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helo fwamile daly remindar to stey hidhratted luv u soooo muhch tanks bye

There's only 16 weeks left of 2016. If you lose 1lb a week that's 16lbs. 1.5-lbs = 24-lbs. 2-lbs = 32-lbs!

What are your current stats now? (height/weight/gender/age)
What will your weigh be at New Years?
What's your strategy for getting there.

How's your progress coming along, user?

>tfw only 5 pounds to go 'til you're at that sweet, sweet 16 bmi
Now if only it was easier to find women who liked twinkish guys

172/62,8/20 as of today
Currently on a ten day binge since I'm visitng my dad in burgerland, when I come back I'll stick to my strict deficit again

Congratulations on your progress!

This last week I got some new motivation after some bad weeks, and now I'm back on track. Today I weighed in at 146.2-lbs, and I want to be 145-lbs steady for a while (5' 10" male).

I may drop more after that as my goals keep lowering each time I reach them, but I think I'm approaching a good weight.

What part of Burgerland?

Proper weight for 6'1-2? Wanna see where i stand

Depends who you ask/preference. I'd probably shoot for 140-145-lbs and see how you feel.

Congrats on hitting your current goal weight
>What part
north jersey

Thank you! Is the food really tasty there or are the portions just huge plus want to relax around pops?

Thanks user. Yeah I had a couple bad weeks as well recently. Good job getting back on track! That can be pretty tough to do.

Honestly kind of depends. Your preferences, frame, and bf% all affect the weight you should aim for, probably more stuff as well. Like, I'm 6'0" aiming for 120, but I have basically 0 muscle and wanna look pretty girly. If you have muscle though and wanna look more masc/ottermode or something, then what said is a good range to shoot for as well. Really just depends. Are you comfortable where you're at?

Thanks. Ive been there in the past, currently at ~155. Gotta get back to running/biking and i should be good.

I grew up in the US so Im enjoying all the sweet sweet loaded calories I loved as a kid and the portions are definitely bigger imo than in Europe

Definitely not UNcomfortable where im at. Feel like going thinner could give some motivation which is never a bad thing.

I work as a line cook at a restaurant where the owner has pretty much given us free reign to snack on the fries/burgers(as long as we follow health codes). Even w/o free food, just being with food cooking 24/7 makes my stomach go in knots and I normally pig out on my lunch hour or after work.

Right now, I'm trying to eat a fat bag of carrots/cucumbers before lunch, plus drink all the water I can. But does anyone else have any tips for me? Anyone else work with food?


Drinking until I'm sick usually works, it's really about discipline

Look at all the fat customers.

hey thinspo,
i posted in the last thread and got some tips
i'm not sure what i want exactly, i just want to lose the body fat i have (i.e my love handles)
what do?
i only drink water and coffee, i don't eat when bored, but i don't exercise anymore
also opinions are welcome

ilu frof

Hey /thinspo/.
I'm looking for some encouragement/advice.
I have made really nice progress on my weight loss over the past couple months, and I've gotten so much better about my binge eating habits. Until recently. I feel so overwhelmed and out of control with my eating right now; I can't fucking stop. I don't try to restrict excessively, I work out, I try to eat really healthily. But then I get into these phases of craving and binging waay out of control, and I r e a l l y need to stop.
Anyone have any good advice for beating binge eating? I keep taking steps forward and then sliding back. How to take control?

Post dick pls

Have you tried giving into cravings a little bit every day? Like, if I tried to live without chocolate, I would go insane, so instead I have ~100 calories worth of chocolate every day, and that prevents me from going crazy.

What's your diet like? What are your stats? Give me a typical days diet.

she posted a new instagram pic!!!!

what should i comment???

That's an interesting idea, thanks. I'll think about how to maybe work that in. Thing is, I go several days to a couple weeks being totally fine, and then boom, I'm an eating monster and I don't give a fuck about my progress. Or maybe it's my progress that I use to justify eating poorly, and then I can't stop.

I'm pushing 140 right now on the tail end of a binge. It's so disgusting.
Typical good normal day of eating:
Breakfast - oatmeal made with water and a sprinkle of this good-ass ancient grain and seed mix
Snack - a piece or two of fruit
Lunch - a big raw salad with varying ingredients, but generally including spinach, avocado, tomato, cucumber, apple cider vinegar, black pepper, parsely
Snack - raw veggies
Dinner - veggie stir fry and canned mackerel
Bite of whole plain yogurt before bed

I absolutely love eating healthy and working out. I love cooking wholesome meals, and I sincerely enjoy healthy food. But when I switch into binge mode, all that goes out the bloody window. It's really frustrating.

I just discovered how amazing popcorn is! 220 calories for a whole bag, /unbelievably/ filling. I also coated it with hot sauce so I would chug more water with it; I feel like I'm gonna burst and I'm still wayyy under calories for the day.

I-I think I might make it guys.

>tfw you're really craving a mini Snickers but you don't have any calories left for the day
;_; it's 260 calories

if you can hold off don't eat it (water, gum etc) but like you said it's ony 260kcal you won't gain wait

I keep those dove mini ice cream bites around for times like these since they're like 50-ish calories so I can still have them without blowing my whole day. I don't have nearly the self-control to eat ice cream that I portion myself, or to keep candy around that's more calorie dense.

>Thing is, I go several days to a couple weeks being totally fine, and then boom, I'm an eating monster and I don't give a fuck about my progress.
Yeah I know how that goes. It's too hard for me to just completely give up all the crappy food that I love, so instead I try to just eat it in moderation. I'm sure if I didn't, I would end up doing the same thing.

You put franks on there? Franks is fucking good on popcorn

Log it for tomorrow or another day so you can look forward to it and enjoy it more

I have a homemade ghost pepper sauce I'm using atm, but I usually use Cholula in copious quanities when I don't have any fresh stuff.

I also loooove chili oil on popcorn with soy sauce or magi if I'm craving chinese food. All the delicious MSG without the calorie bomb.

>just try to eat it in moderation
Okay, thanks for the insight. I'll try working a small amount of indulgent food into my diet this week, and see how it goes.

Sounds like you might just need to eat more. How many calories are you eating? I agree with the other user about maybe giving into your cravings a bit.

I try to wind up around 1200 daily calories, at least for right now. I'm trying to get down to around 120 pounds, and then I'll maintain with closer to 1900. It's a deficit, but is it really too large?

I mean, I guess it is, since I can't maintain it. But I really think I ought to be able to keep this up for a couple weeks without going absolutely nuts. Any other tips on how to break the habit of binging? It's a vicious cycle.

1200 is pretty low. I mean it's great to lose a pound per week, but as you get to a lower weight, it becomes harder and harder to do that without having nutritional issues from eating too little calories. You might want to take a multivitamin to help compensate, as it sounds like you are already very good about making those calories count and be healthful.

My recommendation would be to try eating 1300, and add a multivitamin.

Right now eating 1200 calories per day, from 140, you'll be at 120 around ~2/20/2017. If you eat 1300 calories, it only delays you reaching your goal by 5 weeks. Which might be zero delay if you solve the binging problem by doing so.

> 6'4" / 248 lbs / M / 18
> Sw: 172.2 lbs / Gw: 165 lbs
> I don't know but based off of 2 lbs a week, i'll be 212
>Idk? Maybe don't eat more than 500 cals a day & go for a 3 mile run every other day.

please guys tell me!!!

Yeah, fair enough. Thanks for your help, user. I really appreciate it.

My pleasure. Good luck to you.

If it doesn't work, keep adjusting. Try new things until you figure out what works for you best. Remember that it is a marathon, not a sprint. The goal is to be permaskelle, if you push too hard sometimes it works against you.

You're right. I'm admittedly anxious to get to my GW, and it's pretty hard to be patient. But I need to approach this as a marathon, as you say.

I don't really care about my weight, I just want to lose bodyfat, so the closer I'll be to 11~12% by Christmas, the happier I'll be, since I know that I will gain weight during the holidays

>tfw you have to eat something your friend brought for you in order to not be rude with him

>I know that I will gain weight during the holidays
How are we going to keep this under control?

That sounds really tasty as well.

Sure thing, and good luck!

What if you get skinny, but you're still ugly?
What is the point then?
Also what cup size is Alana?

34A or something someone said last thread. I can't remember. Sounds about right though.

As far as being ugly, you are less ugly thin than fat. So it's an improvement regardless.

Hopefully 160
Eating under 1000 calories, and light walking

I'd say the first thing for me is to keep exercising, because for some reasons I tend to stop it or to be way less consistent with it when I don't have anything to do.
What scares me is that I might have a full month holidays this winter just like last year, and that's precisely what fucked me last year since I could never get the motivation back and carry on with the progress that I had made.

I was worried about this as I was losing weight. I'd dropped close to 40 pounds and I still didn't think I looked all that attractive. Now that I'm so close to my GW though, I'm noticing that I like my face more and more, and that I'm getting way more attention from strangers than before. I think that for a lot of people, weight comes off of their faces early, but for some it waits until the very end to really start showing.

That's not to say that I think I'm suddenly pretty, but you should at least admit that plain face + skinny = average whereas plain face + fat = dumpy.


I don't know I was just trying to remember what someone said in another thread. I've never even touched a boob and I'm an only child that had no mom around. Don't know jack shit about women.

Nice looking boobs though, I like her size whatever they are.

5'8 140 but my body fat % is so high i look like im 180

Hows /thinspo/s social life?

Anytime a group of my friends meet up, they want to drink and get drunk. Only way to save face and not drink with them is to not go at all... feelsbadman

>social life

I just eat very little the day before going drinking. Upside is that you get trashed wayyy faster on an empty stomach so you end up drinking less (=less money and fewer calories). The key is to stay hiddrated so you don't get a horrifying hangover.

that's me but once i lose weight im going to learn how to do makeup and dye my hair in the hopes of at least being a 4

shit friends honestly
I've hung around with my friends when they wanna go out without drinking myself if I haven't been feeling it

This. I also try to drink mostly wine for the low calories and the superior taste.

Wine is good and you get a nice chill buzz from it. Anytime I drink liquor I go from 0-shrekt in like 30 minutes and it's not actually all that fun.

>social life...

for those who do- how long do you fast after a binge? do you calculate the calorie deficit, or fast until you weigh the same as where you left off before the binge?


Dude, i'm 6'3 168 lbs, my arms and legs are kinda thin while my torso stills thick, but i can see my ribs and hip, So do you think i should still dieting or just stay here?

Forgot to add, my collarbones are very prominent too

How do I get a skinnier face?

Get skinnier.

>43kg would be nice

started IF today and i'm already sold. no more grazing. fast 12 hours from 10pm - 10am, have an eating window of 1 hour 10am - 11am, fast for 6 hours til 5pm then have a last eating window of 5 hours. this is the only schedule that fit around work & school since i don't want to be passing out at work lmao.

i enjoy healthy foods more than junk foods so a good diet isn't hard to stick too. fast food/deep fried food makes me feel very ill in particular. black coffee and water are also huge helps! only problem is that i have mental health services on my back that i have to ring up tomorrow. i can't go into hospital as i'm already resitting an entire year so it'll fuck up my future forever if i miss any school, so if this shit gets too vigilante i'll have to maintain for a bit.

New fag here..How do you count your calary?Is there some app i am not aware of?Thanks in advance

there's no way she'd be a 34 and be thinspo. the number is the measurement around your ribcage, just under the boob. i'd hazard a guess at her being a 30B or possibly a 30C

>Stats: 174cm, 66kg, 18 Male
I dunno if I really have a goal anymore. I'll still lose weight but I guess I'll stop when I'm happy with myself.

>not reading the FAQ in the OP

Nah, son.

>tfw in love with a girl
>tfw know my heart will be broken because she doesn't like me that way
>tfw had a chance with her
>tfw she used to all these small qt things for me
>tfw I sort of ignored her and fucked it up and now she is getting ever so colder and more distant

This is naturally making me thinspo as I eat whole lot less than I used to.

I just wish I could focus on other girls. Girls are generally pretty responsive to me and if I act right, I feel like it could work out, but I always get stuck up on a girl I very well know is nearly damn impossible for me to get together with.

Hold me.

I wish I could tell her how much I like her.

S-sorry to bother you folks with my feelings, it's just that I don't have anywhere else to go.

Should I just disappear from her life?

She has handful tits not a runway desu


>Should I just disappear from her life?
lmao , don't be a pussy


Do I just tell her, get rejected and move the fuck on?

>tfw holding on
I hate this feel.

Thanks frof bby x

Get the fuck out.
>18 - 25
Move on since you feel she's getting more distant and unresponsive
>25 -30
This is where shit gets real for people, so unless she's the ONE do not pursue
Go for her full force, at this age meeting people is more difficult.

Or kill yourself. Pic related.

>18 - 25
This category.

You're probably right user. Any advice as how to get thoughts about her go away? I've been trying to busy myself as much as possible, but I still find that she forms the larger part of the background of my thoughts. I find it hard to be attracted to any other girls atm, so I don't think I can get another girl as a distraction.

Does drinking and shit like that help?

The weirdest thing is that when I act somewhat distant she starts doing qt shit again. Once I am back there, she stops. Is she playing games or something?

I'm a completely clueless young lad.

>killing myself
No, no, I don't want that at all. Despite feeling like shit I still have vestiges of self-worth.

Why be so subordinate to her? You're talking about this girl like a level you're expected to beat in a video game. Being in a positive relationship is just as much a task for her as it is for you. If she doesn't like you back then it isn't going to work out. You should only want girls who want you back. If you guys were friends for too long without doing anything the energy is probably gone for both of you. You shouldn't want a girl who's "cold and distant" to you. If the types of girls you want don't want you back, then improve yourself. You're letting yourself get lost in faggot highschool-thinking.

You're right. This actually makes sense. I'll move on. Thank you guys.




>tfw Alana wants to be a model, but she's only 5'3.

wait. the type of popcorn that you buy in a box and put in the microwave? can u gimmi the brand name of the popcorn?

also, ive heard people mention gum chewing. do most packs of gum have the same amount of cals? which gum brand is best gum brand.

Stats: 155cm/65kg/NB/23

If I kept up my current weight loss I'd be at 49kg, which would be pretty amazing! Kinda bummed about potentially "growing out" of all my clothes though.

Publix Light Butter (the unflavored box probably has better macros but idk for sure).

>"cowgirl" stylee

You in Florida, fampai?

Nah, not far tho. I literally live in the same building as a publix and avoiding those goddamn delicious subs is a constant test of will for me.

I am!

Their shirtaki noodles are next to the tofu in the veggie section, FYI. Took me a while to find them and most employees don't know what you're talking about when you ask for them

wew you are doing this on hard-mode.

what part? what are shirtaki noodles like? I just googled it and see the packages...

are apples good snacks

Very. Filling + Nutritious + Low cal