Male fashion has no appeal to me

Hey, Veeky Forums, I'm a man that wants to be effay, but nothing made with men in mind has any appeal to me, I only like feminine/women's fashion. The problem with that is that I don't want to look too gay. Can you guys recommend me some things that are feminine, but still alright for a man to wear?

What about what she's wearing? Do you like that? Can you be more specific what you don't like about men's clothes? Is it that it isn't as tight as women's? Or that it tends to be longer than women's (coats for instance usually go to the top of the hamstring on guys where as girls tend to end at the belt)

>The problem with that is that I don't want to look too gay.
But then everything else will not suit you, user.

I just feel like men's clothing doesn't have as much effort put into making them look good.
As for an example that I can easily think of, I like how a lot of women's sweater's sleeves end, partially covering the hands.
The sweater in the tswift picture, and I really like the sweater in this picture. The problem though, is that since they are meant for women the dimensions won't quite be right. Like, I don't have tits.

The sweater in the tswift picture I like,*
My statement was like, I don't want to look like a tranny, you know?

Nigga you fucking gay and you don't know it. Mens clothing is made to make them look good.

I'm not so gay that I'd fuck a man. But lmao dude, I know it's supposed to make them look good, it just doesn't really have any appeal to me.

bro who gives a fuck for real. Wear what you think is fashionable or appeals to you, I get that it may be hard to do so but whatever who cares if you look like you suck five dicks a day I don't give a fuck and neither should you.

>I only like feminine/women's fashion
>I don't want to look too gay

Holy shit you sound fucking insufferable. Are you one of those non-binary tumblerite highschooler who can't decide on his gender? Suck a dick fag.

Fuck no lmao, there are only two genders, I'm a man, I have a dick.

can you upload more pictures about what you like in women clothing and what you don't like in men clothing. For me I've always thought the slp look is kind of feminine but still not gay

You're going to look homosexual. So long as you're comfortable with that, go for it

Ok so to summarize, you like how their sweater sleeves are a little long, but the dimensions won't be right? Cus that's like one thing dog, I'm gonna need more than that. Like there's so many different looks and styles out there. What about my earlier questions?

I want to believe these posts aren't real but they happen so often. Usually like:

>guys, I want X.
>but it shouldn't look like X.
>help plz?

In general I just like everything about what women wear. As for more about what I dislike about men's clothing, I have a hard time finding stuff that would look good on me, seeing as how I am borderline underweight, it's hard to find things that fit right.

Maybe I could explain it better? It's not so much that I want X, but I don't want it to look like X, I'm more so asking how I can make X look good, or at least half decent, on a man.

well judging by that picture I would say it is impossible to not look like a fag with the style that you want to go for

Of course, I know that. I'm not going to go out wearing dresses and tights. It's just another example of the stuff I like.

I really like her jacket in this picture, more than the rest of what she has. Besides her hair, of course, I envy her hair a lot.

Get an insecure gf and dress her how you'd like

If you do this you're going to look worse than gay you'll look numale

Lmao, honestly though I think the reason I like women's fashion so much more is because I don't have a girlfriend whose beauty I can admire.

I would have guessed that what you like are the patterns and earthtones, but if you say you like her jacket wich is literally just a blue jacket I'd say you should just keep lurking and see what you like

Oh yeah, I do like the patterns and colors too. I think her whole outfit looks great, but as I said before, I don't want to go out wearing dresses and tights.

what do you dress like rn? maybe you could start improving from that instead of trying to get a whole new wardrobe

this thread is really god damn stupid.

what the fuck do you want to wear op? Girl clothes? boy clothes? crossdressing or just dressing like a milennial girly fagboy in the iconic cardigans and skinny jeans

theres more to that jacket than it just being blue. there are subtleties that make it more feminine like the larger buttons and sheen the fabric has. patterns, neutral color tones and softer looking fabrics are what you should be looking for.

The colors I wear are mostly like the picture here, but that's mainly because it's the easiest and it's all I have for the most part. The pants I wear are sort of like skinny jeans, but more of a thin fit than straight up being tight like skinny jeans. Since it's summer, I've worn tshirts that look alright, but they're pretty basic. No patterns, most of them are just one color. Since winter is approaching I'm wanting to get some nice sweaters, some that have patterns like the first tswift picture, some striped turtle neck types like the second picture I posted, and some striped sweaters similar to one I'll post in a moment.

Striped sweaters like the one in this picture.

your best bet is to get a frumpy gf and dress her up.

I can't find pictures of it, but my favorite jacket I have is one that was sold by vans for a while last year. It's grey with like, darker grey speckles on it. it zips up, and has a sort of cloth flap that goes over the zipper that I can button up. The buttons on it are maybe the size of a nickle. It did have a little brown patch that said vans on it, but I managed to get it off along with other bits that were on the strings of the hood, and on the strings at the base of the sweater. at the end of the sleeves it buttons up similar to how it does in this picture.

Dude, just install Fallout 4 and two dozen gigs of waifu mods if you want to play dress up.

Meantime, lurk more and you'll realize there is some decent male fashion out there.

t. user formerly in your situation who was considering going full Veeky Forums trap mode but decided against it due to no cute smile

That would only make me feel really lonely.

>I'm not gay but I want to look like a faggot

lmao kys

thank you for your input.

Listen OP, I think you have just don't apperciate mens wear fully yet.
What brnads do you wear, or rather what's you style?
>Inb4 hm, uniqlo, zara

I think I might be able to help you if you first tell me first what brands you wear.

I also really, really like womens fashion.
I like girls so naturally I also like what they wear.
I think OP is the same but kind of confused, cause from his view, mens fashion is not appealing.
Doesnt feel like he's gay at all.

Raf Stevens, Riccardo O'Brian usually what I wear.

>I'm not going to go out wearing dresses and tights

Why not

embrace your inner homo OP you sound like a wild cocksucker and a flaming nancy girl just aching to have her pussy ravaged

it's normal to like feminine fashion as that's what your most likely attracted to

but it doesn't mean you should wear it

>It's a "the robotfag was a tranny in denial all along" episode

I talked about my style here

I wouldn't wear dresses because I'm not a woman. You see, women have this sort of beauty to them that make dresses and tights actually look good.

And you would love to be one wouldn't you

thugger does too

I want to be a woman purely for the aesthetic, yes.

But, you know, since I'm not a delusional fuck I'll do with what I have.

No need for delusions friend

Just put that skirt and lipstick and tights on and start sucking as many cocks as you can, it ain't hard

Just close your eyes and open your mouth

I wear this one sweater that has the sleeves you're looking for. Just buy clothes too big for you and tell people you just listen to thw Cure or something, thats how I cover it up.

Check out J.W. Anderson, Recent Gucci (Fall 2015-onwards) and look at womenswear shows for elements you can borrow from womenswear, done in a nuanced way so as to suggest femininity.

It can be done, but it's all about balance. Oh and your face / hair plays a huge part in you pulling it off, you kinda have to be androgynous or else you'll probably look like you're crossdressing.

I'm a guy and I wear velvet jackets, pearl earrings, etc. There's actually quite alot of feminine menswear out there right now, you just gotta broaden your horizons.

the fuck, i'm a girl and i love menswear too much. most womens fashion looks too h&m-y-- too loud and obvious, and it's so easy (provided youre not aesthetically retarded) especially with so much variation around. Menswear on the other hand has that subtle appeal to it and is more limited than womens clothing so you have to put much more effort into it without looking like you tried too hard.

Might just be me, though. I'm not saying you're wrong or anything. I'm just baffled.

Just read this, is right, you are only level 1 mens fashion and there's like 100 levels to this shit. You just haven't seen enough to appreciate different spectrums in menswear. Go browse ss17 collections on vogue runway and you'll have a lead.

What is this thread even

I guarantee you, the """men""" that say "women stuff is so much nicer" have no taste, dress like shit and want to go full basic bitch. In the end, men have it much easier to find stuff that is actually aesthetically pleasing compared to womens wear where every piece has a fucked up cut and 10 stupid gimmicks.

How about this, if I were a woman I know exactly what I would want to wear. As a man looking at men's fashion, I don't know what I like.