Manlet Thread

Share tips on looking taller, feeling confident, and how to properly put a gun in my mouth

Is it possible to get girl that around 5"3' to be effay?

my neighbor is a 5'5, poor, balding, overweight italian man and his wife is 6'1 and very attractive. manlet is a personality, not a height

what you think are the girls checking him out like thats hot or just laughing at his stupid as fuck dog belt?
he still looks like he´s about to sell you magic for a 20

Wear clothes that fit.

Seriously. Every time I see a guy that looks noticably short he's wearing low-rise pants with too long legs and shit.

well its from a movie so the girls are paid to look in his direction

Be like me
active, smart, attractive, narcissistic.
Girls like a confident man, although my gf isn't taller than me, i'm still a manlet.

we're both the same height 5"4'

stay thin fit, buy japanese clothing, and look at their street style.

why is being a manlet so expensive Veeky Forums?

>smart, attractive

If you describe yourself as narcissistic it's implied that you THINK you're smart and attractive.

Thank god I'm 5'7.5 in a country where the average is 5'8.
(I wear lifts anyway tho)

Its not though
Clothing and things in general are made for 5'10 and under

Because being manlet is a hard mode.

It depends on some more parameters though. I'm 5'7, but quite thin built, and clothing that's supposed to be "for tall people" still fits okay.

half true
half of being a manlet is trying too hard to compensate
but half of being a manlet is straight up your height lmao

can slim manlets wear docs or will they look too clunky?

5'7 manlet here looking for a jacket for this fit, I really want a fishtail parka but I know its kind of off limits. any good flattering field jacket alternatives that don't drown us in a box?

right now i'm thinking a black denium jacket and layering it with a hoodie for maximum normie-dom

Depends on if you wear them with skinny jeans/pants. If you do, you'll look like a cuck. If not, you should be fine.


Fit yourself.
By that I mean, learn your demensions like any other height. Roll up the bottom of your pants, wear fitting t-shirts, if you're too short (usually 5'7" and under) then baggy tshirts are out of the question, though they work above that height. Explore your options, go second-hand shopping.
But what ever you do, don't become one of those manlet cunts who gels his hair to look taller. Fuck me it is SO cringe.

wtc boots?

They need to make a male version of high heels and make it a fashion trend. People are dumb sheep so if enough men wear it then it will catch on quick.

backpack name?

At what height are you considered manlet ?

I've seen people say anything below 6' but its kinda dumb considering 5'11 people are pretty much not short looking, so what is the approx height where dudes look short ?

Amen. I have a bunch of manlet friends who are pulling hotties left and right. They are all charismatic in their own ways. They fuck women hotter than any of my 6'2"+ friends do

girl here. I'd say 5'7" or less, realistically. I've known some 5'8" and 5'9" guys that were seriously hot. 5'7" is starting to get weird though.

Imo, anything below 1.75m or roughly 5'9 is manlet status.

under 5'9 is manlet
under 5'7 is turbo manlet

>tfw 5'5

>want to look taller
>want to feel confident
First you have to pick one.

strong jaw
green eyes
very confident
popular and wanted by girls
[spoiler] Insanely bad hairline which I have been hiding with my hair for a long time, it's so bad that I am considering a hair transplant because buzz would look awful on me [/spoiler]

>claims to be very confident
>cries over having a bad hairline

ok retard

Lanklets consume more resources and die sooner. Glad I'm not one of them

are you really this stupid

yes, but from my experience they'll find a trendier dude that you

If im 176 cm , am I a manlet ?


sad lyf

tfw manlet
realize I can just buy boys size
super cheap basics

mens xs outerwear

feels pretty good man


Dont let it get in to your head

do they have kids?

a noob question, but id on shoes?

Please boots name.

5'5" 115~ turbo manlet mode

doc martens lows

if you have a good jaw then a buzz cut would be fine, do you have one of those sloping foreheads?

I have :(

lol no it doesnt fäm.
narcissus was attractive.

Guy who owns boots here

Dayton service boots charcoal numbuck

i don't know why but I feel like a manlet sometimes

kek that's because you're one

looks are just a mith, even my left unshaved ballsack can be hot with enougth carisma


y would you judge babolimp for being a munlet hes more man than 80% on Veeky Forums

sometimes I feel pretty tall as well
lol at you actually believing the pic

Lmao most people on fa are under 6' so they shill this manlet shit hard. 5'5 and under is a manlet