How does fa shave and why is it not single blade?

How does fa shave and why is it not single blade?

Polsilver masterrace

Single blade is great for my face, but now my nads suffer.

because I tried safety razor and it was absolutely horrible

What are good blades? I use personna but I seem to get cut

the trick to shaving single is to tighten your face with your hand and go fast (being careful around lips, jawline, and adam's apple.
that being said, i'm lazy, 4 bladed german surgical steel master race.

Actually, that only applies for straight razors. Do not pull or tighten your skin when using safety razors.

Feature master face

Seconded for *Feather blades. They are insanely sharp. I shave every day with them and get about 5 shaves per side of the blade, so every 10 days I switch them out.

Because I didn't fall for a plebbit "I masturbate to the 1950s and cry about not being able to wear suits everywhere" meme

dude its cheap af youc an look down on it but its so much chepaer per shave. And also I think its cool.

Paying $1 for shitty blades at Dollar General isn't going to give you a good shave.

Now fuck off back to pleddit and cry into you squaretoed goodwill shoes.

>Buying the cartridged Jew
I thought they stopped making goyim this good

you sure got me guy who feels superior over nothing at all.

>Implying I buy the expensive brands

Once-yearly purchase of the Dorco 24 pack of cartridges for the handle I got for xmas one year.

Efficient AF and I don't look like a tryhard pretending to be his great-grandad.

sorry bub, but shaving isn't Veeky Forums
as cool as you think it looks, no one will see you do it, and your qt 3.14 doesn't give a shit either.

a bic will do just as well a job as a "hi-stainless" razor.

we're living in modern times and he have reasons for not doing things like we're in the 50's.

you care enough of a shit about shaving in the privacy of your own home about looking like a "try hard." I feel like you have insecurity issues
Nigga it looks as cool as I think it looks its not up to other people if they think it looks cool or not I couldnt care less.
Besides bics fucking suck if you think theyre even comparable to a bic you havent used one.

Except when you MUH VYNTAGE retards take your razors out into public and shave at the gym with them.

I shave at the gym the steam room does most of the work for me.

>My shitty single-blade razor is better than your shitty modernized version!

You're both getting shit shaves.

Only one of you is getting screwed out of your money by being told you need a $50 badger brush and $15 shave soap in order to shave.

well thats stupid but I'm not them so whatever.
lol I'm not a cunt I just shave with it I use modern everything else you twat.

tried a safety razor, made an honest effort for a few months with it, brush and soap and all that jazz. had more razor irritation than I get with the cartridge razor I used prior.
i wanted to like it because the thought of buying 100 blades for the price of an 8 pack of cartridges was appealing, but it just didn't agree with my skin

let me guess, your pj's are versace?
>you havent used one.
well, yes i have. a modernized multi bladed razor is hands down better. no irritation, quick, and last for more than one shave.

Best choice.

Usually these or Gilette Rubie's. They get the job done.

Wilkinson Sword is the ONLY way to go. Smooth and clean.

honestly, I bought these and wasn't that impressed. is there anything sharper?

I use a 4-blade disposable razor once a day, they last about 10 days. And the cheapest shaving foam i can find. Never any irritation or cuts.

bump for glorious Nippon steel

because i spent $300 on a norelco electric razor and i feel obligated to use it every single day to get my moneys worth.

I got an astra loaded right now actually. I don't know if my beard is cut closer but my skin is way less dry since I switched to shaving soap and a brush instead of canned cream

which soap yall recommend

Derby plebrace here.

I got 100 blades for $6.

I use a DE89Lbl and an Omega boar with Tabac as my soap.

i use a wahl peanut because i get ingrown hairs when i shave

stubble ftw anyways, girls like it when you scratch the area above their pussy with your face

>tfw I know OP is a cheap bastard who buys the cheapest blades possible because I also use that brand

You're supposed to scrape, not slice.

>not using feather
>having to shave every day

Holy fuck it's sharp.

How often do you guys swap blades?

yu suck

am i the only one who never used razor?

i actually used that thing woman use. wax or something. instead of using razor every fucking day, its like every 2 weeks. u guys should try it

My nig.

I have the same issue with shaving. Even when I've prepped with hot towels, creams, etc. I still get ingrown hairs. Luckily my beard is nice and suits my face.

what stuff do you put on your face before and after shaving to avoid razor burn and all that?

to be honest I don't think safety razors are all that sharp (using those nippon memes posted itt), it's annoying how they only shave at a specific angle and they give me the burns

how do i get good/ did i get memed?

Lubrication and pressure are important. You might be pushing too hard, or not getting a good lather

I put a bunch of single blades on a strong and whip it around

It's way cheaper than using cartridges and much better for your skin because fewer sharp blades are scraping up against it. The tendency of safety razors to use shavings soaps (also cheaper) instead of canned stuff also contributes to better skin.

Getting the right angle and level of pressure are incredibly important to shaving well with a DE or SE razor. Cartridges are basically made so you don't need to worry about either, and most people develop bad habits because of that. Make sure your wrist is locked and you maintain a steady angle once you find what works. Also, since most cartridge razors are almost weightless, people tend to use a lot of pressure while using them (sometimes without realizing it); safety razors are designed to be heavy enough to cut without need additional pressure. If you're getting a lot of irritation, you're probably using too much pressure.

People that try safety razors and have issues with irritation almost always have problems with the those two things. The good thing is, it's pretty easy to correct those mistakes once you realize what they are, and then they get committed to muscle memory pretty easily.

Story time: The first time I ever tried a cartridge razor (I learned how to shave with DEs after getting tired of the electric razor I actually started on) went horribly. For some reason, Gillette sent me a Fusion when they first came out and I tried it out to see what it was like. Because I was so used to using no pressure and working from a fixed angle, the razor wouldn't work right; it took me almost 45 minutes to shave, it was painful, and I had more irritation than I ever had in my life. Using a DE really is much different than using a cart, and it might take some time to get the right habits down.

I like my face to stay where it is, thanks.

It's hard no, dicksin is notoriously bumpy..

>Can shave the right side of my neck fine,
>never even a nick
>try the left side between apple and chin
>bloody mess

It always feels like I am pulling the hairs there, no matter what way I shave. I usually go from the base of my neck turning to my chin and that usually works. Except for right there.

are you sure you're angling the blade the most perpendicular you can that still cuts? that's the safest angle

maybe the hairs are just angled weirdly.

Besides user being an autocorrect spaz this is accurate.
Get Feathers.

Have the same fucking problem, DE works much better than cart used to do though. Still, I nick the left side about 1/3 of the time. Something about the backhand draw or whatever probably.

I get 3-5 uses, per side, of a Feather blade. More uses if it's just daily stubble.

Shower before shaving, lotion after shaving.