
ITT: black metal inspo

this fit is really nice imo


Do you actually like black metal or is it something you force yourself through because you want to have a certain image?



What pants?



I love black metal. I used to dress like every other metalfag out there, but I've started to care a bit more after I finished rehab. I'm not forcing myself into anything.

i.e. this


forgot image kill me


second from right is actually good fit



Gotta cop this

I don't think Stu Kirst is black metal at all user. His style is more of a punk/hipster hybrid like Ben Kadow.


well he's wearing a burzum shirt, everything hes got on is generally dark, and plus combat boots it looks pretty black metal but yeah i know what you mean

is the kid falling in the background or about to fall?

Is liturgy effay?

burzum shirts are the new joy division shirt

absolutely not

10/10 schoolshootercore fit

i saw them and one of the members was wearing pic related, cool tee


Just post Varg and Quorthon


bone awl is sick, i have a tape copy of their demo


this is funny as fuck

I play BM and I wear earth tones and milsurp. As do many of the people I know who play/ are into black metal. Why romanticize this image?

because it looks good

what kind of black metal?

1/?(not many and mostly varg t b h)

What kind of milsurp stuff?


W2c dead's shirt?





mgla is the shit. all these other besides fenriz are fucking faggots.




thats all ive got i think




Who dis

black metal and these fucking idiots don't mix. Fucking embarrassing. You stupid faggots.


yeah dude fuck varg vikernes hes not even trve cvlt lmao XXD

all the pictures I posted are of people who are literally in black metal bands.

faggot black metal bands. the only black metal in here is fenriz, varg/mayhem and mgla.

Stuart in his prime

take your own life, family

Depressive and some Folk.

sorry your black metal knowledge doesn't extend past popular 2nd wave Norwegian bands


high quality discourse

dopn't be sad little Veeky Forums boy, with 6 genders. NSBM is the only BM.

Little pussy.

\m/ ebin trv kvlt \m/

i'm very glad you've brought you're true musical brilliance to this thread in order to enlighten me

[spoiler]go away you sad sack, maybe pick up some good taste while you're gone[/spoiler]

>NSBM is the only BM. Little Pussy.
just think about how sad it is that there are actually people like this who exist

>greatly triggered leftist


Burzum isn't NSBM, Darkthrone isn't NSBM, Mayhem wasn't NSBM.

like the people unironically posting black metal style fashion to emulate.

Fucking autist faggots.

burzum is indeed nsmb. you fucking idiot.

honestly don't how much varg wants people to stay in their own countries and fuck only their countrymen, you're just wrong in saying nsbm is the only black metal

as in the best bm.

aside from MGLA

Varg has explicitly stated multiple times that Burzum is not a political music project. Its mostly just about Lord of the Rings.

varg's wife is french and he has kids with her, so I don't think he believes that.

Just because Varg holds national socialist views doesn't mean that Burzum is NSMB, you fucking retard.

huh, don't know where i pulled that from then

can you even NAME any NSBM bands?

can we get back on track?


one of my favorite albums

>Just because Varg holds national socialist views
>doesn't mean that Burzum is NSMB, you fucking retard.

Have you EVER read the lyrics?

You fucking mongoloid poser.

can we just post more inspo please this is really fucking stupid


>calling people posers

Satanic warmaster
dark fury
nokturnal mortem
etc etc etc you fucking faggot

OH! and Shatargat


Satanic Warmaster isn't NSBM.


you're getting so hostile over a fucking music genre who cares if some band or artist isnt a fucking nazi grow up you faggot this shit is pissing me off

Brother..you're wrong

plenty of "SEIG HEIL" in their lyrics. Like the song wolves of blood and they're adamant as fuck about immigrants.

well, He.

and Werwolf has repeatedly stated that he isn't a nazi.


lol, of course he has.

this is an awesome split btw

>the entire latter part of this thread


>combat boots
those are black converse lmao why would stu kirst ever wear fucking boots do you even know who he is