking lad, buzzed hair suits you imo.

Posting in new thread, got a haircut booked tomorrow, what do?

It's been this way more or less since birth sadly, the good thing is I'm not genetically predisposed to early balding, so it's likely gonna stay this way for a while.

It doesn't impair my ability to pull off hairstyles aside from pomade craft beer manly beard man lmao pompadours, which turns me into full numale mode.

I had a bowlcut previously, I'm thinking of keeping this for a while and then maybe going for a young leo? My hair is thicc on the plus side so it could work.

I'm kind of indifferent towards the buzzcut. I agree that it looks okay from this angle, but from below my head looks like an egg with a hairy patch on top. Not sure if this was a good move as my primary dating pool atm are 5'3" Asian chicks in NBs.

Also what the fuck is my face shape?

what's the best product to style this type of haircut?

Fix your eyebrows immediately.

what does Veeky Forums think of my hair, been growing out from an undercut for 2 months

What would you suggest?

did you try washing your hair

Just get them done

>Them: Do you want me to cut around the ear?
>Me: Sure, why not?
>Them: Are you sure?
Every single time. Is it because my ears are big and they think I should hide them? What does not cutting around the ear even mean? Leave big old flaps of hair over the ears?

Means they Nascar track around the ear.

Sorry for bad picture quality. What should I do with my hair. Keep growing it? Hitler Youth? Look like a shaggy haired fuccboi?

i bet u masturbate 6 times a day

also, how to get pic related. how long is the top and sides?

usually once, occasionally twice, but good guess.

What hair style should I get? I can't grow long hair but any pics would help. I finally decided to be Veeky Forums

What products do you guys use?

My hair is like this. There's no one product for it, it depends on how much your hair naturally stays up which for me changes everyday based on how greasy/humidity/etc. If my hair will stand up in the morning, within 30 minutes it'll fall like this. Sometimes that just doesn't happen. You should probably looks for a cream, something with a little shine. Hopefully this helps m8


I need to know this as well. If I shampoo or condition it comes out feeling like straw and thin.

Your face has Model potential


Posting again from other thread.

Any recommendations for hairstyles? Never really put much thought into it before, hair used to be down past my shoulder blades.

I dont know what to do with my hair, been getting undercuts for the lasy year but I dont know if there's something that fits me better
what should I do with it?


Guys with undercuts where the sides are like a .5 to a 1 or 1.5. how often do you get the sides shaved down again when it starts to grow?

I got my first undercut 2 weeks ago now, sides are at a 1 I'm pretty sure and it's it seems to really be growing back fast, it's almost 1cm long again. I've never had my hair so short so I'm kinda suprised. Is this normal growth? it doesn't help that my hair is coarse half african shit that sticks out.

just straight up going to repost my rant because I'm still not over it.

>Fuck this gay life, I'm not doing anything but messy beatlemop until I'm outta college. Nobody does kpop hair where I live no matter how specific I am when describing it or whether I show them pics it always ends up like shit. Having my sister continuously bothering me because she wants me to get generic chad haircut #4 when it doesn't fit my shitty head/face shape doesn't help either.

>Sorry, I have nothing to add to the discussion just wanted to vent.

How to get something like pic related. I like how the hair parts away from the forehead.

it's common for guys to get undercuts or similar trimmed up every 2-3 weeks. some go every week. generally it's not the same price as a haircut.

blow dryer

Sounds simple enough thanks user

Hundercuts are passed

trying to look more androgynous. would a chin length bob cut suit me?

thinking about something like this

Something like dat would be great on you

pretty ass nigga.

Not particularly striking or 10/10, but you are conventionally good looking and seem very photogenic. I hope you aren't a manlet. Keep the buzz.

my head is tilted downwards slightly in this pic but regardless my hair's always been shit

not the best pic really. anyway is there really anything i can do? my hairline gives me a small forehead and my hair is incredibly stubborn. it's thick too

I wanna do Nopoo but I start to get dandruff. Is there any other fix except for just using head and shoulders? I love having greasy hair

that's bold, man

are you sure he's prepared?

>I hope you aren't a manlet
5'8" just end my suffering.

Try using conditioner or shampoo that hasn't got proteins in it


it could be worse

You look like Zach from wkuk wtf

On the plus side, my growth plates aren't sealed yet, so I might squeeze out an inch or two. Still manlet range though.

Old pic but contemplating going back to something like this and just getting a shorter back/sides than i used to.
I guess it's quite HY-esque

Anyone got some Japanese hair inspo?


How do I handle long hair? I'm getting a lot of frizz I think, and not sure what to do about it. I shower in cold water, towel dry it a bit and then just tie it up so it doesn't drip, it's wavy and quite long otherwise. Also style opinions would be nice, I should at least trim more I think.

Shave it all please

that's hot

Shave it all please

Shave it all please

is this haircut effay???

Shave it all please

ema ahus

It would look hideous on you why did you ask

Want to cut it, not sure what to do with it, might buzz.

So im growing my hair out, I can never get it to look good so I just leave it messy or wear a hat. How long should I grow it to?

If you have the face for it and also the correct hair length.

g o o d

jawline imo
lookin good

i'm balding what do

Shave it all please

I need someone to post long hair inspo or post something I can do to unfuck this mess. Been growin it for 4 months

Eh, yr a handsome guy. Keep the sides tight and work with what you have on top. When it gets too thin cut it shorter. When it's sparse buzz it. When it's all gone shave it all.

Did i fuck up Veeky Forums

hair be lookin good

looks pretty amazing imo. not for the hy itself but the whole "bosnian teen who was a kid during the war" attire

Kill them all please

post face pls


v nice

Haven't had a haircut in 3 months.

Should I?.. I honestly have no idea what to do with my hair.

Suggestions? I shaved it all off 4 months ago and now it's back. I have thick Asian hair.

You look like you're 12.
But I guess this highcut doesn't suit you yet, you'll need a strong jaw to pull this one, I guess..

Which leads me to my question. I have relatively nice facial features and have gotten Veeky Forums. Can I rock 3mm short hair? Everybody keeps telling me I shouldn't, while I think it looks really alpha-ish. Also, I need simple hair, going to a festival soon. I'd do it if I had darker hair but I'm nearly blonde.

Post face, can't tell without pic

this I actually do it myself, and I tend to do it every 2 weeks.

Also for the hair growth, mine grew back fast af the very first time I shaved it down. It could be that you're just not used to it being short and its messing with your eyes.

seriously shave your facial hair my man

Should I change it?

haha skullface

Sorry, took a while. Old one though.

you might not like how it looks from the front, it depends on your head/face shape

. ? .

Your hair fits your face. I wouldn't change. But you look like you're crying every second now.

You have great eyes and eyebrows, and I'm not trying to meme this through, but please dear god shave everything off. The beard, the mustache, the soul patch, and the hair. Start over. Get more into Veeky Forums haircuts


Thinking about buying gatsby. I have thick and straight hair and I'm thinking about growing it a bit (like first HY and then maybe medium length). Which one should I buy that also gives some good textire and fluffy hold?

you look like a literal skull

I dont see it

do you have the ability to grow facial hair

you have too much of a babyface for a buzz desu

Okay, thanks.
Any other suggestion? Currently I have a failed selfmade sidecut.
