What wallets do you guys use?

>tfw 20 years old and still use a fucking velcro wallet

Someone help me, please. Post some good wallets.

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I have pic related. It's a bit of a strange design, but it holds all my shit together, and it's nice and small so I can put it in my front or back pocket.

i use some generic black leather shit user

theearlyhoursclothing has some cool card style wallets. been considering copping.

I got the same thing

Chrome cigarette case.

>tfw wallets are scrunchies sewed to bits of leather

Nobody can tell the quality of a wallet by looking at it past a certain low point. I've had a "Genuine leather" Fossil wallet for like 6 years now. I guarantee nobody has ever made the distinction between it and a high quality wallet in the 10 seconds it's in sight per transaction.

belroy wallets honestly are really good -and suit nearly all situations

Goyard is sick, just get a fake and you're good to go hombre

I have one similar to pic related. The one I have is comicaly large and barely fits in my front pocket. It has a lot of inner pockets and zippered area.

I got my wallet from my sister when I was in middle school.

I don't think it's really Veeky Forums, but I like it.

Don't own one, I just have cash in my back pocket.

Tanner Goods workaday wallet. I like how it's kind of square-shaped when it's closed


is exentri effay?



yo I used to have a spacecraft wallet too! I forgot about spacecraft, shit was so dope! i had the cougar one.

the strap version, not the clip

I bought this off a street vendor in greece

what a fag

You're an Ameritard probably

I bought this while I was in Tokyo

i make em myself because i like them as slim as possible but still sport a coin compartment.

thats a womens wallet.

i'm female

w2c bi-fold needlepoint wallet that isn't s&b

Looks fine to me

Show poohole

Tanner Goods bifold in natural tan. Looking real nice after a few years.

Nigga who the fuck are you?


Yeah but not me, who originally posted the wallet....

um ok? it's my wallet and i bought it in greece what's your deal man

Post a picture then

Where in greece then, where was the street vendor? What area of greece


why are you all pretending to be me? i was the actual poster of the wallet not sure what you "guys" are doing

Fuck I want it NOW! That's something I am looking for. Where to cop?

$4 from chinkland

TGT Wallet, my dude. I got mine about 4 years ago, still nice n tight. I got mine cheap cos it was just a Kickstarter campaign back then so now my wallet runs at $35 i think.

Bottega Veneta in their deep brown. It's got a clip on the inside for the bills which I really like.

Dafuq? $35?
I'm probably going to some local tailor and get these made for me.

Where? It's on aliexpress for $41

i'd say for at least 4 years of use and it never dropping my cards, it's worth $35.

but good luck, man


I bought it a few years ago


There's similar cheap ones, it's probably out there if you look for it. The seller I got it from doesn't have it anymore.

Did you get it from Aliexpress do you recommend the $4 one?

Yeah I got it from Aliexpress. Lots of real leather, veyr good quality, but it's pretty thick because of it

>he doesn't carry a roll


just arrived last week

If you're gonna get a chink wallet get this one


I made mine myself years ago and still use it. I could have done a better job on the stitching and it shows its wear. I should make a new one sometime


I'd buy one




Where do I find a fake I've been looking forever

wat do if i want a thin cardholder but i also want to carry some coins around
must i have a chunk wallet

leave coins in pocket

Does nobody here even /eelskin/?

Something actually professional

I want but where do I put the condom and business cards?

Boo hoo

fucking faggot

come on guys

>michael kors

I carry enough coins to pay for parking and put my notes into the orange bit.

coins are never effay, dump them onto a homeless person or something and only use notes

Flowfold. Very thin and light

Put them in your pocket, they don't take up much room. Just minimize how many you need by paying with card

v bad at holdin all my coins :((

but its cute xo

Make one yourself
Simple pattern I made, only 2 pieces of material

clink clink tho
how 2 purchase vending machine stuff / pay fares / etc tho
i want one with nice leather and stitching tho

then use nice leather

i know nothing about what makes good leather and where to source it
inb4 then just learn
then id have to learn how to stitch well and how to cut leather and since im not a machine not everything is going to be exact
i mean, this is why people buy things

People buy things to support the never ending black hole of capitalism. Why do you think you're discussing acquiring a new device to expedite shoveling money out of your pocket?

hehe capitalism is bad haha /pol/tards
consumerist scum!1
99% of this board is about buying things
people dont buy things for the express purpose of continuing capitalism its a byproduct of human necessity

I have this. People think it's cool as fuck, but it's a bit boyish

What the fuck is wrong with you?
