Which one is more Veeky Forums?

which one is more Veeky Forums?

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Not Revive, revive isn't Veeky Forums.

Longboarding is for losers who aren't cool or skilled enough to skate


this x2

I have some friends who did both,and after doing em both with them, the thrill of barreling down a hill and sliding or trying to slide is pretty damn fun. Much different feel from skateboarding

the lance dance

The scientologist in the center

Is this Aaron Kyro professional skateboaorder from the San Francisco Bay Area who's been skating for over 20 years, and teaching people how to ride their boards for a very very long time?

they're both for suburban posers, but longboard are worst; they're the vegetarians of the skateboard world

this desu

Chris Chann


this is how most longboarders see themselves

this is not even as bad as some of the guys I see around school.
I don't know why they do it

I prefer longboarding because all the roads in my town are bumpy as fuck and there are lots of hills. However I think regular skateboards have a cooler aesthetic to them.

damn das my corner



this looks pretty satisfying

I like riding boards but I hate kicking

thirding this


Although I have longboarded before and it's pretty fun. I did feel like a massive fag when I was doing it so, yeah.

this, I'm in uni and all the girls skate but guys fucking longboard rushing thru everyone like tools

You should come visit /esg/, you can always put some soft wheels on a normal skateboard. Ricta clouds are a good option.

Neither. Standing on the side with a cigarette and not sweating.

Well skates have all the same shape, easier to chose just get a cool graphic. Longboards comes in a pletora of shapes and most of them are cringey shit.
BTW I copped this did I do well desu?

>he used the L - word
oh shit its gettin real now u just stabbed like quadrazillion neets on their toes with that burn. how will l***boarders ever recover

he's pretty effay tho

>i like riding bikes but i hate pedaling

are you kids telling me she's not Veeky Forums?



longboards are obviously shit, but what about cruisers and old schools? hell, even pennies?

neither if youre over 16-18

>weed leaves

baka, this country is so fuckin boring. only so much fun you can have with prescription drugs

I cruise around on a cruiser and an oldschool.
I like normal boards, but I'm too scared im going to fuck a limb up and not be covered by my insurance.
Grown up life yo'

no more like "I like riding a velocipede but I hate running"

bicycle pedaling is an elegant and efficient form of propulsion

kick pushing a skateboard is neither of those things

Kek, read it in his voice, dont really like skateboarding but their videos are super chill

he's a scientologist lol. super chill

do you think she's aware she's riding a board with drugs related graphics desu

I thought he was just a jew

you've obviously never seen someone with any style then.

scientology is the patrician way of life
only poorfags think otherwise

Funny, I just recently stumbled across their channel.
Really enjoying the videos and they put me back to this THPS2 feel from the year 2000 when I really wanted to learn how to skate but didn't have any friends to go with me (only soccerfags) and there wasn't a skatepark around anyway.

Guess I'm too old now to start.

koreans don't smoke weed at all?
what about the nips?

wtf every time i see this image it looks like a cop with two riot shields before i start thinkin it thru

everywhere you'll find stoners
it's just harder to come by over there

Skateboards. Longboards are quickly becoming terrible because you have all these posers who can't skate taking up space EVERYWHERE

>live in the middle of nowhere
>streets are empty during early weekend mornings
>this is where i go push my shitty board around town for 2 hours because being seen on a longboard these days would deem me autistic

>Longboarding in boots

Anyone should get whatever the fuck suits their style. Skateboards are best for tricking, longboards can be used to move fast but shouldn't be used for tricking.

if you care this much about looking autistic then you are autistic

this. Every longboarder I know looks and dresses kind of autistic. A Skateboard or oldschool cruiser is definetly more effay, as long as you can ride it. If you don't intend to learn tricks, get a cruiser, no skater expects you to do them on a cruiser.

she is, but her board isn't. I'd look way better with a real skateboard.

Normal Pennies look cheap and autistic, only wooden cruisers work.
Longboards never work. They are way too bulky, if you carry them on public transport and you'll alway look like you're too dumb or too scared to ride a real skateboard. If you want to move fast in the city get a bike or a cruiser, if you want to do tricks, get a skateboard.

i honestly don't think it matters.

just don't take it too seriously if you're longboarding. Don't do the dickies, vans, thrasher etc; longboards are for relaxed cruising or going fast

i feel like people on this board assume that one minor life change will skew literally every person's opinion of you but honestly nobody cares. Skate on a normal board, longboard, cruiser, whatever, just don't let it dominate who you are.

People who judge you negatively for riding on a longboard are people you generally shouldn't care about

man i want to be /braile fa/ core :(
too bad i need to lose like 25 pounds

This was most of the reason I stopped skating and committed to the longboard - it takes way less effort to bomb hills than it does to learn how to do tricks. These days I don't want the adrenaline rush any more after a couple nasty bails so I just use the longboard for transport which it's obviously really good for. I skate too, but that's just to get around as well when I need something more compact than my huge longboard, I can barely ollie

Either way, skating is definitely more Veeky Forums but like really neither of them are particularly "cool" outside of other people who do it once you get past the age of 20.

i probably am

definitely not aaron


Dustin Dollin is the shit

Neither are Veeky Forums

Both can be fun.

he's edgelord - the skater

Nah, a bunch of Koreans wear weed related stuff without knowing what it is. The government cracked down on that shit so hard that no one even knows what it looks or smells like

I'm quite noob but can't just one make a cruiser with a regular board slamming on big wheels (> 57mm) and risers?
Some cruisers are just like that, skate trucks, risers and phat wheels (pic related)

Whatever you find more fun to ride you cunt

I wanna learn to skate just to cruise around the city. Don't care about tricks. Is it worth it?

skateboarding is for nerds

can't really tell from the pic but that deck looks like it might be a little longer than a standard skate deck

Ninething this

The best way of transportation is a 1992 Geo Tracker, the official car of Veeky Forums.

here we go again

Skateboarding is for teens and a select few in there 20's who got pretty good and can't give it up

Longboarding is for posers who were trash at skateboarding when they tried it at age 11 and suddenly picked up longboarding at age 19 to "commute between classes" as if walking was too slow

i actually wanna get one of these ironically.

You can but desu I feel way more comfortable on a bigger board. I wanna get my hands on a vintage cruiser with the cruiser shape which is only a little bigger than an actual skateboard, but still has the kick tail to ollie curbs or whatever. Fucking impossible to find one though which is really weird

If this is all you're doing, then you don't have to put in much time to learn so I'd say yeah absolutely, what have you got to lose? It's a pretty underrated mode of transport, let's you basically move at running speed at all times while still being able to use public transport if need be. Great combination if cars aren't really an option in your city

how the fuck do you break on a longboard?

Trick skating is for children. Longboarding is much more chill

Quick post effay deck graphics

>I've never actually skated with any modicum of skill

There are too many dope ones to pick from, but I love quasi decks a lot.

Foot break or l2slide

*foot brake

Get a Quasi board.

Skaters that hate on longboarders for being posers are just insecure.

everyone itt is an underage fag

can confirm claims ITT. go to a community college and everyone who owns a longboard here are faggos who cant skate for shit

just got this yesterday


>you'll alway look like you're too dumb or too scared to ride a real skateboard.

because youre still

>Who is Corey Duffel

disturbingly accurate.
most skaters i meet who still do it as a hobby in their 20's are really nice, usually cool. longboards seem to draw in the worst if they're older than 18.
longboarding was fun to just cruise out in the rural roads for hours, and skateboarding was great for getting around with a simple, lightweight means.

i don't do either anymore, i just can't afford an injury these days.

The one in the middle.

Oh shit wait I thought he was a dwarf

I take that back

You didn't by a Quasi skate board so no you fucked up

Look into Welcome, Creature, or Tired skateboards. Tired and Welcome especially have some cool big shapes and Welcome even has a board guide on their site that tells you exact dimensions.

I think I might get one. I have 2 skateboards, but I started lifting recently, and I can't risk a sprained ankle with regular skateboarding. So I think I'll get a longboard just to ride around town. does that make me a fag


good taste, mate. I am surprised that someone here knows that brand.

