
Can we get a general femboy inspo thread going? Andro wear, femme male clothing, etc.

fuck andrej holy shit

why's that babe?

because I won't ever look as good as that nigga

was 1940-60s Veeky Forums?

hell yes, back when niggers knew their place in society

/pol/ is 14 boards down

Even better when they would beat up homos and hang them by a tree.

>Nigger lover detected
Enjoying tyrones dick cuckboi?

masc girls =! femboys kiddo



just don't bring any of the shit from /lgbt/

femgen's only bad because transgirls constantly attack it and brutalize it

everything should stay okay over here


Is this thread for trans people to pass? Or is it for crossdressers? Or just dudes that, for some reason, wanna look like wimmenz?

this is fucking disgusting


Which one is it though, user?

And why do some of these guys make my dick twitch...?

I'm not gay.



Post moar femboys

s/he's kind of cute

This is a jack off material request thread. We should report all of these and get them off of the board.

>that pic

Thanks for making me realize I'm a fag

serbs, I hate them more than hillary clinton

Stav's wearing a bra and she's trans so...

pls somebody give me her name

grow up.

Say the faggot that pretends to be a woman