Who was the most Veeky Forums US President?

Who was the most Veeky Forums US President?

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kennedy of course and i don't even like prep

you fuccbois need to brush up on your presidential trivia

Post pics, nigga.

I can dig this shit.

he even went through an ultraorthodox muslim phase

came here to post TR as well

fuckin obama

we should point-out he wasn't ackchully a muzzie he was just a rough dude for awhile

not a fan of his politics, but pic related

We need some JFK inspo.

would kennedy have kept america thin?

Billy was pretty Veeky Forums

Franklin Fucking Pierce

Veeky Forums as fuck


Clinton was ahead of 2016 White girls

Not a very good list, but just posted yesterday, so I thought it was relevant.

I don't think anyone can even dispute that JFK was the most Veeky Forums.

Obama might be the second most Veeky Forums but he's so uneven. Sometimes he totally kills it, but then you'll see him wearing cringe-inducing mom jeans.



Before some retard asks it was originally a Harvey Gantt T-Shirt.

obama is not effay and has never been effay

go back to twitter

This makes him look like my grandpa.


Fuck no.